How special was Blands record breaking pick 6 to you?

big dog cowboy

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How special was Blands record breaking pick 6 to you?​

It was very special because I was there and it happened right in front of me and I saw NFL history. As the play developed you could see Bland planning to break on the ball and could see how he was going to intercept it. The only question was, is he going to score. It was so loud you could barely hear yourself think or scream. The eruption from extreme cheering at such a high level was really something to experience. Strangers all around me to high fiving complete strangers. I don't know why but my eyes started leaking a little. How special was it to me? I'll NEVER forget it.


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I don't think those were DB's on the field while the offense was on it during that history making interception. :huh:
I guess that dude is still drunk and high lol they ahve the hail mary team out there, dbs play offense LMASO :lmao:

Has to be the oddest response ever and you know what I heard something right after the game it was a tweet I guess on Twitter or something on Bleacher Report they said that the quarterback and those two receivers "just let" let me be clear "just let" bland walk in on purpose almost like Brett farve laid down for strayhans record..hmm did they watch the game because those guys made an attempt but wide receivers and quarterbacks are easily maneuvered around in most cases where the guy like Deron bland who used to be a wide receiver he wasn't getting tackled by those dudes it was going to either be from behind by someone he didn't see or he was getting in...


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I liked Bland last year, the kid just played the game. I’m very happy for him, I’m glad it happened against Washington on thanksgiving in a blowout. I hate that team. I loved the red kettle celebration. I was hoping all game for this record to be broken. And when Turpin scored and the bland back to back it was awesome. I loved it as a fan clapping tears in my eyes. I hope it happens again against the eagles this year.


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Bland’s play was awesome. I hope he gets a few more. On a side note:

All of a sudden everybody loves to crap on Romo’s calls. I thought he was just giving props to a guy who he respects as a broadcaster.

Romo shot to the top of the list after his first year in the booth and got the huge contract. I think it’s a case of the typical thing that happens in our culture. Build somebody up so you can tear them down.

I like Tony and always have. He has a great football IQ that he took to broadcasting. Maybe not everybody’s cup of tea but I don’t think he deserves all the hate he’s currently getting.


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It made my Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and Sweet Potato Pie Glorious!!!

1. Warm the hefty slice of Sweet Potatoe Pie in Microwave/ or Oven

2. Take Thor Hammer Size serving Spoon and scoop the lactose free Vanilla Bean Manna onto sweating pie.

3. Enjoy watching you kids destroy your Father-in-law's Eagles shrine while Daron Bland tries to act Humble like the THOT your neighbors kids brought over for seconds. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :facepalm: :espn:
You get a like for knowing what a THOT is lol


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I don't often stand up and clap and cheer during a game, but definitely did for him on that play... I clapped for Aubry breaking his record, but this one was really big in my book!

CT Dal Fan

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The fact that it happened at the end of a blowout win over a rival on Thanksgiving just made it extra special for me. Nobody has done this in 104 years of NFL football and he only needed eleven games to pull it off. Just amazing.

As others have stated there was no big buildup to this like the Emmitt record. That day was so weird for me. Everybody was celebrating Emmitt becoming the all time rushing leader and I was sitting there pissed that they lost the game.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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As we all know, there's much more opportunities in a blowout. He's a great corner, it's ok to admit it.
He developed into a great playmaker. Not a shutdown corner, but has great instincts for making a play on the ball.