How to be a team leader (Mahomes) Dallas stars are not leaders


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He did not need them giving up 16 points a game.
You Dak worshippers make up any excuses to defend the bum to the point you bash Aikman and act like Mahomes isn’t in the SB or championship games year in and year out, even with mediocre defenses. It’s even the defenses fault when they hold 49ers to 19 PPG, with Dak gifting them some of them with TOs.


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You Dak worshippers make up any excuses to defend the bum to the point you bash Aikman and act like Mahomes isn’t in the SB or championship games year in abs year out, even with mediocre defenses.
Are you delusional all day every day?

Never said Mahomes was not good. Stated facts their defense gave up an average of 16 points a game.

Aikman was a bus driver. You can like it or not. He had 8 all pro's on offense. He had the all time leader rusher in history of the word.

I can't help that you are uneducated and only think QB's win SB's.

Football is not a singles tennis match. No matter how hard you want it to be one.


The Excellence of Execution
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The reason Mahomes is a leader is simple IMO. He meets the moment. Prime example: the Buffalo playoff game. Opening drive at home the Bills go right down the field go up 3 to 0 and the crowd is in it. What does Mahomes do? March the Chiefs right down the field, tie up the game, and take the crowd out of it. He went back and forth like that for three quarters before KC pulled away. Leadership is performing when it matters and making your teammates believe in you and themselves.
Dak would’ve gone three and out.


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Are you delusional all day every day?

Never said Mahomes was not good. Stated facts their defense gave up an average of 16 points a game.

Aikman was a bus driver. You can like it or not. He had 8 all pro's on offense. He had the all time leader rusher in history of the word.

I can't help that you are uneducated and only think QB's win SB's.

Football is not a singles tennis match. No matter how hard you want it to be one.
Dak had plenty of all pros on offense.... He also had a great back in his best friend... stop kidding yourself.

Its been 8+ years and now all of that is gone..... So nothing accomplished in 8+ years.... Just great.


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Dak had plenty of all pros on offense.... He also had a great back in his best friend... stop kidding yourself.

It's been 8+ years and now all of that is gone..... So nothing accomplished in 8+ years.... Just great.
Keep fooling yourself if you think any team Jethro has assembled would compete with any teams Jimmy had in the 90's.


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Its because you defend yourself by blaming jerry and the defense for everything.
No. That is what you keep choosing to hear.

The team lost, not a player.

We don't have a team.

We have some great individuals.

We can't run or stop the run. We have 1 WR. We had basically no LB's and no DT's, and somehow you thought we were going to make a deep run in the playoffs.

So you feel better by blaming Dak.

It is the GM's job to build a complimentary football team. He has failed.


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No. That is what you keep choosing to hear.

The team lost, not a player.

We don't have a team.

We have some great individuals.

We can't run or stop the run. We have 1 WR. We had basically no LB's and no DT's, and somehow you thought we were going to make a deep run in the playoffs.

So you feel better by blaming Dak.

It is the GM's job to build a complimentary football team. He has failed.
Well you are not getting a new GM so where do we go from here.


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Well you are not getting a new GM so where do we go from here.
He needs to build a team.

Football is a physical game. We keep getting out played physically against good teams.

We are a finesse team that can beat up on the bottom 1/3 and middle of the road teams.

Build from the inside out, starting with in the trenches. Unless you just want to sell tickets and Jerseys. Losing 40-35 is an exciting game.

Winning 17-10 is boring.


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I remember when jerry wouldn't let garrett coach too. he took the pea out of his whistle and would call down during the game to tell him what plays to run. dang the memories are just like the excuse we see now.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That was during Barry Switzer and Jerry Jones as leader. That video is not from the Jimmy Johnson era. The point is Aikman chewed out his team. You (someone) said Aikman didn;t do that. Someone said myhomes didn't do that.

I showed that BOTH of them did it. Super Bowl champ LEADERS.'s very simple. Don't try to spin it.


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3,471 The point is Aikman chewed out his team. You (someone) said Aikman didn;t do that. Someone said myhomes didn't do that.

I showed that BOTH of them did it. Super Bowl champ LEADERS.'s very simple. Don't try to spin it.
So it is not really a comparison.


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what mahomes is doing right now.

Read this and see why he is a good leader, and how KC is better at the whole off season thing.

He is under contract, but I think he would do this even if he wasnt.

Him signing the 10 year contract was team friendly.
Not only can they move money around when they need to, but it is already a bargain at 50 mil a year!
Dak wants 60 ! 10 more than mahomes! He should realize that is just plain stupid. (or some others should)
go be chiefs fan than. simple ,

no team right now are the chiefs so the DC are being held to standard that what 30 other teams are also chasing LOL...

But hey let's keep the wine fest and the non cowboy stories and nothing but negativity oozing out like we're in the movie Ghostbusters anybody remember that movie that's what this place reminds me of now the whole plot of the movie because they were trying to really figure out why New York City was under attack by the underworld you know hell all the ghosts and goblins and creatures were all coming up to New York city...

Well they figured out it was because of all the hate and negativity human beings were so negative and hateful that it was allowing the underworld 2 be able to get into New York City and the only way to stop it is come together kumbaya and be nice to each other and stop being so negative..

Well that's what this place is the negative goo has seeped in and this place has lost it. If this team has not met your standards if you don't like the coaching staff the quarterback or especially the front office and the ownership that you know has been here 33 years probably gonna be passed down to the family and yet 24/7 365 you do nothing but complain about things that cannot be changed the only thing that can be changed it's the fan base you all can leave if you don't like it if it's this hard on you all and you want something else go follow other teams you do not need to spend extra time be a casual fan go play fantasy football go pick players off other teams go wear other people's jerseys top bad or good about the other teams in the league but just stop coming to a place that is not part of being a casual fan doing all this extra work in Twitter social media Facebook and here on the cowboy zone it's not necessary..

therefore you're creating a hostile environment for Cowboys fans...

I get being disappointed but people just off their rocker this year I mean they've already claimed the offseason before it's even half over to be a complete disaster and it's gonna be another historically bad offseason per the fans perspective even though the draft hasn't even come yet the roster hasn't even been built it's getting earlier every year you're doing nothing 75% of the posts are nothing but the same redundant complaints about the front office in the offseason and then the occasional don't pay Prescott thread is ridiculous how negative this place is...

Again it's simple if they bother you to the core this much you are no longer a fan you are a fan of the old Cowboys regime no longer a fan of this one so why stick around and do this go be a chiefs fan go be a 49ers fan I mean hell jump ship and go be an Eagles fan the way you talk about the Eagles you would think they had five Super Bowls but they don't but hey if they know how to run the NFL and the Cowboys don't then why don't you jump ship get off the bandwagon and move on all of you this is for everyone in here that's constant complaints 24/7 you apparently aren't fans anymore..

The Jones family is not going anywhere this front office is not gonna change this is pretty obvious and yet you're gonna complain enough to what they don't even read this they're not gonna fix it I mean if it's that bad you have to just move on..

This place is not your therapy session it's not to just vent 24/7 and make it miserable for other Cowboys fans and I get it I don't have to come here but it's I think it's insane that a area of of fan zone on a team that just finished their third straight 12 win season third straight playoff appearance season they have won the division two out of three years when you come in here it sounds like we only have won five games a year like we're struggling to win a game, that's what it feels like!!! :facepalm: :facepalm::oldcouple::popcorn::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::igglestrophy:


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Great players make those around them better: Mahomes, Jordan, Brady, Magic, Bird, Elway just to name a few.

Dak does not make other players better, nor does he rise to the level of competition.
So that's 31 teams that can be listed under there so you had to point out Prescott but hey that's apparent that that's what you would do because that's what this place does is rip their own team drool over everybody else's quarterbacks and teams and coaches even though we're in a Cowboys area go be a fan of mahomes because he's a generational talent that 31 other teams do not have right now so you think you could just dial up one of those you might want to stick your head back in your mayonnaise jar... The constant complaining is if something's gonna change by the fan base using this place for therapy and just venting on a daily basis it's getting quite old it's a hostile environment for a Cowboys fan that comes in here for camaraderie about the Dallas Cowboys the New Year's coming up if you can't let it go move on.. Another Patrick mahomes it's probably not in the league right now if he is we won't know for a while but this happens with teams that go into dynasties but the Kansas City Chiefs also took 52 years before they won another Super Bowl the Cowboys are only in year 28 it can happen again but stop bagging on your own quarterback when he was a top three quarterback last year anybody having expectations that he needs to be Patrick mahomes has a screw loose somewhere you're living in a dream world... You can't have Patrick mahomes unless you just become a chiefs fan so you can do that delete your account move on become a chiefs fan it's really that easy it is pretty apparent too with some of the sad fan base what we're hoping that Kansas City moves here to Dallas that just is it a real fan who would jump ship and pray that another team moves into our area..
But let me give you a newsflash this won't last forever even if the chiefs do move to Dallas which they won't or they move somewhere else by the time the stadiums built by the time they get everything in place Patrick mahomes an Reid are probably gone and they will not be this team anymore... All of a sudden the GM won't look like a genius anymore because they won't have Patrick mahomes paired with one of the better coaches in the league that doesn't happen very often where you get both at the same time that is what creates dynasty when you can get some of the generational players at the same time on the same page with a great coaching staff....