How was that not interference on Turpin (running into punt receiver)?

They are in bookies pockets , keeping the game close for bets
Has no one really noticed that over the last several years, games have gotten closer? The big blowouts that happened often way back then very seldom happen anymore. Refs call the game to make it close, keep people watching.

I swear, if we'd have been 7 down instead of 7 up, they'd have called the penalty correctly.
Aikman and Buck nonchalantly dismissed that the Charger player bulldozed Tolbert directly into Turpin who called fair catch, while also making contact with Turpin as well? I couldn't have been the only one puzzled by this? If this is legal why not just attempt to drive receiving blockers into the punt receiver on every punt? This changed the entire momentum of the game and almost cost us.
Tolbert was shoved onto Turpin!!!! How is tha not interference, mateys?
Watching the play again it's actually the Chargers player that knocks down Turpin even before the ball lands so it makes the call even worse. Incredible that was just glossed over by ESPN.
The fact that it was glossed over told me everything I needed to know about the legitimacy of these officials. There was motive behind this one that can’t be shrugged off as a simple missed call. They looked at it long enough to get it right. They just didn’t.
Correct, so why the language? What exactly do they consider a passive player?
A player who's not blocking.


ARTICLE 4. BLOCKED INTO KICK. There is no distinction between a player touching a ball or being touched by it, but a player
is not considered to have touched the ball if he is blocked into it by an opponent,
provided he is in a passive position and not
. A player who is engaged with and blocking his opponent when he contacts the ball is deemed to have touched the ball.
A player who's not blocking.


ARTICLE 4. BLOCKED INTO KICK. There is no distinction between a player touching a ball or being touched by it, but a player
is not considered to have touched the ball if he is blocked into it by an opponent,
provided he is in a passive position and not
. A player who is engaged with and blocking his opponent when he contacts the ball is deemed to have touched the ball.
I wonder if that includes players who are passively getting a hand shoved directly into their face.
Looks like a foul by the rules to me. Pertinent text in red.

ARTICLE 1. INTERFERENCE. During a scrimmage kick that crosses the line of scrimmage, or during a free kick, members of
the kicking team are prohibited from interfering with any receiver making an attempt to catch the airborne kick, or from obstructing
or hindering his path to the airborne kick, regardless of whether any signal was given.
Item 1. Contact with Receiver. It is interference if a player of the kicking team contacts the receiver, or causes a passive player
of either team to contact the receiver, before or simultaneous to the receiver touching the ball. It is not a foul if a kicking team
player is blocked into the receiver or the contact is the result of a foul.
Item 2. Right of Way. A receiver who is moving toward a kicked ball that is in flight has the right of way. If opponents obstruct his
path to the ball, or cause a passive player of either team to obstruct his path, it is interference, even if there is no contact, or if he
catches the ball in spite of the interference, and regardless of whether any signal was given.
You texted your mom for that info didn't you
Who is “passive” on a football field? All 22 players should be doing something
Tome a passive player is anyone not receiving the football. Tolbert was clearly shoved into Turpin. The gunner even shoves him by his face mask, also a penalty. If that play is allowed you will see it every punt.
Aikman and Buck nonchalantly dismissed that the Charger player bulldozed Tolbert directly into Turpin who called fair catch, while also making contact with Turpin as well? I couldn't have been the only one puzzled by this? If this is legal why not just attempt to drive receiving blockers into the punt receiver on every punt? This changed the entire momentum of the game and almost cost us.
There was no interference because the defender never ran into Turpin. One of the Cowboys players was blocked into Turpin.
One last thing.

The chargers player does in fact touch Turpin. The rule says it’s interference if a member of the kicking team contacts a returner.

There is nowhere in the rule that says a member of the kicking team can contact a returner IF the returner is touched by a teammate first.

Therefore, it should be interference based on that fact alone. He touched him. Interference.
Found this on a Charger Forum

"Ja’Sir Taylor is in his second year in the league, and for the second straight year he has made the same momentum-altering play for the Chargers.

When a punt returner calls a fair catch, they are supposed to be given a “free” opportunity to catch the punt without disruption from a defender. However, a clever wrinkle for special teams gunners to remember is there’s no rule against your own teammate disrupting your fair catch."

If this is a "loophole" then why aren't more teams doing this? Need to get Bones on this ASAP!

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