How would you celebrate Garrett's exit?

I’ll be royally pissed ‘cause that means I will have sat at the game surrounded by mouthy Philthy fans and had to listen to them while the ‘boys got pimp-slapped for 3+ hours. Not to mention listening to them vermin walking to and from the parking lot. Nothing is worth having to go through that.

take one for the team
The saddest thing about Garrett getting the axe will be that an entire decade was wasted on this guy and his never ending excuse "the process" which was rolled out game after game, year after year.

I will say this, he is a genius at manipulating the Jones family into buying into that crock. Meanwhile around the league teams have risen to greatness, fallen down, rebuilt and risen back up again in the time he has been here peddling his BS.
Speaking of which, is it possible to hire English football manager Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)? Sure, it's a different sport, but even he'd be easily better than Garrett. He'd probably leave the playcalling to a proper OC and the defence to a proper DC, and he'd handle the job of coaching the players to do their jobs. It'd be seriously outside the box, but hey, I think he could be worth a go.
The same way i celebrated the last superbowl we won

jumping on the bed and doing the cabbage patch
you can stay at a holiday express.
you can take @daboyzruleperiod on a date.
you can smack @Melonfeud around
you can say garrett sucks with @Ranching
you can cheer for the yankees like @RGV_C_Los

so what else would u do???
There's nothing to celebrate.
Even if Jerry fired him today, he has still cost us 12 years of humiliation, destroyed the integrity of the franchise, wasted the careers of would-be Hall of Fame players, and cost us what most assuredly have been at least three more Super Bowl wins.
Garrett leaving will simply be the end of a disaster that may well have destroyed the Cowboys we knew and loved forever.
No celebration; just starting over.
There's nothing to celebrate.
Even if Jerry fired him today, he has still cost us 12 years of humiliation, destroyed the integrity of the franchise, wasted the careers of would-be Hall of Fame players, and cost us what most assuredly have been at least three more Super Bowl wins.
Garrett leaving will simply be the end of a disaster that may well have destroyed the Cowboys we knew and loved forever.
No celebration; just starting over.
And with the same owner at the helm I don't see a lot of changes now with that being said when Bill Parcells was hired it seems he had complete control and we went in the right direction and Jerry could not stand it he still had to stick his finger in it
No, that's who many fans want.

That's the problem with Jerry firing any coach.

Everyone gets so wrapped up in their firing and believing rumors that they always assume the coach they want will be hired.

That's why I would probably laugh when his replacement ends up being someone most fans did not want.

I'm willing to take that chance, what's the worst thing that can happen? We're mediocre and don't get to the NFCCG?
I want JG gone however he's a good guy in the wrong position, so honestly I have no ill will and certainly would not celebrate his leaving. I have a feeling he'll be happier than most whenever he gets his walking papers and his nads back from the old man.
NOW, if I can outlive the old man, I'll celebrate plenty!!

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