and people that don't live on weed will rather spend the $479 so its legal.
I remember reading somewhere if Weed was legalized it would balance the budget in 6 states and lower the deficit massively in every one. Jobs increased in sales, farming, marketing, everything. It'd be a huge boom for the economy, and the effect it'll have on other countries psotively due to less drug wars aswell, with less weed fueling other drugs it'll rise prices on other drugs.. Keep them out of hands of kids and addicts that can't afford it.
and that article did not account for saved money on law enforcement, it's probably more like 9, 10 states budgets BALANCED just by legalized weed. I've never once smoked the reefa, but I fully support it's legalization. Republican, Democrat, Communist or Facist you should support a balanced budget and job creation.