Twitter: Hurns on the Cowboys passing game


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And I'm sure he loves the idea of playing anywhere else right now.

Who wouldn't? He's quickly found out that this team, this offense, and this quarterback are career killers. And he wants out as soon as possible in what he hopes Is one last-ditch effort to salvage his career. He knows he's made a terrible, terrible mistake.


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Hurns? Of course he knows . I applaud him for playing Dumb though.

Hurns on if Dak should have audible: "I'm not sure, I don't think Dak had a chance or i'm not sure if he had the authority to check out of that. Like I said, as far as the other thing, that was their one snap in two man and everyone knows vs. two man you can't run deep sixes."

Allen Hurns stood behind his comments to @JosinaAnderson about Linehan's play call on the 2 INT. Not questioning the play calling, just that one; "I didn't question it, everyone knows that's not a good play call vs. two man, unfortunately for us that was the only snap in two man


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I'm not suggesting either Williams or Butler are any great receivers. But it is undeniable that their numbers - like every single other receiver playing in this offense with this quarterback have gotten worse.

That's an undeniable fact and the point I was trying to make. Anyone who sits back and continues to try to place all the blame on them is ignorant of the truth.
You did imply that that they sucked now because of Dak, when they kinda sucked all along. Butler actually looked better with Dak than with any other QB he's played with, but that's not saying much. Butler's health and ego is the reason he was let go, but he still wasn't all that good. Dak is not a good QB, but let's not pretend we have WRs that don't suck either. Bills and Bears had among the worst WR corps in the NFL last season and Thompson was cut from both, yet he was our first WR signed in FA. I haven't and am not trying to place all the blame on the WRs, but there's plenty of blame to go around from the QB, WRs, TEs, OC. I'm not giving Dak a pass, but I'm not giving any other position a pass either.


Regular Joe....
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I never said "fans got Wade fired". His players did that when they stopped listening to him and quit on him.

Phillips was on his way out the minute he was hired because Jerry always wanted Garrett but Garrett didn't have any of the coaching experience needed. I mean, you look at that situation, realize that Garrett has been here for 10 years and that should really show us all that nobody is going to pressure Jerry into anything. That's just not going to happen.

For a guy who "won't fire his coach", I believe he's fired 7 of them already.[/QUOTE]

Players didn't get Phillips fired. I mean, that's a nice cover story but lets be honest, Dez complained and where is he at? Phillips got fired because Garrett was Jerry's choice. Seriously, what do players have to complain about when your HC has three straight winning seasons and you have gone to the playoffs two of the three years Phillips coached them? Phillips was criticized and it was convenient to put that on the players but players are not making the choices in Dallas. Heck, the only players who have ever really had any input in personnel, in Dallas, are QBs but it's always been Jerry's call. The players read the writing on the wall and realized that there jobs were going to be decided by Garrett the next year. I don't think that had much to do with players "quitting" on Phillips. I think it had everything to do with making a business decision and seeing which way the wind was blowing.

And for the record, I have highlighted the statement I didn't ask you how many coaches Jerry has fired. I asked you how many he has fired at mid season? Good Lord, Campo went three seasons straight at 5-11 and he never got fired mid season. Come on.


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Allen Hurns was a heck of a player before he came to Dallas.

Now he's just not good.

In Jacksonville you could line him up all over the field. He was a great slot player.
I was excited when we got him....but nothing has worked out like I was hoping.


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For a guy who "won't fire his coach", I believe he's fired 7 of them already.

Players didn't get Phillips fired. I mean, that's a nice cover story but lets be honest, Dez complained and where is he at? Phillips got fired because Garrett was Jerry's choice. Seriously, what do players have to complain about when your HC has three straight winning seasons and you have gone to the playoffs two of the three years Phillips coached them? Phillips was criticized and it was convenient to put that on the players but players are not making the choices in Dallas. Heck, the only players who have ever really had any input in personnel, in Dallas, are QBs but it's always been Jerry's call. The players read the writing on the wall and realized that there jobs were going to be decided by Garrett the next year. I don't think that had much to do with players "quitting" on Phillips. I think it had everything to do with making a business decision and seeing which way the wind was blowing.

And for the record, I have highlighted the statement I didn't ask you how many coaches Jerry has fired. I asked you how many he has fired at mid season? Good Lord, Campo went three seasons straight at 5-11 and he never got fired mid season. Come on.[/QUOTE]

When did I ever claim Garrett was "getting fired midseason"? Can you please stop going for Straw man arguments that nobody is making? This is two now. Argue about what I am saying, don't make up things I'm not.


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When things like this are leaking out of the locker room it's a sign that players are only interested in CYA. A close-knit locker room doesn't do this. Garrett needs to shut that down quick.


Regular Joe....
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Players didn't get Phillips fired. I mean, that's a nice cover story but lets be honest, Dez complained and where is he at? Phillips got fired because Garrett was Jerry's choice. Seriously, what do players have to complain about when your HC has three straight winning seasons and you have gone to the playoffs two of the three years Phillips coached them? Phillips was criticized and it was convenient to put that on the players but players are not making the choices in Dallas. Heck, the only players who have ever really had any input in personnel, in Dallas, are QBs but it's always been Jerry's call. The players read the writing on the wall and realized that there jobs were going to be decided by Garrett the next year. I don't think that had much to do with players "quitting" on Phillips. I think it had everything to do with making a business decision and seeing which way the wind was blowing.

And for the record, I have highlighted the statement I didn't ask you how many coaches Jerry has fired. I asked you how many he has fired at mid season? Good Lord, Campo went three seasons straight at 5-11 and he never got fired mid season. Come on.

When did I ever claim Garrett was "getting fired midseason"? Can you please stop going for Straw man arguments that nobody is making? This is two now. Argue about what I am saying, don't make up things I'm not.

I never said you ever did say that. What I'm saying is your comments about firing 7 coaches has nothing to do with anything. I never said that Jerry didn't fire coaches. I said that Jerry fired Phillips midseason and you somehow turned that into Jerry firing 7 guys. Follow the thread, don't cry about somebody building a strawman on you. You have only yourself to blame for that.


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Money was still being paid regardless. And Hopkins was average when Savage was throwing him the ball.

And it looks like everybody is mediocre or average with Dak. Of course Dak spins his comments about a “number 1” in politically correct talk.

They did save money by cutting Dez, 8 Million this year and 12 the following year. It wasn't being paid regardless.

And its a reach to claim that quote is Dak throwing Dez under the bus, he said it AFTER Dez was cut and didn't have a true number one when he was asked the question. You can't throw Dez under the bus if Stephen Jones ran the bus over him weeks before.


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“I think I have to throw him a better ball,” Prescott said, via David Moore of the Dallas Morning News. “Just put it right there on his face mask and don’t give him a chance to drop it, I guess.”

Dak was responding to a question on a specific play where the ball actually did go through Dez's hands for an INT. That comment is actually trying to deflect blame from Dez, not add to it.


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They did save money by cutting Dez, 8 Million this year and 12 the following year. It wasn't being paid regardless.

And its a reach to claim that quote is Dak throwing Dez under the bus, he said it AFTER Dez was cut and didn't have a true number one when he was asked the question. You can't throw Dez under the bus if Stephen Jones ran the bus over him weeks before.

1. You missed the other article I quoted from 2017. Dak was already blaming Dez for his inaccurate throws. Then he called him out again. Instead of saying that Dez was huge for us and we will adjust, he ranted about how we don’t need a number 1. And all of this was happening to make this offense “Dak friendly”.

2. Dez still got paid 8 million this year. Not sure that’s saving money, because they had to pay for another WRs anyways.


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So the idea is to trust 6 ft jags with winning in those situations instead of a 6-2 220 guy known for physicality? Awesome job by our front office.

Is the 6-2, 220 guy we're referring to here Dez Bryant? If so, then yeah, no kidding.


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1. You missed the other article I quoted from 2017. Dak was already blaming Dez for his inaccurate throws. Then he called him out again. Instead of saying that Dez was huge for us and we will adjust, he ranted about how we don’t need a number 1. And all of this was happening to make this offense “Dak friendly”.

2. Dez still got paid 8 million this year. Not sure that’s saving money, because they had to pay for another WRs anyways.

I commented on the 2017 quote, he threw a pass that went through Dez's hands for a pick and then said "I have to throw a better ball", its a reach to say that is rant against Dez.

And Dez wasn't paid 8 Million this year, that is the cap charge for bonuses that accelerated when he was cut. There were zero dollars going from the Cowboys to Dez this year and they saved 20 Million in cap space.


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Ah yes the implosion plan is working perfectly. Coaches cant call any good plays, only curl routes and comebacks. Receivers blaming dak, fans blaming everyone, coaches blaming wr's. Stephens plan to tank with cheap players and a bad qb is in place....but it getting headlines.


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Is the 6-2, 220 guy we're referring to here Dez Bryant? If so, then yeah, no kidding.

Just to let you know, McVay wanted to punt on 4th down. He got talked into by his players and a timeout by Carroll.


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...well, I guess things dont stay in the locker room anymore,, ;)