I actually have a beef with Parsons

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CCBoy is just trying show cleverness. It's not ironic it's pretentious.
That's alright, you don't know what ironic humor is...now cry yes you do.

Or even more ignorant, implying double meaning has no journalistic place. Excuse me, writing value so that you can ring tap AND understand meaning with some kind of why.

Run along back to playing in the street in your spare or just stay on a computer game.
OH, I see now, when one grows up he wants to be a new pair of blue jeans...or did that already change?
If you had been born in the 1560's, we would have never heard of Shakespeare.
You never get facts straight and make up your own to replace what is posted. You have NO disagreement or facts on what I DID post...

as appropriate as your good 'ol buddy supported misinformation:

No clue.

Not true.

No real application.

Now to reply in your own chosen manner and as similarly on target as what YOU present and reinforce:

Know why a crocodile is such a vicious animal? With all his teeth in his mouth...he doesn't even have a toothbrush.

Actually it's the madula oblongata that he possesses, but I add real truth as well.

I'm really proud that one is able to complain as well insult for a whole 20 pages.

I'm really surprised that you are able to even count that high.

As you were...and carry on, son.
Disagree wholeheartedly

we will not agree get that through your head

seriously we will not agree you're still here crying about your beef with Parsons

you think he makes it take the next step or he's just a Jag or something dude get over it that's not true at all so again we will not agree the guy is great already he's already elite at his position and eventually if he keeps playing like this longevity he's gonna be one of the best all time given time and they say that he has to get much better and take a step in order to get there I say no I say just keep playing like he's been playing and that makes a very successful career. There was a lot of fans talk about DeMarcus Ware a lot to wear in the biggest moments of the biggest games he didn't do much in his career they called him a stat padder etc and yet somehow he's going into the Hall of Fame he did turn out to be great and I could promise you this Micah Parsons is already on his way to being a DeMarcus ware.. Without doing a single thing differently which he may get better but he could just go along steady as he's been the first two years in the league and he'll end up wearing to Marcus where it ended up and it may be getting a suit bowl on another team laughing my *** off

I will not even agree to disagree we are so far apart there's not even a word invented yet:lmao::laugh::laugh::popcorn::oldcouple:
You never get facts straight and make up your own to replace what is posted. You have NO disagreement or facts on what I DID post...

as appropriate as your good 'ol buddy supported misinformation:

No clue.

Not true.

No real application.

Now to reply in your own chosen manner and as similarly on target as what YOU present and reinforce:

Know why a crocodile is such a vicious animal? With all his teeth in his mouth...he doesn't even have a toothbrush.

Actually it's the madula oblongata that he possesses, but I add real truth as well.

I'm really proud that one is able to complain as well insult for a whole 20 pages.

I'm really surprised that you are able to even count that high.

As you were...and carry on, son.

If you don't like the thread, stay off it. You are not my critic or have a thing to do with what I choose to discuss. That is my business and I do tie into industry devoted concepts as well as sports writer analysis.

No, not all is stupid nor an insult to yourself. Grow up...
That's alright, you don't know what ironic humor is...now cry yes you do.

Or even more ignorant, implying double meaning has no journalistic place. Excuse me, writing value so that you can ring tap AND understand meaning with some kind of why.

Run along back to playing in the street in your spare or just stay on a computer game.
Lol....thank you for proving my point better than i ever could.
Lol....thank you for proving my point better than i ever could.
That level of tit for tat is no more than your denying your role and no discussion:

My FO was about this team's defensive squad needs the continued growth of Parsons for it to grow as well. I still hold him to the forge of hardening the next step in team leadership. This is his third season and those very expectations should be showing this very season. I'm still holding him to that level and don't back down an inch.

You substitute what is hero worship insult by what you try to do and monitor glory for yourself. That isn't a discussion.

I even just told YOU what I was doing. You CAN'T redo what I said. That I told YOU. Then to build upon considerations on the defensive side ... other views and players were added as well.

All you and your 'good 'ol boys' were sharing was Jerry this, Dak that...and that I was a complete Jerk. No Sir!

That label belongs to you and you have insultingly have gone out of your way to remove motivations out of this thread.

That is but your own direction. Start up an evict CCBoy now...don't merely play act what you state are your direction. I'm not listening to the likes of yourself.

You own nothing more than an opinion, which I am in no way bound to even respect. I don't...you aren't a true fan as well. You can't although substitute my words with YOUR agenda.

Don't really understand about the English language and how it can constructively be used. Try learning.

Just stay away trying to brow beat myself. Won't happen.

Talk football a lot more, with comparisons involved...about the Cowboys. Then discuss...I have through this thread. That doesn't require agreement by you.

Parson still needs to grow as does the defense...now disprove the statement.
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If you had been born in the 1560's, we would have never heard of Shakespeare.
English - second person is used to insult and not really on a topic involved.

Now, if a frog had wings he wouldn't always bump his arse!!

Disagree wholeheartedly

we will not agree get that through your head

seriously we will not agree you're still here crying about your beef with Parsons

you think he makes it take the next step or he's just a Jag or something dude get over it that's not true at all so again we will not agree the guy is great already he's already elite at his position and eventually if he keeps playing like this longevity he's gonna be one of the best all time given time and they say that he has to get much better and take a step in order to get there I say no I say just keep playing like he's been playing and that makes a very successful career. There was a lot of fans talk about DeMarcus Ware a lot to wear in the biggest moments of the biggest games he didn't do much in his career they called him a stat padder etc and yet somehow he's going into the Hall of Fame he did turn out to be great and I could promise you this Micah Parsons is already on his way to being a DeMarcus ware.. Without doing a single thing differently which he may get better but he could just go along steady as he's been the first two years in the league and he'll end up wearing to Marcus where it ended up and it may be getting a suit bowl on another team laughing my *** off

I will not even agree to disagree we are so far apart there's not even a word invented yet:lmao::laugh::laugh::popcorn::oldcouple:
Some facts not in view here:

1. Parsons is not even in his third year of play.
2. He doesn't really even compare to the truly greats, not yet, but does good talent.
3. This is reflected by the directions his team still needs to accomplish. Disagree here? One can't and most of the sporting community are hoping that he does. That is good for the sport as well as Cowboys.
4. Parsons himself says he is trying to improve, himself...what does that imply? He needs more developing and that involves growth in leadership.
5. He does have a lot of talent and is dedicated.
6. I am going to be judging him this entire season, but his journey to greatness still needs to be traveled up.
7. I'm no where close to hero worship in the off season and am trying to talk identification and tracking that growth into and through this season.
8.There is a lot on the table on just how well he and the defensive side respond to this season.
9. Fans should gain enough actual knowledge beyond a bar beer to compare with.
10. If Parsons takes the bull by the horns, this team will be pretty darned dominant.
11. No future projections implying other player projections take the current responsibility off of Parson's own shoulder. It is there now and at least this fan is paying attention.
12. That requires no insult further
A lesson on irony:

Take seats? Know where that comes from?

Know how to explain how this keeps going straight?

A black-and-white photo of what appears to be a cool, gray day. Four people, indistinct, sit in the middle of a long, thin boat, the gondola, moving to the right. High on the stern (left) stands a man with both hands on a long oar, which disappears into the water to his rear and slightly to his right. In the distant background, across the calm water, the buildings of Venice can be made out, standing in the mist.

A lot of things you don't know, to include walking past insult...you have to earn respect as well.

The above included ironies...
English - second person is used to insult and not really on a topic involved.

Now, if a frog had wings he wouldn't always bump his arse!!

You don't know him now!
English - second person is used to insult and not really on a topic involved.

Now, if a frog had wings he wouldn't always bump his arse!!

I wonder.

If frogs had wings, would be eating frogs wings on gameday, rather than chicken wings?
I wonder.

If frogs had wings, would be eating frogs wings on gameday, rather than chicken wings?
Man, I enjoy gigging and frying up the legs...just don't allow them to jump around the kitchen and spread the blood every where.

Fried up and with brisket would awaken this fan...
Some facts not in view here:

1. Parsons is not even in his third year of play.
2. He doesn't really even compare to the truly greats, not yet, but does good talent.
3. This is reflected by the directions his team still needs to accomplish. Disagree here? One can't and most of the sporting community are hoping that he does. That is good for the sport as well as Cowboys.
4. Parsons himself says he is trying to improve, himself...what does that imply? He needs more developing and that involves growth in leadership.
5. He does have a lot of talent and is dedicated.
6. I am going to be judging him this entire season, but his journey to greatness still needs to be traveled up.
7. I'm no where close to hero worship in the off season and am trying to talk identification and tracking that growth into and through this season.
8.There is a lot on the table on just how well he and the defensive side respond to this season.
9. Fans should gain enough actual knowledge beyond a bar beer to compare with.
10. If Parsons takes the bull by the horns, this team will be pretty darned dominant.
11. No future projections implying other player projections take the current responsibility off of Parson's own shoulder. It is there now and at least this fan is paying attention.
12. That requires no insult further
see you can't even let it go I said I'm not even gonna agree to disagree we're in two different worlds I'm not reading past that lin 2 you know why, he has started his career right on par with some of the greats , go compare his first two seasons as an off the ball linebacker being used as a pass rusher and moved all over a guy like that not a full time defensive end and you'll find out his first two years are some of the best starts from that position over a two year period. You're wasting my time with worrying about is he gonna turn into a Lawrence Taylor type or whomever you're putting on him I'm telling you right now he's every bit as good as DeMarcus Ware. That's all I need to know the man is on pace and also he works hard he has a motor and drive unlike no other player I've ever seen in this new era he wants to be the best that's what makes him already one of the best we know he's not gonna drop off when he gets paid we know this man wants to be known as one of the best off the ball outside linebackers to ever play the game he may not be there yet but neither were those other guys you're trying to tell me that those other guys their first two years in the league had a far better start than Parsons I mean you're worried about where the man's going let's just stay in the present. I like debating other topics with you and I don't wanna put you on my ignore list but this is getting old get over it Parsons is one of the top defensive players in the NFL right now he's had one of the best starts to hit a career that you can ask for and all you do is try to nitpick it I don't find him a hero he's just a great player there happens to be a Dallas cowboy right now and that is great.

I've already touched on this I'm not gonna go back and worry about what you think the rest of the media his peers and all around the NFL says he is great, right now... What are the best starts by a guy in his position and known as one of the top defenders in the league right now and you just wanna find a way to up your post count because that's the only thing I could see you just wanna keep nitpicking this to death and I'm not gonna do it anymore so I'm putting you on temporary probation..
see you can't even let it go I said I'm not even gonna agree to disagree we're in two different worlds I'm not reading past that lin 2 you know why, he has started his career right on par with some of the greats , go compare his first two seasons as an off the ball linebacker being used as a pass rusher and moved all over a guy like that not a full time defensive end and you'll find out his first two years are some of the best starts from that position over a two year period. You're wasting my time with worrying about is he gonna turn into a Lawrence Taylor type or whomever you're putting on him I'm telling you right now he's every bit as good as DeMarcus Ware. That's all I need to know the man is on pace and also he works hard he has a motor and drive unlike no other player I've ever seen in this new era he wants to be the best that's what makes him already one of the best we know he's not gonna drop off when he gets paid we know this man wants to be known as one of the best off the ball outside linebackers to ever play the game he may not be there yet but neither were those other guys you're trying to tell me that those other guys their first two years in the league had a far better start than Parsons I mean you're worried about where the man's going let's just stay in the present. I like debating other topics with you and I don't wanna put you on my ignore list but this is getting old get over it Parsons is one of the top defensive players in the NFL right now he's had one of the best starts to hit a career that you can ask for and all you do is try to nitpick it I don't find him a hero he's just a great player there happens to be a Dallas cowboy right now and that is great.

I've already touched on this I'm not gonna go back and worry about what you think the rest of the media his peers and all around the NFL says he is great, right now... What are the best starts by a guy in his position and known as one of the top defenders in the league right now and you just wanna find a way to up your post count because that's the only thing I could see you just wanna keep nitpicking this to death and I'm not gonna do it anymore so I'm putting you on temporary probation..

No Sir, I have no record and you offer no quotes again, but your own attitudes...good night and to what has been less than respectable talk.

You keep on singing a tune of your own...and discuss not much more than a negative as well as outdated information.

No one said he didn't have talent...he said that he needs to grow. I explained points about what that involved.

Using a woulda, coulda, shoulda approach isn't the basis for any discussed topic involving becoming great.

Right now, this team needs great.

Take attitude to someone who gets tickled with your participation and insult. Truly touch upon outside referenced material and not just laughter two doors down.

Step up or just move on...Son.
No Sir, I have no record and you offer no quotes again, but your own attitudes...good night and to what has been less than respectable talk.

You keep on singing a tune of your own...and discuss not much more than a negative as well as outdated information.

No one said he didn't have talent...he said that he needs to grow. I explained points about what that involved.

Using a woulda, coulda, shoulda approach isn't the basis for any discussed topic involving becoming great.

Right now, this team needs great.

Take attitude to someone who gets tickled with your participation and insult. Truly touch upon outside referenced material and not just laughter two doors down.

Step up or just move on...Son.

You ignored an 11 point list that is all true. To say that isn't instead a discussion... is not even close to discussion.

You communicate a personal and negative view, not a discussion...thus making your addition a way of harassment.

Nothing added is countered with even a credable referenced quote.

You need respect as a participant as well.

You give very little, so go your own way or talk on topic without misquoting or changing the posted topic. You bring that in as your standard, but don't start to enter a realistic discussion.

One question and if your can't answer it honestly, don't bother to come back to talk, I won't bother with talking to you again.

Is Parson the player that even he is aspiring to be this upcoming season, yet?

That is irrefutable as that has been quoted by many sources. Fact. No he's not.

No excuses because the visibility of an excuse on NFL production is zero meters.

Growth is good, but that is where the defense is going NOW ... was discussed rather than attitude.
No Sir, I have no record and you offer no quotes again, but your own attitudes...good night and to what has been less than respectable talk.

You keep on singing a tune of your own...and discuss not much more than a negative as well as outdated information.

No one said he didn't have talent...he said that he needs to grow. I explained points about what that involved.

Using a woulda, coulda, shoulda approach isn't the basis for any discussed topic involving becoming great.

Right now, this team needs great.

Take attitude to someone who gets tickled with your participation and insult. Truly touch upon outside referenced material and not just laughter two doors down.

Step up or just move on...Son.

You're still no game changer. :popcorn:
And you're sitting here on equal ground as a forum posting self anointed expert that you are not we are all on equal ground if you don't understand that then I'll say you have an egomaniacal personality and now you might wanna step back and remember that everything set in here is opinion and hyperbole and nothing is changing the Internet because you made some posts you feel are better than mine.. Let that sink in a little bit because you definitely aren't the Steve Jobs of the cowboy zone. :popcorn: :laugh::cool:But let me guess you think you are.. Hence the issue here..
And you're sitting here on equal ground as a forum posting self anointed expert that you are not we are all on equal ground if you don't understand that then I'll say you have an egomaniacal personality and now you might wanna step back and remember that everything set in here is opinion and hyperbole and nothing is changing the Internet because you made some posts you feel are better than mine.. Let that sink in a little bit because you definitely aren't the Steve Jobs of the cowboy zone. :popcorn: :laugh::cool:But let me guess you think you are.. Hence the issue here..
Naw, I talked the truth, not lies. I served 23 years and don't really owe you a damned thing.

Go back to filling your life with insult...but not an ounce here. You probably don't even how to throw a forearm or meet a six inch taller lineman coming out of stance with the forehead of your helmet. Then as he stood up like an angry bear, caught the runner in the backfield. We were up against some pretty good players, then.

I gave up, usually, about 60 pounds as well...

Keep on just really being naive and ignorant. Both serve your attitudes well...
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