Disagree wholeheartedly
we will not agree get that through your head
seriously we will not agree you're still here crying about your beef with Parsons
you think he makes it take the next step or he's just a Jag or something dude get over it that's not true at all so again we will not agree the guy is great already he's already elite at his position and eventually if he keeps playing like this longevity he's gonna be one of the best all time given time and they say that he has to get much better and take a step in order to get there I say no I say just keep playing like he's been playing and that makes a very successful career. There was a lot of fans talk about DeMarcus Ware a lot to wear in the biggest moments of the biggest games he didn't do much in his career they called him a stat padder etc and yet somehow he's going into the Hall of Fame he did turn out to be great and I could promise you this Micah Parsons is already on his way to being a DeMarcus ware.. Without doing a single thing differently which he may get better but he could just go along steady as he's been the first two years in the league and he'll end up wearing to Marcus where it ended up and it may be getting a suit bowl on another team laughing my *** off
I will not even agree to disagree we are so far apart there's not even a word invented yet

Some facts not in view here:
1. Parsons is not even in his third year of play.
2. He doesn't really even compare to the truly greats, not yet, but does good talent.
3. This is reflected by the directions his team still needs to accomplish. Disagree here? One can't and most of the sporting community are hoping that he does. That is good for the sport as well as Cowboys.
4. Parsons himself says he is trying to improve, himself...what does that imply? He needs more developing and that involves growth in leadership.
5. He does have a lot of talent and is dedicated.
6. I am going to be judging him this entire season, but his journey to greatness still needs to be traveled up.
7. I'm no where close to hero worship in the off season and am trying to talk identification and tracking that growth into and through this season.
8.There is a lot on the table on just how well he and the defensive side respond to this season.
9. Fans should gain enough actual knowledge beyond a bar beer to compare with.
10. If Parsons takes the bull by the horns, this team will be pretty darned dominant.
11. No future projections implying other player projections take the current responsibility off of Parson's own shoulder. It is there now and at least this fan is paying attention.
12. That requires no insult further