I am done

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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WoodysGirl;2313163 said:
Allow the venting. Read it and move on.
How about reading the "We don't suck, we just won, and constantly complaining about a 4-1 team is ridiculous" and moving on?

Theo is right. The "We suck" posts far outnumber the "All is well" posts. In fact, I don't even know of anyone who is saying "All is well".

Cobra said something in a post a while ago that Mike Fisher used to say years ago when he had a radio show on KLIF: That it's only common sense that the ratio of gripes to praise should roughly mirror a team's record. If a team is 11-5, you'd expect about 11 positive stories for every 5 negative ones. If a team is 5-11, you'd expect about the opposite: Five positive stories for every 11 negative ones. If a team is 8-8, you'd expect about equal positive and negative stories.

Well, what we have here is a massive distortion of that: About 70% griping for a team that has won the vast majority of its games the last two years.


Well-Known Member
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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

We are the BEST!

Do not stop..........it is early.:)


Reaction score
stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

I agree. We are doing great in my opinion. Thats why I do not post too much. I like our O and our D. But I am in the minority.


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5Stars;2312967 said:
If only we could revert back to the Quincy Carter days, the Campo days, the 5 - 11 days...perhaps the posters that cry like spoiled brats would be much happier?

I remember people on here back then saying it was all OK too. Hey, doncha know, the Rams went from 5-11 to win the SB. That really worked out for us.


Well-Known Member
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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)
:bow: nuff said :bow:


Well-Known Member
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I am trying to figure out when did we earn the right to expect perfect footballl every game? People think that if we are not winning 41-0 then we are doing bad. It seems people forget that there is another guy on the other side of the ball trying to make a play too.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Asklesko;2313373 said:
Don't blame the negative nancies for taking your joy away. Blame the Cowboys players. They didn't win like winners. They played like crap and won through sheer luck. When they finally decide to live up their potential, then the wins will be good again, and everyone will be happy, including the negative nancies.

Did the Giants beat the Bengals with "sheer luck"? They had to go to over time, because Chris Perry ran the ball enough on them to move the chains and put Plamer in a situation where he didn't have to throw it on every down, and he had some shorter third downs. Plus, T.J. Houshmendzadeh torched their secondary. He lit them up. His numbers were huge. If Palmer doesn't mismanage the game or the clock at the end of the game, the Giants would have lost.

This isn't college. It is the NFL. The other teams pay their player, too. They play to win, too.


Junior College Transfer
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theogt;2312932 said:
Shout them down. Make them feel like idiots. Maybe they'll leave.

Let's git them!
They can't speak here!!!

Oh, Stealth, don't forget to take your ball with you.


Reaction score
stasheroo;2313154 said:
Why is is 'stupid'?
Look. If you can't tell why saying the coach needs to be fired is stupid or that this is a "D rated" team is stupid, then you deserve to be shouted down with the rest of them.

Some things in life are just patently stupid. And those deserve to be pointed out. Just because someone has the right to hold an opinion doesn't mean they have the right to express it and not be ridiculed.


Reaction score
GimmeTheBall!;2313483 said:
Let's git them!
They can't speak here!!!

Oh, Stealth, don't forget to take your ball with you.

I can't even begin to explain how much some things go right over your head.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
theogt;2313569 said:
Look. If you can't tell why saying the coach needs to be fired is stupid or that this is a "D rated" team is stupid, then you deserve to be shouted down with the rest of them.

Some things in life are just patently stupid. And those deserve to be pointed out. Just because someone has the right to hold an opinion doesn't mean they have the right to express it and not be ridiculed.

Then by all means, ridicule away.

But where does that end?

I can see disagreeing or pointing out a flaw in someone's point or correcting an inaccurate fact but I don't agree with calling something 'stupid' at face value because it differs from what you think.

I would much rather engage in intelligent debate rather than simply attacking someone with a differing opinion.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
Reaction score
Solid post.

Thats life though man. Look at the election, any d bag with internet access has an opinion. Its a shame so many people are short-sighted, impulsive, and have such short memories. I recall 3 consecutive 5-11 seasons very vividly, shame so many others have forgotten how far we've come.

Just turn off ESPN and have a very populated ignore list - its the only way this board is tolerable.


Brain Dead Shill
Reaction score
I can't believe you would voluntarily stop joking the absolutists here.


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stasheroo;2313583 said:
But where does that end?
The hope is that some of the people will just leave.

Not you, obviously. But we've seen a massive influx of stupidity lately.


Well-Known Member
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I don't know why it is not possible to be both critical at the same time it is possible to enjoy the positives of the win. In fact, that is what the coaching staff is supposed to do after every win. We won, great. Did we play up to our potential? No. Are there areas where we can improve? Yes. Is it wrong to point them out? No. Is it going overboard to call for the coaches head at 4-1? Yes. Is it impermissible to criticize the coaching staff? I hope not. :eek:


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
theogt;2313595 said:
The hope is that some of the people will just leave.

I don't see where any of us have the right to make that decision.

If people feel that strongly, they have their own Ignore list.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
theogt;2313595 said:
The hope is that some of the people will just leave.

Not you, obviously. But we've seen a massive influx of stupidity lately.


I appreciate that last part.

And likewise.


Reaction score
theogt;2313569 said:
Look. If you can't tell why saying the coach needs to be fired is stupid or that this is a "D rated" team is stupid, then you deserve to be shouted down with the rest of them.

Some things in life are just patently stupid. And those deserve to be pointed out. Just because someone has the right to hold an opinion doesn't mean they have the right to express it and not be ridiculed.

I present to you, fellow zoners, ridicule case #1


Reaction score
tomson75;2313590 said:
I can't believe you would voluntarily stop joking the absolutists here.

Oh no, I am still joking with everyone.

I am not getting sucked into debates that go no where because of bias.

And I am staying out of game threads.