Blah, blah, blah, Loch Ness Monster hunter. Divert all you want but even after reading (and understanding) that nonsense, none of that crap is what I asked for. Here's what you're conveniently not addressing (I wonder why). Let's recap:
You stated:
So I asked you directly:
So does backup exist for your statement or are you just a boldface liar? You claimed percy had numbers for this then retrieved crap that was nothing like what I asked. So for the second time, is this actually true or did you lie to make your case more compelling?
Reasonable people might actually be intrigued by what you CONSPIRACY! theorists have to say but when y'all present slanted evidence then run when corrected, or just flat out lie like you're doing here, it makes you look even loonier than the rest of us know you to be. Then again, the emotional, kneejerk people are with you so perhaps there's validation in that for you. Knock psychology all you want, but y'all continue to do exactly as I said you'd do even after I've said you'd do it. Ignore all the things that discredit your case and just keep pounding on the drum as you had been as if it didn't exist.