I am sick of one side officiating

What you gave me was, "Gee, we had more judgment penalty calls against us during part of 1 year. Not overall more penalty calls, just the judgment ones vs. opponents" The other one was "opponent OLs were only flagged 4 times so far in the year" (nothing on whether that was actually least in the NFL or there was a team with less.

So the guy who doesn't know how to use Google and doesn't understand PI didn't actually read the material. There is a shocker.

So you really don't get the distinction between judgement calls and non-judgement calls? You think the Refs could watch a DL jump offsides and shove an OL to the ground but NOT call it? Idiocy.

And sure, its all Bigfoot and UFO's to think holding wasn't called on Dallas DL. So how about this link of Dallas DL DeMarcus Lawrence saying publicly that Dallas DL weren't getting holding calls to a point of absurdity. But I'm sure you will give us five posts on why a Dallas DL wouldn't know anything about the Dallas DL:


"I ain't seen a holding call in the last five games, and it's ridiculous," Lawrence told reporters. "The refs are out here just looking at me, you know, getting tackled by offensive linemen. Like, come on, if you're going to be out there, do your job. That's the main thing."
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Point being, you can pick apart every little statistic but there isn’t a single fact that proves we are always getting screwed more than any other team on a regular basis.

There is a statistic, the average number of holding penalties in that 10 game span should have been 15 and it was 2. That is a two or three sigma aberration statistically.

We aren't "always" getting screwed and every team has bad calls that go against them. Also every team has a few fans that think every flag thrown on their team is wrong but you see few of those types on this board.

But if you see critical mistakes that happen at EXACTLY the key moment to swing a game against you, you can certainly suspect there is fire where there is smoke. The ten game lack of holding penalties, the Dez catch, the Butler Huddle penalty - all of those beyond the normal range of a ref missing a call.
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When someone attempts to carry a debate from the forums into someone else's personal messages, something is wrong with them.

Then why do the mods constantly tell people to take their disputes to PMs?

And its comical to read psych commentary from a guy ten pages into chestpounding about settled issues like the Dez catch and the Hitchens play.
Do you care to look at the zeke situation with Goodell off the field instead? I'm not understanding how it's not obvious.

No, the NFL is one big Norman Rockwell painting according to this Marcus guy. The NFL is a bunch of saints and they DIDN'T suspend Zeke after their own investigators said he did nothing wrong. They DIDN'T ignore a video of Ray Rice coldcocking his wife that they had in their own offices. They DIDN'T give Giant Josh Brown a pass on beating his wife when their own security guys pulled them apart.

None of that happened, because... you know, it would require a conspiracy to think a copmany that had Fourteen Billion Dollars in revenue this year would put a thumb on the scale somewhere. That would be crazy talk.
There is a statistic, the average number of holding penalties in that 10 game span should have been 15 and it was 2. That is a two or three sigma aberration statistically.

We aren't "always" getting screwed and every team has bad calls that go against them. Also every team has a few fans that think every flag thrown on their team is wrong but you see few of those types on this board.

But if you see critical mistakes that happen at EXACTLY the key moment to swing a game against you, you can certainly suspect there is fire where there is smoke. The ten game lack of holding penalties, the Dez catch, the Butler Huddle penalty - all of those beyond the normal range of a ref missing a call.
Define “normal range”. What about Cleveland getting screwed out of OT this year? What about when the bad call by Hochuli cost the Chargers what would have been the playoffs? What about Hopkins catch last night that should have been a TD?

The Dez catch was ruled correctly at the time, as dumb as it was. Why wasn’t Dez flagged for running out on the field with his helmet off and arguing with the officials. Don’t give me the discretionary bull either, 9/10 times that’s a flag.

Every example I just gave are “beyond the normal range of refs missing a call” and it screwed other teams in some cases and helped us in others. What about when OBJ was suspended for what was essentially a critical game to get into the playoffs after getting 3 personal foul penalties? Since when was a standard set for that or did the NFL purposely do that just in time to screw over the Giants?

Those are just examples I can think of and I’m sure there’s many more but people like you only focus on the Cowboys so you refuse to see how often these things happen in a “timely fashion” for other teams as well.

How is it the Pariots only got one penalty in the AFC championship game and had the widest discrepancy of any AFC Championship team with regard to penalty yards?

Give it up man.
No, the NFL is one big Norman Rockwell painting according to this Marcus guy. The NFL is a bunch of saints and they DIDN'T suspend Zeke after their own investigators said he did nothing wrong. They DIDN'T ignore a video of Ray Rice coldcocking his wife that they had in their own offices. They DIDN'T give Giant Josh Brown a pass on beating his wife when their own security guys pulled them apart.

None of that happened, because... you know, it would require a conspiracy to think a copmany that had Fourteen Billion Dollars in revenue this year would put a thumb on the scale somewhere. That would be crazy talk.
Norman Rockwell is my favorite artist, I don’t know why you had to bring him into this. Leave Norman alone!

Fourteen billion dollars in revenue, so you acknowledge that the NFL is all about money? Then why would they punish their most popular and biggest money making team? The further the Cowboys go in the playoffs the more the ratings would soar, along with ticket sales, merchandise sales, vendor sales, etc. So why would Goodell do that and also risk his own job?
Norman Rockwell is my favorite artist, I don’t know why you had to bring him into this. Leave Norman alone!

Okay, Okay. The last two seasons have been more like Salvador Dali anyway.
Fourteen billion dollars in revenue, so you acknowledge that the NFL is all about money? Then why would they punish their most popular and biggest money making team? The further the Cowboys go in the playoffs the more the ratings would soar, along with ticket sales, merchandise sales, vendor sales, etc. So why would Goodell do that and also risk his own job?

Goodell's job isn't at risk, the amount he gets paid was - right when the holding calls stopped. When his contract situation was settled, holding calls went back to normal.

Godell had already been paid 75 Million and was asking for 50 Million per year guaranteed. When the Zeke nonsense started Jerry said he would block a guaranteed salary and would go to court if necessary.... and mysteriously holding calls stopped being called against Dallas opponents no matter how blatant. The normal statistical range for holding calls in that stretch was 15 - 20 and there were 2.

In terms of the other calls that always seem to be timed oddly, it usually works out to keep games close. (Also I've said many times that the Dez catch didn't matter in the end, Rogers would still have won the game for GB). So why would the NFL do this stuff? Because most of the 14 Billion coming in is in the TV Contracts, which are all driven by advertising revenue. A huge component in Ad revenue is that games are competitive. Fans tune out of blowouts and the ad revenue drops dramaticly in the second half or 4th quarter of a game where one team is up three scores with the fans switching the channel. In the old days teams like the Cowboys, Steelers and 49ers would crush teams in the regular season and overall viewership was lower. Parity and close games for ad revenue was the whole idea of Tagliabue ball putting in a salary cap and other moves.
So the guy who doesn't know how to use Google and doesn't understand PI didn't actually read the material. There is a shocker.

So you really don't get the distinction between judgement calls and non-judgement calls? You think the Refs could watch a DL jump offsides and shove an OL to the ground but NOT call it? Idiocy.

And sure, its all Bigfoot and UFO's to think holding wasn't called on Dallas DL. So how about this link of Dallas DL DeMarcus Lawrence saying publicly that Dallas DL weren't getting holding calls to a point of absurdity. But I'm sure you will give us five posts on why a Dallas DL wouldn't know anything about the Dallas DL:


"I ain't seen a holding call in the last five games, and it's ridiculous," Lawrence told reporters. "The refs are out here just looking at me, you know, getting tackled by offensive linemen. Like, come on, if you're going to be out there, do your job. That's the main thing."

Blah, blah, blah, Loch Ness Monster hunter. Divert all you want but even after reading (and understanding) that nonsense, none of that crap is what I asked for. Here's what you're conveniently not addressing (I wonder why). Let's recap:

You stated:

The calls do even out over time but sometimes the timing of calls is so perfectly timed to get an outcome that you have to wonder.

And last year you will never convince me that it was a fluke that holding calls on Dallas opponents completely stopped for 8 weeks when Jerry challenged Goodell's contract extension and the started again once the issue was resolved - something that statistically has only happened twice in NFL history - and its just a coincidence.

So I asked you directly:

Where is it documented that such no calls on opposing OLs has only happened twice in NFL history? Rarity of the occurrence was my number 1 question to people when they trot this out.

So does backup exist for your statement or are you just a boldface liar? You claimed percy had numbers for this then retrieved crap that was nothing like what I asked. So for the second time, is this actually true or did you lie to make your case more compelling?

Reasonable people might actually be intrigued by what you CONSPIRACY! theorists have to say but when y'all present slanted evidence then run when corrected, or just flat out lie like you're doing here, it makes you look even loonier than the rest of us know you to be. Then again, the emotional, kneejerk people are with you so perhaps there's validation in that for you. Knock psychology all you want, but y'all continue to do exactly as I said you'd do even after I've said you'd do it. Ignore all the things that discredit your case and just keep pounding on the drum as you had been as if it didn't exist.
So does backup exist for your statement or are you just a boldface liar? You claimed percy had numbers for this then retrieved crap that was nothing like what I asked. So for the second time, is this actually true or did you lie to make your case more compelling?.



Go home, Fredo. You aren't smart and you don't get respect.


Go home, Fredo. You aren't smart and you don't get respect.

Exposure as a liar confirmed. And you're expecting reasonable people to just trust what you say? Continue with your meltdown. Entertaining.

Will you be in my PMs next? Lol.
It wouldn't surprise me. What drew him offsides? We saw the ball get bounced on replay. That is a penalty. It doesn't ever get called because no one ever moves on it, until toady.

He didn't go offsides until the ball was snapped, not when it was moved.
Exposure as a liar confirmed. And you're expecting reasonable people to just trust what you say? Continue with your meltdown. Entertaining.

I demand web links that prove you aren't an ugly teenage girl with gender and anger issues.
He didn't go offsides until the ball was snapped, not when it was moved.

Is that even possible? How is one called for being offsides after the ball is snapped? By definition, you come across the line before the ball is snapped unless the ball moves without being snapped.
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Norman Rockwell is my favorite artist, I don’t know why you had to bring him into this. Leave Norman alone!

Fourteen billion dollars in revenue, so you acknowledge that the NFL is all about money? Then why would they punish their most popular and biggest money making team? The further the Cowboys go in the playoffs the more the ratings would soar, along with ticket sales, merchandise sales, vendor sales, etc. So why would Goodell do that and also risk his own job?
Lol. You're talking about an entity that has "cut off it's own nose to spite it's face" plenty of times in their history. To answer your question. ..unexplainable.
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BTW, this is the link showing the Cowboys had the fewest penalties in the league called against their opponents -

I agree with a lot of what you said. There is no doubt the league has hated Jerry ever since he decided not to share his merchandising.
Taking money away from the NFL is a major no no. We have gotten screwed over the years at the most inopportune times.
Jerrah must learn to share like all the other owners but he never will.

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