I believe Dak will not sign a contract or the tag

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The Dak-executions will continue with Moore, Coop(wasted no 1pick) and Smith and more names to be added at a later date.
Year 5 coming up and we're still executing folks instead of bitting the reality bullet and going QB shopping!
Welcome to GM Jerry's Circus of a football team!
Happy New Year!

You are making an impressive leap of faith we woulda done any better with that 1st round pick.


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I guess I would like to hear it from real NFL insiders. Not random people from Cowboys Zone. Dak has some of the best agents in the world. You would think the reason why Dak did not sign what he was offered because they feel they can get a better offer elsewhere. This is fascinating. If Dak stayed with his old agent he would have only made about 20 million a year and the contract would have been done in season last year. Now the Cowboys have pretty much built the offense around him. I wonder if he will hold out. Playing on the franchise tag is not in his best interest. To be honest he should have held out this year.
I'd be okay if he held out, it would make it easier to move on.


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Do you think the days of overpaying QBs is coming to an end? Seems teams are being far more cautious about throwing big bucks at middle tier.

I think it goes in cycles. At the moment we're in a cheap QB cycle. Very few teams with starting QB vacancies and a lot of QBs available in the draft.

You have to look at this from a vacancies point of view rather than is Dak better than X on team A. Even if you think Dak is better than X, if team A has a lot of money tied up in X, there is no vacancy. Teams wont pay 2 x QBs 30m plus.

The only teams with potential vacancies right now are:

Tampa Bay
New England (if Brady retires)
Chargers (if Rivers retires).

3 or 4 of these will be filled in the draft.


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I believe Dak will not sign a contract or the tag if Jerry keeps Garrett onboard. Dak wants a new coach that will not hold this team back and growth in his career.
and you had the conversation with Dak and he expressed this to you? Well I believe Dak will play for the team that his mother tells him to play for. Hes just waiting for her to let him know which team to go to.


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bring in josh rosen, nobody knows how good he is since he's been on two of the worst teams in the nfl. andy dalton, you need somebody to push Dak. or we can just settle, sorta like with Garrett.

They don’t like competition at the Qb position once they have “ their guy” no matter how many games they lose.


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Well said. About Dak and Cousins

KC isn't the first competitor QB to be grossly underrated and undervalued by our fan base and won't be the last

If you ask half our fans they will literally tell you Dak is as good or better than any QB in the league right now, up to and possibly including Mahomes and ARod

You could make a very solid argument that Dak isn't even the best QB in the NFC Least but you'll be derided as a "hater", "troll" etc and told to find a new team

Annoying as hell. Jerry's an idiot so we'll probably have to deal with him for a while but I cannot wait for the day until Dak is no longer wearing the Star and we can get on with the task of actually building a championship contender around a QB with a legitimate NFL skillset
The Dak love on this site and by some fans is just strange and bizarre. I get that Romo was never a fan fave for some reason (potentially the key turnovers and lack of success) but the way they just latched on to Dak was strange. And now they can't actually see anything past the embarrassment of acknowledging they were wrong. And you are spot on about them not seemingly watching other QBs.. like failing to understand that right now Dak isn't even in the same conversation as guys like ARod, Wilson, Jackson, Mahomes, Brady and Brees. Then most would say that guys like Wentz, Goff, Garrappolo have higher ceilings/achieving better. Tannehill has been a revelation and is certain to get a contract somewhere. Newton and Rivers are very good quarterbacks with proven success and you probably add Cousins to that list. Matt Ryan is almost impossible to decide where he goes but he has achieved far more than Dak ever will.

So without even trying you have 14 guys clearly in front of Dak.. and then you have guys like Darnold, Mayfield, Haskins, Murray that are unknown right now but most would suggest have better mechanics and skill sets than Dak. Plus you throw in the 2-3 college QBs that will get drafted and make a splash (because they do every season). Like it is just crazy to think that people would actually believe Dak is in that company. He has been found out big time and is regressing badly. You can blame coaching etc etc.. but some of the passes he misses (and has ALWAYS missed) are just fundementals. His footwork is sloppy and always has been.

There is that great PFF segment talking about Dak and he starts with Jerry having to acknowledge that if he moves on from Dak it is admitting he made a mistake and also he got rid of Romo for no reason.. ie two mistakes. I think some fans have the same problem.

Sadly I think jerry will pay Dak just so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong about JG and Dak in the same year. It will be an anchor around our neck for another four years of mediocrity. I have already resigned myself to our continued futility for the foreseeable future.


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The Dak love on this site and by some fans is just strange and bizarre. I get that Romo was never a fan fave for some reason (potentially the key turnovers and lack of success) but the way they just latched on to Dak was strange. And now they can't actually see anything past the embarrassment of acknowledging they were wrong. And you are spot on about them not seemingly watching other QBs.. like failing to understand that right now Dak isn't even in the same conversation as guys like ARod, Wilson, Jackson, Mahomes, Brady and Brees. Then most would say that guys like Wentz, Goff, Garrappolo have higher ceilings/achieving better. Tannehill has been a revelation and is certain to get a contract somewhere. Newton and Rivers are very good quarterbacks with proven success and you probably add Cousins to that list. Matt Ryan is almost impossible to decide where he goes but he has achieved far more than Dak ever will.

So without even trying you have 14 guys clearly in front of Dak.. and then you have guys like Darnold, Mayfield, Haskins, Murray that are unknown right now but most would suggest have better mechanics and skill sets than Dak. Plus you throw in the 2-3 college QBs that will get drafted and make a splash (because they do every season). Like it is just crazy to think that people would actually believe Dak is in that company. He has been found out big time and is regressing badly. You can blame coaching etc etc.. but some of the passes he misses (and has ALWAYS missed) are just fundementals. His footwork is sloppy and always has been.

There is that great PFF segment talking about Dak and he starts with Jerry having to acknowledge that if he moves on from Dak it is admitting he made a mistake and also he got rid of Romo for no reason.. ie two mistakes. I think some fans have the same problem.

Sadly I think jerry will pay Dak just so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong about JG and Dak in the same year. It will be an anchor around our neck for another four years of mediocrity. I have already resigned myself to our continued futility for the foreseeable future.


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I think it goes in cycles. At the moment we're in a cheap QB cycle. Very few teams with starting QB vacancies and a lot of QBs available in the draft.

You have to look at this from a vacancies point of view rather than is Dak better than X on team A. Even if you think Dak is better than X, if team A has a lot of money tied up in X, there is no vacancy. Teams wont pay 2 x QBs 30m plus.

The only teams with potential vacancies right now are:

Tampa Bay
New England (if Brady retires)
Chargers (if Rivers retires).

3 or 4 of these will be filled in the draft.
Spot on. But it is like banging your head against a brick wall for these guys.. they just can't seem to understand that it is not a buyers market right now.

I don't see any team paying 30M.. to me the smartest thing would be to test the market before we offer up big money.

Oh and FWIW.. for those upset about the Zeke contract.. he would have made plenty of money on the open market.. plenty.


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I realise that it is just one little measure.. but the NFL top 100.. ie the best players as voted by those that actually play each week.. Dak made the list once.. after his rookie year. Has not been seen since.

Cousins made it twice as a Commander and then again with his first year at the vikings.

So whilst Cousins might have been under appreciated by fans on this forum and perhaps fans in general.. the players (his peers) have consistently ranked him as one of the top 5 QBs in the league for the last three years running.

I'm not saying it is the most reliable list or the best measure etc etc.. I'm just suggesting that potentially the uproar about Cousins has been overstated and as the Vikes move into the playoffs for the second year in a row with Cousins.. then perhaps he has achieved more than Dak and therefore shouldnt really be used in Dak discussions.

Right now Dak is rated about 14th in the league by most observers.. and that includes caveats about the fact his is protected by a great line and has Zeke in the backfield. If we were talking about Dak two years ago.. then yeah I think he has suitors lined up and he would sign a record deal.. but the league has pretty much seen what he can and cant do and I don't think there are many who actually think he is a top tier QB. Plus with so many more guys coming out of college and making the leap straight into pro offences.. teams seem to be adjusting and not chasing the middle tier QBs as much.

Then there would be other caveats, like the mediocre and conservative coaching he's received through most of his career. His passing stats and metrics from this season, when they opened up the passing game more may have others seeing there is more potential than thought before. His stats jumped with a 1st year OC with only 1 year of coaching experience at any level, what happens if paired with a more experienced OC or HC. Whether some want to believe it or not, the potential is there, the question is there a team/coach that can help him reach it. On the open market, some team would take that chance and Dak would get offers north of $30 million, thinking he would get less is not objective.

The Vikes did not make the playoffs last year. They did not get into the playoffs this year because of Cousins, they got in because of Cook.


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I believe Dak will not sign a contract or the tag if Jerry keeps Garrett onboard. Dak wants a new coach that will not hold this team back and growth in his career.
I don't dislike Dak as a person and I believe that he is an outstanding athlete.
But he is a mediocre quarterback. That's not all his fault. Garrett was so desperate to believe that he would help him keep his job he protected him and -like Garrett- didn't make him earn his spot.
As a result, Dak chokes under pressure.
He might still be able to learn and adjust, but he is not in the driver's seat when it comes to contract negotiations.
He needs at least one year of training in which he is made to play preseason behind the 2nd and 3rd string offensive lines and learn to react under pressure.
Without that, he will always choke.


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Then there would be other caveats, like the mediocre and conservative coaching he's received through most of his career. His passing stats and metrics from this season, when they opened up the passing game more may have others seeing there is more potential than thought before. His stats jumped with a 1st year OC with only 1 year of coaching experience at any level, what happens if paired with a more experienced OC or HC. Whether some want to believe it or not, the potential is there, the question is there a team/coach that can help him reach it. On the open market, some team would take that chance and Dak would get offers north of $30 million, thinking he would get less is not objective.

The Vikes did not make the playoffs last year. They did not get into the playoffs this year because of Cousins, they got in because of Cook.
I will give you the fact that Dak has suffered from poor coaching. If he can get 30M on the open market then let him walk. Seriously just let him walk. Dak will then just be another name to the "gee why did XYZ pay 30M for that bum" discussion. Seriously.. Dak behind a weak Oline or without a top 5 RB.. he would sink to the lower reaches of the QB ranking list and very quickly.

I mean it could even be strategic.. some other team has their cap tied up on a hack and we can laugh from the comfort of knowing we didn't buy into the clown!

Potential is a funny thing because I don't believe it is there. The mistakes Dak are making are the SAME mistakes he made in college.. and the reason why he dropped to the fourth round. His mechanics are poor. his game awareness is poor. his accuracy is poor. he panics in the pocket. He doesn't step up into the pocket to throw. He can't lead receivers. He can't throw the fade pass in the end zone. He struggles with quick lateral passes. These are the facts.. these issues have been known since before he came into the league and are not getting any better.

NFL teams take time to adjust to new QBs.. that is why we see guys like Tebow or Osweiler or whatever put up nice numbers to start with. Then the DCs get hold of tape and punish you.

You can blame coaching for some of it.. and you would be right.. but most of it is that Dak is just really not good in lots of different things. Put Mahomes, Jackson, Rodgers, Brees, Wilson behind Centre this year and we are in the playoffs.. even with our dodgy kicker, special teams and coaching. Legit put one of those elite guys in.. and we are playing this week not sitting and discussing contracts.

And personally I don't think a team takes a 30M chance on his potential.. in previous years yes.. but there seems to have been an adjustment in the NFL and I just don't see it happening.


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I don't dislike Dak as a person and I believe that he is an outstanding athlete.
But he is a mediocre quarterback. That's not all his fault. Garrett was so desperate to believe that he would help him keep his job he protected him and -like Garrett- didn't make him earn his spot.
As a result, Dak chokes under pressure.
He might still be able to learn and adjust, but he is not in the driver's seat when it comes to contract negotiations.
He needs at least one year of training in which he is made to play preseason behind the 2nd and 3rd string offensive lines and learn to react under pressure.
Without that, he will always choke.

5000 yards. 3:1 TD to INT ratio. Near the top in YPA. Almost 70 pct completion rate. Plays 16 games. Tough. Good leader. Can run.

You Dak haters are so stupid. Sure he is not Mahomes. No one is. Dak is a solid QB. Get rid of him and watch what happens.


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I’m just relaying what I’ve heard on Talking Cowboys, but believe what you want to believe. The truth doesn’t get in the way of closely held opinions around here anyway.

He held out this long in negotiations with Jerry, you think he will let Garrett ruin another year of his career...........Hell No!


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5000 yards. 3:1 TD to INT ratio. Near the top in YPA. Almost 70 pct completion rate. Plays 16 games. Tough. Good leader. Can run.

You Dak haters are so stupid. Sure he is not Mahomes. No one is. Dak is a solid QB. Get rid of him and watch what happens.
Yet here we are, the season is over, and in large part to Dak Prescott choking and throwing interceptions and missing wide open receivers on passes that should have been touchdowns. We've seen him throw the ball into the ground on 4th down.
You Dak lovers are so ignorant about the real world and want to use his stats that are inflated by garbage time passes.
Grow up.
The stat that matters is 8-8 in a division that was so weak that a team with most of it's starters hurt won with a 9-7 record because Dak choked and quit with 5 games left in the season.
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5000 yards. 3:1 TD to INT ratio. Near the top in YPA. Almost 70 pct completion rate. Plays 16 games. Tough. Good leader. Can run.

You Dak haters are so stupid. Sure he is not Mahomes. No one is. Dak is a solid QB. Get rid of him and watch what happens.
So why not tag him and test the market? Worst case we get 2 first rounders for him and can use the dollars we save to upgrade other positions.

Why are dak lovers so allergic to the idea of competition or testing the market.. like seriously.. the dude has not had to compete for his job once and now you don't want to even see what his value is on the open market before paying him?!

No one is mahomes.. but jackson is doing ok.. and rodgers and brady and wilson and brees.. that bloke matt ryan has also gone ok in the past.. tannehill looks good, newton has won a superbowl.. That bloke Wentz is in the playoffs even with a junkyard team around him.. Goff has been to the superbowl.. In fact there are 12 QBs right now that are getting ready for playoffs.. and ours isn't one of them.

So yeah we may not find mahomes.. but you know we might actually find someone a lot lot better than Dak.


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It's hard to tell what's going on inside that locker room, but you may have a point. I wish we could hear how players REALLY feel
Whatever happens we better make sure that we have a serviceable quarterback on our radar either via draft or free agency


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The Dak love on this site and by some fans is just strange and bizarre. I get that Romo was never a fan fave for some reason (potentially the key turnovers and lack of success) but the way they just latched on to Dak was strange. And now they can't actually see anything past the embarrassment of acknowledging they were wrong. And you are spot on about them not seemingly watching other QBs.. like failing to understand that right now Dak isn't even in the same conversation as guys like ARod, Wilson, Jackson, Mahomes, Brady and Brees. Then most would say that guys like Wentz, Goff, Garrappolo have higher ceilings/achieving better. Tannehill has been a revelation and is certain to get a contract somewhere. Newton and Rivers are very good quarterbacks with proven success and you probably add Cousins to that list. Matt Ryan is almost impossible to decide where he goes but he has achieved far more than Dak ever will.

So without even trying you have 14 guys clearly in front of Dak.. and then you have guys like Darnold, Mayfield, Haskins, Murray that are unknown right now but most would suggest have better mechanics and skill sets than Dak. Plus you throw in the 2-3 college QBs that will get drafted and make a splash (because they do every season). Like it is just crazy to think that people would actually believe Dak is in that company. He has been found out big time and is regressing badly. You can blame coaching etc etc.. but some of the passes he misses (and has ALWAYS missed) are just fundementals. His footwork is sloppy and always has been.

There is that great PFF segment talking about Dak and he starts with Jerry having to acknowledge that if he moves on from Dak it is admitting he made a mistake and also he got rid of Romo for no reason.. ie two mistakes. I think some fans have the same problem.

Sadly I think jerry will pay Dak just so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong about JG and Dak in the same year. It will be an anchor around our neck for another four years of mediocrity. I have already resigned myself to our continued futility for the foreseeable future.

Sad but likely true

If I could give a million likes to your second to last paragraph I would

Your analysis of Jerry (and a lot of fans also) not wanting to admit the double mistake involving Romo and Dak is absolutely correct

In 2016 many mistakenly believed we had caught lightning in a bottle and they are stubbornly refusing to concede that it was a mirage. They'd rather sink the ship than toss the bad cargo overboard and admit that a mistake was made. The franchise will suffer irreparable damage but at this point it's more about egos than wins, unfortunately
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