I changed my mind on Linehan


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Dak's glitches were apparent last season. We focused on making the offense "Dak friendly" instead of coaching Dak up and eliminating his glitches in the off season. Dak should have hired a good private passing instructor this off season to work on his accuracy, pocket awareness, and the fundamentals of presnap reads and of course reading a defense in general.
Every offense is "insert QB name here" Friendly. Systems are put in place to play to the QB and personnel's strength. Only here is that term a thing. Do people talk about a Cam-friendly, Foles-Friendly, or Alex Smith-Friendly offenses? Was our offense Dak-Hostile before? One thing the team could have done is hire an ex-vet QB coach that has game substantial game experience to help tutor, guide and coach a young struggling QB, instead of a young QB with only a couple games worth of experience to draw from. We have a team helicopter and party bus, I'm sure we could splurge to get some instructors in to work with him, if they already didn't.


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8, 9, even 10 in the box is causing the lanes not to open. Because teams do not respect Dak.

Maybe. But we spend 3 1sts on the OL, lucked into another guy with a top-15 grade, and spent a top-5 pick on a RB. Kinda tough to put it all on the bottom-4th round QB.


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Maybe. But we spend 3 1sts on the OL, lucked into another guy with a top-15 grade, and spent a top-5 pick on a RB. Kinda tough to put it all on the bottom-4th round QB.

No 4th rd QB no 9 in the box. Its all elementary


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Maybe it warner or dilfer. If he cannot make a simple dropback on rhythm then he cannot work a timing route. The timing part of the offense is based on rhythm the drop back is the metronome. If you cannot consistently take the right amount of steps on a drop back you will never be in position to throw when you see your receiver going into their break.


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IMO, Romo is the best OC and QB coach I can imagine for this team - pay him


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IMO, Romo is the best OC and QB coach I can imagine for this team - pay him
Why would he come out of the booth, if his schedule is anything like Strahans you would have to pay him HoF QB money to come coach.


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IMO, Romo is the best OC and QB coach I can imagine for this team - pay him
He's making a ton of money as CBS #1 crew, gets to spend time with his family, go play plenty of golf and doesn't have to deal with a drunken Jerry everyday and having to listen to one of his bright ideas. The guy's hit the lottery, except it actually pays better.


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Dak was spotty to bad no doubt but that review is also just fraught w poor understanding of NFL passing windows.
Respect to him for doing the work btw, so no shots but a lot changes in a couple frames and you gotta account for that.

This isn't college or high school. NFL defenders close quickly.
A guy running a cross 3 yards behind a LB is a near impossible to hit without taking an insane pick 6 risk.


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It's pretty clear Dak doesn't trust any WR not named Beasley.
And that he was busy trying not to lose the game as opposed to going out to win it.

Maybe some of that is the fact they had near zero pre-season as a unit but the road is quickly running out for getting it together.


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No 4th rd QB no 9 in the box. Its all elementary
Exactly which WR or TE do you have to actually fear? Right now one guy is doing anything, Beasley.

If there is no one requiring a double team you most certainly will see 8 in box on first down regardless of QB.


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After watching a video from AKOYE Media, demonstrating just how bad Dak is, and just how open our receivers where, I changed my mind on Linehan.

Folks, we have a problem here. Dak is costing us games. His fear and inability to throw the ball, it is crushing this team. This loss falls squarely on Dak.

Dak routinely ONLY looks at one half of the field. Guys are running wide open and Dak isn't even looking. It takes him too long to process this info for him to pull the trigger. Often times he creates a sack when in fact he had a receiver wide open.

Not sure how Dak recovers from this. He simply is not throwing to guys who are open for 10-20 yards. He literally had 2 EASY TD's sitting there that he muffed. One was a 60+ yarder to Jarwin the other a 50+ yarder to TWill. Dang.

Watch this expose on Dak. Be prepared to be sick.

this is great work. thanks for taking the time. looking forward to the next one.

also, some of the worst, absolute atrocious footwork I have seen. no two throws were consistently the same. his release points are all over the place. he doesn't trust himself, thus he is not surveying the field, looking at his 2nd, 3rd and 4th options, he is locking on.

I am not sure if he is salvageable. these things aren't film study. these things are practiced in the off season and are second nature things you do without thinking. if you are thinking about your footwork and throwing motion, you are going to screw up throws and it looks like he is doing that.

I miss Romo


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Exactly which WR or TE do you have to actually fear? Right now one guy is doing anything, Beasley.

If there is no one requiring a double team you most certainly will see 8 in box on first down regardless of QB.
actually if you watched the video, there were plenty of shots were recievers were open, sometime WIDE WIDE open. dak just missed them. but I don't expect him to see everything all the time, but man, he missed all of them.


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Any plan that doesn't involve your best player more involved is a failure. Why is the focal point Dak and substandard TEs and average WRs and not on one of the best RBs in the NFL. There's no question that Dak has to play better, but how about getting the ball in Zeke's hands. What happened to trying to get Tavon, the fastest guy on the field, some touches? No doubt, Dak is a big part of the problem, but the coaching staff's plan was flawed to begin with. The coaching staff did a poor job of getting our playmakers involved. Instead of getting Zeke or Tavon touches, we relied on getting the ball to our jag TEs and WRs. Dak is a problem but the gameplan and playcalling, OL play, execution were all problems. There were multiple problems and while the QB is the most visible, every offensive player and coach had a hand in making that pile of shinola.
if you can't pass successfully, then teams will load the box to stop the run, and blitz you and Carolina did that. they learned very quickly this guy is not able to make passes and they don't have to be afraid... there were plenty of recievers open on multiple plays...he just didn't make the plays...

and I am sure you will say zeke only had 15 touches...yes, because we were in a lot of 2nd and long and 3rd and long situations that you can't run your way out of consistently.

its not a college game where you can pass pass pass or just run run run, there needs to be balance and our passing game is not complementing the running game


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Sure ... Not even probowl Romo could take us to the playoffs with linehan ...(except once)

Its easy to blame the players , but all I saw were play designs... and Dak following what they trained him to do .
Im just reading this now so im sure someone already replied to you.. but im not sure if youre serious or sarcasm. Romo and Linehan's first year together was playoffs(2014) We all know what happened to Romo since then


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Linehan does have a tendency to get away from the run. Zeke should never have 15 carries in a game that's not decided until the end and he was healthy throughout. Too much empty backfield. He gets too cute and needs to do a better job at recognizing what he has to work with. Play to our strength. Not rely on our weakness. We're not New Orleans or Green Bay. We can't sling the ball all over the field. Okay, you stopped our run for 2 quarters but can you stop it for 4? The game was close enough to stay committed to it.

But most of the criticism of him really is due to the QB who makes him look bad. It's like why all our receivers suck the last couple of years. The QB, first and foremost. We lack talent at WR but this QB downgrades the group as well.

It seems people are finally coming to grips with it. Consider yourselves sucked.

I'll be mailing you all my pinky ring. Kiss it and mail it back.
I posted another thread that we were in a lot of 3rd and long situations. your runs aren't all going to come from first or second down. you make a lot of runs on 3rd downs to convert...that's how it adds up to 20-22-25 runs...but we were in 3rd and long situation most of the day, which forced us to pass the ball, thus you saw zeke with only 15 runs. here is the list of 3rd downs

- 3rd and 21 (penalty) then 26
- 3rd and 12
- 3rd and 10
- 3rd and 11
- 3rd and 7
- 3rd and 3
- 3rd and 11
- 3rd and 11
- 3rd and 7
- 3rd and 18 (penalty) then 23
- 3rd and 7

you are not going to run your way out of these 3rd down situations. ther e is only one clear run opportunity on 3rd down. and you can try to run a couple of times on 3rd and 7, but doubt if we would be successful consistently.

if we had 4 more 3rd and 2, 3rd and 1. then that's 4 more opportunities to run.

also, being in 3rd and long this consistently, tells me we couldn't run effectively on 1st down or pass.


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It was just a sloppy mess offensively.

The OL just looked horrible.. Missed so many assignments. The piano man from Cincy has us playing Bengal football.

Dak was just awful as well.

Linehan called a game that gave Dak some opportunities to make a play but he didn’t call a game that was creative or got our players in a rhythm. It was just old school routes and concepts.

Daks legs should’ve been more of a factor when he couldn’t get it going with his arm.

Cam was just as bad passing but he beat us and won the game with his legs.
not sure I understand.... what rhythm? the players were open a lot most of the day. what else is it to expect? set up dance plays?


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Notice how Akoye neglects to mention all of the two TE sets run with the worst set of TE’s in the league! Linehan shares a lot of the blame for the poor performance, and he’s the offensive coordinator.
yes, did you notice that those crappy TEs were open on a lot of plays but didn't get the ball thrown their way (or thrown to their feet)....