I changed my mind on Linehan


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Pretty much and he should..How is it Linehan's fault where his play designs get receivers open, but his QB can't see straight, throw straight or throw on-time?

Develop a system that works to your qb's strength. I don't know.

I really like Dak. He seems like a nice kid. I just hope he can rise to the occasion and surprise us all.


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Develop a system that works to your qb's strength. I don't know.

I really like Dak. He seems like a nice kid. I just hope he can rise to the occasion and surprise us all.
That's what he tried to do. Lots of boots waggles, quick hitting plays etc.When Dak wasn't hitting on those, he started going 11 personell and also sometimes spreading them out with 4 WRs and RPOs It worked better in the seond half. But Dak was still not trusting his reads.


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That's what he tried to do. Lots of boots waggles, quick hitting plays etc.When Dak wasn't hitting on those, he started going 11 personell and also sometimes spreading them out with 4 WRs and RPOs It worked better in the seond half. But Dak was still not trusting his reads.

I think that happened too late in the game. I would have liked to have seen it earlier on in the game, although they were trying to setup the run.

Linehan is going to live and die by Dak. I'm not sure how you can work around it without Dak becoming nothing more than a glorified ball handler.


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Did you notice those TEs weren't even looking at the ball half the time??

No quarterback all pre-season was any good, no qb has been any good in this offense in half a year.
YET it's the same offense with worse Receiving options.
Miss me with nonsense about how Linehan had guys open.

We were sold a bill of goods about a revamped offense and the complaints Dez threw down about it being vanilla panned out again Sunday.
Romo was in the same offense. he was good.

I am not saying the OC or coach are great. but Dak isn't that good right now. just watch the video and his footwork. dak is very inconsistent. and he is missing a lot of throws. then watch Rodgers against bears and you will understand the difference....I don't expect dak to be Rodgers. but he is far far far far from being anything close. too many missed opportunities. not sure what's wrong with him, but he has defintley regressed.


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I think that happened too late in the game. I would have liked to have seen it earlier on in the game, although they were trying to setup the run.

Linehan is going to live and die by Dak. I'm not sure how you can work around it without Dak becoming nothing more than a glorified ball handler.

So far this season that is all he seems capable of being. Hopefully, he'll turn it around, but he looked more like a rookie on Sunday than he did all of 2016.


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Play design looked fine in the All 22. The QB missed at least a dozen reads and made a bunch of poor throws too.
I'm not absolving Dak for his share of blame, he missed several throws. Looking at various breakdowns, some were spot on, some were misleading and some were wrong. We have several new players and everybody is not on the same page and that will lead to hesitation or confusion. Dak second guessed himself more than he should have, but sometimes he was correct to hesitate. The team as a whole looked unprepared. Didn't really see the kind of hesitation when targeting Beasley as the other receivers. Dak still needs to make the throws he needs to make.

This was a designed rollout, somehow I don't think the play was designed for 2 WRs to occupy the same square foot of space and the TE to run towards them. Dak was waving the TE to break deep, but he kept running across anyway. The original play design might have been just fine, but unfortunately at least one if not all three were sure what it was.



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This was a designed rollout, somehow I don't think the play was designed for 2 WRs to occupy the same square foot of space and the TE to run towards them. Dak was waving the TE to break deep, but he kept running across anyway. The original play design might have been just fine, but unfortunately at least one if not all three were sure what it was.


I thought the same thing when I first saw it, but it appears to be a levels concept. Also, the frames just prior to the one you're showing are more relevant to the play. Those are the ones showing Beasley had several yards of separation at his break.


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Zeke can catch a ball, I've seen him do it before. Why wasn't he more involved in the passing game? Tavon has game breaking speed, where was he in the passing game? Those two guys are real threats with the ball in their hands. Zeke had 3 catches and Tavon had 0. Why aren't our two best playmakers involved in that phase of the offense more often. If I'm a DC, I'm more concerned about Zeke or Tavon catching a ball, than some a trio of TEs that have 9 catches combined. For an opposing DC, it makes their job easier. I like Zeke's chances 1on1 against player in the league. Get him some short passes on the move, doesn't need much space, he can run past, through or jump over most players. It's a novel concept, get the ball to your playmakers.

I'd rather see the ball going to Zeke than Swaim, we've seen what Zeke can do in the open field. Is Deonte Thompson really better than Tavon? We've all seen what Tavon can do with a little bit of space. Either player is capable of taking quick short 5 yard passes for sizable gains and if a defender makes a mistake, to the house. Zeke should be getting 5-6 catches a game, Tavon 3-4, I wouldn't mind more but don't want to be greedy.

I'll die on this hill if I have to, get Zeke and Tavon more involved in the passing game. It's 2018, RBs are allowed to catch the ball.
RBs catching balls out of backfield is a good thing. not denying that/ but that's why you have receivers in TEs and WRs. if you can't make those throws, the 5 yard dumps and screens to the RB only get you so far....if you don't make those receiver throws down field, ten the screen pass and the RB catches will not be effective. not sure why tavon didn't get more plays, but at this point, based on evidence would it have made a difference? if you can't cash in on what's available, the rest don't matter. the job for the DC is made easier, because you can't make plays you are supposed to....


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RBs catching balls out of backfield is a good thing. not denying that/ but that's why you have receivers in TEs and WRs. if you can't make those throws, the 5 yard dumps and screens to the RB only get you so far....if you don't make those receiver throws down field, ten the screen pass and the RB catches will not be effective. not sure why tavon didn't get more plays, but at this point, based on evidence would it have made a difference? if you can't cash in on what's available, the rest don't matter. the job for the DC is made easier, because you can't make plays you are supposed to....
Might as well just sit Zeke and Tavon for the rest of the season, what's the point of even trying or making any adjustments. Hopefully the trainers haven't thrown away that bubblewrap from the preseason and we can just put them away for next year.


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Any plan that doesn't involve your best player more involved is a failure. Why is the focal point Dak and substandard TEs and average WRs and not on one of the best RBs in the NFL. There's no question that Dak has to play better, but how about getting the ball in Zeke's hands. What happened to trying to get Tavon, the fastest guy on the field, some touches? No doubt, Dak is a big part of the problem, but the coaching staff's plan was flawed to begin with. The coaching staff did a poor job of getting our playmakers involved. Instead of getting Zeke or Tavon touches, we relied on getting the ball to our jag TEs and WRs. Dak is a problem but the gameplan and playcalling, OL play, execution were all problems. There were multiple problems and while the QB is the most visible, every offensive player and coach had a hand in making that pile of shinola.
Because when the box is stacked against Zeke and an under-performing line due to injury and inexperience it is up to the quarterback to create space by making plays in the passing game. Prescott failed miserably at doing just that last Sunday. Unless the Cowboys can generate at least 3 yards on first down runs it will be tough sledding against third and longs...especially with penalties by offensive linemen.


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Might as well just sit Zeke and Tavon for the rest of the season, what's the point of even trying or making any adjustments. Hopefully the trainers haven't thrown away that bubblewrap from the preseason and we can just put them away for next year.
now you are just trying to be dramatic...sounds like you don't have an answer.... you make plays to the WR. if you can't. the plays to RB is just an excuse for a weakness in your offense....


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This guy always thinks everybody is open.

He does not understand timing. He thinks the time from a QB seeing a receiver "open" to the time the ball arrives on the receiver's hand is ZERO.

Routes at 15 plus yards require time for the ball to arrive even with the strongest armed QBs. The positioning of defenders relative to the target receiver changes significantly by the time the ball arrives. DBs can close a lot of ground on TEs while the ball is in the air.

I would love to have a simulator that could take real game footage and show what would happen if the QB threw the ball on those plays where he claims Dak should have thrown it. You would see that it does not work the way this guy claims.

He also thinks a QB can see a receiver when a pass rusher is 2 inches away and that the QB can still throw the ball. If a pass rusher has beaten the blocker and is just steps away when a QB is on his 3rd or 4th read and that 4th read is 30 plus yards away, then most QBs are not going to play roulette with the pass rusher.

If he was more observant, he would know that Dak is not running forward trying to get more distance on his throws because last year Dak was always high/long on plays where he was running forward. The physics of throwing while running forward requires the QB to "aim short" as compared to a stationary throw. It's possible Dak has over-correcting on this issue but he is not running forward to increase the distance on throws. He is running forward to avoid pass rushers and to gain yards if he does not throw the ball.

If you spend hours watching All-22 (often in slow motion) you can start to see the timing issues that this guy does not understand.

I've even timed the setup and time in the air of passes by Dak at various distances and then used that to estimate the final position of receivers on plays where Dak didn't throw the ball.

I've also timed some DBs on plays where there was significant spacing between them and the receiver at the point they saw the QB starting his throwing motion. As I said before, the longer the pass is in the air, the more distance the DBs can makeup.

Passing in the NFL just does not work the way the guy that makes these videos thinks it works.

To his credit, he did show how Tyron was totally out of it mentally in this game. The mistakes don't appear to involve a physical problem. Hopefully he gets it together this week and hopefully it is not related to the new OL coach getting into his head in a bad way.

well, now you are just making excuses. there were plenty of plays were dak missed the throw. too low. too high. skid on the ground. there were plenty of plays that he should have made the throw and he out right missed it. watch Rodgers. watch wentz. watch darnold even and they make plays, they make tight throws. not sure what's wrong with dak, but he is not confident. he doesn' trust his arm. watch the film and I didn't necessarily watch the WRs, but his foot work on each throw and its all over the place. there is no consistency. watch his throwing motion, his relase point and there is no consistency. Dak doesn't trust himself. not sure why, but its obvious. it has been obvious for a while. one game...well heck even Aikman had bad games. it happens to all, even brady. but 9 games!? there is an issue.

you don't like the coaches. great. neither do I. but new coaches, won't make this any better. right now, a lot of it is on Dak. he has to elevate his game. and he hasn't been able to.


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Our Playbook must be the smallest in the NFL due to Dak's limited talents.......3-4 pages at best i figure....

P.S. 90% of the passes are under 5 yards and 10% are Dak Panic out of the pocket runs.....
you just described your mentality...


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I'm not absolving Dak for his share of blame, he missed several throws. Looking at various breakdowns, some were spot on, some were misleading and some were wrong. We have several new players and everybody is not on the same page and that will lead to hesitation or confusion. Dak second guessed himself more than he should have, but sometimes he was correct to hesitate. The team as a whole looked unprepared. Didn't really see the kind of hesitation when targeting Beasley as the other receivers. Dak still needs to make the throws he needs to make.

This was a designed rollout, somehow I don't think the play was designed for 2 WRs to occupy the same square foot of space and the TE to run towards them. Dak was waving the TE to break deep, but he kept running across anyway. The original play design might have been just fine, but unfortunately at least one if not all three were sure what it was.


You're citing one play. There were many others where receivers were open, yet the QB either did not see them or deicded to pull the ball down inexplicably. It really looks like he doesn't trust what he's seeing out there on many plays. You have to trust the play design and execution of the routes by the receivers and throw the football. Dak isn't doing that enough. When he doesn't, it caused unneccessary checkdowns, loss of YAC due to not allowing the receiver to be thrown to in stride, inaccurate passes that are incomplete and sacks. Dak simply must do a better job here. I'm worried that his development is not far along enough for him to be what the team needs him to be. That's troubling.


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You're citing one play. There were many others where receivers were open, yet the QB either did not see them or deicded to pull the ball down inexplicably. It really looks like he doesn't trust what he's seeing out there on many plays. You have to trust the play design and execution of the routes by the receivers and throw the football. Dak isn't doing that enough. When he doesn't, it caused unneccessary checkdowns, loss of YAC due to not allowing the receiver to be thrown to in stride, inaccurate passes that are incomplete and sacks. Dak simply must do a better job here. I'm worried that his development is not far along enough for him to be what the team needs him to be. That's troubling.
agreed. this is not about one play. this is about an entire game and tendency to miss, not see open receivers and miss throws. every team and I mean every team has plays that the players mess it up. that's one. or two. but this was consistently the theme through out the game.


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This guy always thinks everybody is open.

He does not understand timing. He thinks the time from a QB seeing a receiver "open" to the time the ball arrives on the receiver's hand is ZERO.
Passing in the NFL just does not work the way the guy that makes these videos thinks it works.

a few of those skinny posts and slants where he was saying the receiver was wide open, it makes me wonder if he understands just how amazing Luke Kuechly is at intercepting those and that he is watching Dak intently just waiting to break on them
it's pretty impressive really


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Zeke getting only 15 touches is a fail on the coaching staff. This offense should revolve around getting Zeke the ball, whether running or catching. 15 touches to far and away our best player is terrible coaching.

Carolina was keyed on him. He had no chance most of the game. We needed Dak to find other people opne and he couldn't. Zeke's life won't get any easier. Thats how every team is going to play us. The OL isn't good enough as currently playing to dominate anyone.