I do not care about player stats

old timers need to stop living in the past.

I started watching in 1977. That is a different era. It will never be the same.

Good lord, not this old-timer. Sports is entertainment, and I enjoy football for all sorts of reasons, including watching the games (win or lose, but especially win!), seeing cool individual performances and achievements, and so on and so forth. I don't understand people who take no pleasure in any of this stuff because they're only thinking about the likely failure that will happen at some point later in the season. It seems terribly sad to me and I wonder why they bother being fans at all.
Did you ever play sports on any level in your life? If not, you’ll never understand.
Did you ever play sports on any level in your life? If not, you’ll never understand.
You don’t play any longer though you are but a couch potato like the rest of us

You have 0 sweat invested beyond clicking the remote and walking to the fridge

Absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying this franchise for the entertainment value of it. You can want your team to win without being so heavily invested that you lose the fun of it

Football comes around once a year and I enjoy it regardless of results and I played plenty of organized sports
Stats are fun but they can be misleading to great degree. There's a ratio of talent : usage.
If a player is not used the way that best suits his ability, you won't see the numbers.
On the flip side, some coaches at all levels are good enough to coach up a limited player and make him look Elite.

Anyway, stats are fun.
You must be a real hater if you don’t think Dak played a great game against Philly. Blame the sacks he took on the OL, primarily Terrence Steele. It would have been tough for any QB to play better than Dak did in that game. Anyone who watched the game and has a clue about football knows why we lost. Dak’s performance was the only reason we had a chance to win in the end
Dak was great for about 55 minutes. Then he started getting tunnel vision and making mistakes in a winnable game. He was not good when it was time to win the game.
He was not good when it was time to win the game.
Which is why I don't trust Dak. He has trouble performing well against good teams - it's been his M.O. his entire career. This perception isn't going to change just because he beat up on a crappy Gnats team.
I've been through this song so many times over the last 27 years and yet here I am. Now I see what alcoholics and gamblers go through.
Just wait, we will be ripped.

Yes, for pointing out the obvious and somehow believing there are fans who would value player stats over winning?

Stats are only brought up because they are a reflection of team success, in most cases.

And 27 years bla bla bla. We all know the story, some of do try and enjoy the ride nonetheless.
Dak was great for about 55 minutes. Then he started getting tunnel vision and making mistakes in a winnable game. He was not good when it was time to win the game.
It’s you guys that hate him that have tunnel vision. It was penalties and the OL that cost us that game. When the game was on the line, everyone folded around him.
It’s you guys that hate him that have tunnel vision. It was penalties and the OL that cost us that game. When the game was on the line, everyone folded around him.
Why do you keep making excuses every time he comes up short? He took those sacks and missed a wide open Ferguson bc he was locked on lamb. Then he botched the 2 point conversion by stepping out out bounds. He’s the one who folded.
I am glad the Cowboys won-- more on the later.

As far as Lamb, Dak, Parsons, etc.... personal stats ~ DO NOT CARE !

Personal players stats are for their next contract, being patted on the back and praised with the media.
Until this franchise can get to a damn NFC Conference game THIS CENTURY, will continue to say it.
Romo, Dez, Ware, Witten, Owens, etc.... ALL had stats but the stats NONE of them had was ZERO NFC Conference game played. Hell, Ware had to leave Dallas to get his chance and Parsons will eventually leave Dallas for the same reasons.

Great the team WON ! But how many years have this same scenario been sold ( FOOLS GOLD/Pyrite) to Cowboys fans?
Answer: 27 years

Get to a NFC Conference game and break this trend. Until then, do not care.
Now, go beat Carolina
“Stats are for losers”
-6X SB Champion Bill Belichick
Why do you keep making excuses every time he comes up short? He took those sacks and missed a wide open Ferguson bc he was locked on lamb. Then he botched the 2 point conversion by stepping out out bounds. He’s the one who folded.
Go rant to someone else about Dak. I’m here to have discussions with intelligent football fans.

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