Wrong. Dez landed after leaping to grab the ball and came down with each step he took all the way down to the ground. Steps don't matter when you're going to the ground. Didn't change hands, he took one hand off the ball and did not execute a lunge/reach. Once the ball hit the ground and popped out it's a clear no catch by the rules.
This was the rule for the 2014 season:
A player who makes a catch may advance the ball. A forward pass is complete (by the offense) or intercepted (by the defense) if a player, who is inbounds: a) secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and b) touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and c) maintains control of the ball long enough, after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, to enable him to perform any act common to the game (i.e., maintaining control long enough to pitch it, pass it, advance with it, or avoid or ward off an opponent, etc.).
It doesn't say anywhere that he needs to be a runner. So let's see: a) secures control - check, b) touches ground inbounds - check, c) maintains control long "enough". Ok this last one is subjective. The fact that you say it was a "clear" no catch means you don't know what you are talking about or you are clearly biased. This stuff is incredibly subjective. What is enough? What is a common act to the game?
Did you ever read the original rule? It doesn't say you need to be a runner, or take a certain amount of steps. You just need to maintain control long enough, that's it. And one way to show you maintained control is to advance the ball. Dez clearly did that. I just watched in slow motion on youtube and I don't see how anyone can say Dez didn't reach for the end zone. In no place does the rule say you have to be a runner and lunge forward.
At the end of the day, it was all about the ref deciding whether Dez's attempt to reach for the end zone was "enough". I think most of us would agree that if the refs had called that a catch nobody would have complained. He could have said, Dez gained control inbounds and then reached for the end zone which is an act common to the game.
The rule is different now, so it is hard to compare the Ertz catch vs Dez's catch. I agree that Ertz's lunge is more of a football move than Dez's reach. That doesn't mean Dez's catch was not a catch.