I have gone over this several times already, but what the hell maybe this time it will sink in.
If something is the only thing that can do something in the rules it will explicitly say that in the rule. In case plays if it is an either or thing you will see an a) or b) scenario where a player did or didn't do the required action, with two rulings at the end.
Clearly the case plays are implying something that is not explicitly stated or definitively clarified in the rules themselves. I've said this a hundred times.
But you can't on one hand say it has to be in the rules and then on the other say that there are thousands of things that aren't directly in the rules.
Can we just leave it at the rules are poorly written and at the very least they need to be rewritten and clarified? I honestly don't care if you think it was a catch or not. I at least now know why its was called the way it was called. There are multiple judgement calls that have to be made during this process. Trying to eliminate or extremely clarify those is required. Personally, I have issue with the Fitz call. Let's talk about that one. To me it is much more boarder line than the Dez catch. I could argue all day that he was going to the ground the whole time. But I could also see how his turning upfield was a demonstrable act to be deemed as "gathering" himself.
The more I think about it, let's just make a catch two feet down and possession. Less reviews, everyone will know what a catch is. I don't care if you go out of bounds or not. And we live with all the fumbles that will happen.
Until of course the fans are upset with all the fumbles that happen and demand giving a receiver more time to protect themselves either while standing or when falling. Then we will change them back to what we have now.
As Periera said, yes, it would be great to allow what looks like a catch to be a catch. But at what cost? No one is disagreeing that what Dez did looked like a catch. It's the protections put in place to ensure that if as he's falling the ball comes out that it isn't a fumble. That is the essence of this whole debate. Protection to the receiver. What should be a catch vs what should be a fumble. And there is no easy answer to that.
I personally like the idea of protecting the player. I don't want to see more fumbles. I'd rather live with an incomplete pass vs a turnover. All Dez had to do was hang onto the ball. He could have easily done that without trying to do more. Same with Fitz. He could have easily tucked the ball away and not reached for MORE. We are all taught to do just that. Tuck the ball away. Protect the ball. And receivers are adjusting to this. They are doing this now. I saw several examples in the Super Bowl where it was very clear that they knew this was the rule and ensured they secured the ball.
So what is easier to do? Tell players to simply hold on to the ball and not make all of these extra moves while falling or to change the rules to allow them to make all of these extra moves while falling but have it result in a fumble if the ball comes loose while doing so?