I do not see any difference between that play and the Dez play in 2014 *merged*

You are the one who said people tend to fall in the direction their foot was facing, remember? Or were you in such a rush to disagree that you tried to use it against me? Bravo, you took a shot at yourself. Actually a reasonable person would question why two players doing practically the same thing would land in such different manors.

Here is a clue...it was because one of them was making football moves trying to score, and the other just fell under his momentum to the ground.
Stop. They were NOT doing the same thing. Stop making BS up. Nothing about the two players was the same. Dez jumped higher and caught the ball with 2 hands. Dez came down on one foot (which is NOT a step) and then the second (also NOT a step). Shields reaches up with one hand. He comes down on two feet. Dez had different momentum which is what carried him to the ground. Clearly. Yes he tried to reach out during and after he was going to the ground. But it doesn't matter unless he maintains possession. Which he did not. The ball clearly hit the ground.
They were NOT practically doing the same thing, at all. It does explain why you're not an official though. To suggest they were the same to support your narrative is unreasonable at best.
It doesn't matter if we agree with that rule, that's just the way it is. But the reason is because the league wants to limit how much the game is delayed because of challenges. They are trying to balance the need to correct mistakes with keeping the game viewer friendly.
I understand that’s the way it is, as are a bunch of other dumb rules, which is why we were discussing what we think are the current problems with the game and how we would fix them. I’d be a lot more po’d if we got screwed out of the playoffs because we ran out of challenges from being right every time than having to watch an extra 15 mins of football or commercials.

Years and years of hard work could go down the drain because they don’t want to take the extra time to get it right. That’s absurd.
LOL, everyone who talks about football agrees? That is funny. The king of generalizations just added king of hyperbole.

Everyone I’ve heard in the “national media” said under the rule it was the correct call. All the complaints they made were about the rule not the call. No one likes the rule but most are intelligent enough to grasp the key elements of the rule. They all understand that a player that’s going to the ground has to survive the ground. None of them have been disputing that. There’s at least a couple in the Dallas media who didn’t like the call but they’re bias. Any intelligent individual isn’t going to scream conspiracy or that the call was butchered.
The more I think about it, let's just make a catch two feet down and possession. Less reviews, everyone will know what a catch is. I don't care if you go out of bounds or not. And we live with all the fumbles that will happen.

Until of course the fans are upset with all the fumbles that happen and demand giving a receiver more time to protect themselves either while standing or when falling. Then we will change them back to what we have now.

I'm glad you mentioned this. Let's consider a similar situation with a few wrinkles. Suppose the same play had happened with Dez stumbling to the ground, and upon hitting the ground the ball pops out of his possession briefly, but there was no defender that he came in contact with as he went to the ground and therefore he hadn't yet been touched down by a defender and the play was still live. And then in that brief moment when the ball popped free a Packer arrived and grabbed the ball before Dez could. Do you suppose all these people would still be willing to say it was a catch, or since the Packers ended up with the ball they would insist it was an incomplete pass.

I know some will say this play doesn't make sense because "the ground can't cause a fumble", but in my example Dez wouldn't have been touched on his way to the ground, so the play would still be live, and if the ball pops free it is live for anyone to recover.

. Then suppose when the ball popped free after he hit the ground someone on the Packers jumped on the ball before Dez regained possession. I wonder how many Cowboy fans would have thought it was a catch then, or if they would have been screaming that it was an incomplete pass.
The league keeps the rule ambiguous so they can change the outcomes of games.
I understand that’s the way it is, as are a bunch of other dumb rules, which is why we were discussing what we think are the current problems with the game and how we would fix them. I’d be a lot more po’d if we got screwed out of the playoffs because we ran out of challenges from being right every time than having to watch an extra 15 mins of football or commercials.

Years and years of hard work could go down the drain because they don’t want to take the extra time to get it right. That’s absurd.

I see your point, and in theory I don't disagree with it, but in practice the NFL survives in part because people are willing to spend a certain amount of time watching games, and if that time gets notably longer because of lulls in the game with a lot of standing around and commercials to fill the gap the NFL would have a problem keeping the interest of the fans. I'm sure your first reaction to that comment is that true fans will be more interested in getting it right than worrying about dragging the game out, but the NFL is a business, and they rely on more than just the hard core fan to make it work. So I get why they are limiting the number of challenges.
The league keeps the rule ambiguous so they can change the outcomes of games.

You know Roger Goodell was on the grassy knoll at Dealy Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963, right?
Stop. They were NOT doing the same thing. Stop making BS up. Nothing about the two players was the same. Dez jumped higher and caught the ball with 2 hands. Dez came down on one foot (which is NOT a step) and then the second (also NOT a step). Shields reaches up with one hand. He comes down on two feet. Dez had different momentum which is what carried him to the ground. Clearly. Yes he tried to reach out during and after he was going to the ground. But it doesn't matter unless he maintains possession. Which he did not. The ball clearly hit the ground.
They were NOT practically doing the same thing, at all. It does explain why you're not an official though. To suggest they were the same to support your narrative is unreasonable at best.
Both jumped...check, both reached for the ball...check, both were facing the same direction...check, both of their body positions were parallel to the side line when they jumped...check, yeah they did nothing alike. In fact, Shields makes an awkward swipe at the ball on the way down that contorts his body, and yet this twisting did not keep him from falling in a straight line.
It is common vernacular to call feet hitting the ground steps, so that is just a bush league move to attempt to discredit. The facts are Dez had control with his left foot down, right foot landed with control, that completed a) and )b of 8.1.3, then he stepped with his left foot. Three steps, three feet down, two feet down and a step all mean the exact same thing. He completed a) and b) and then did something common to the game.
You know Roger Goodell was on the grassy knoll at Dealy Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963, right?

Reminds me of some of the crazy conspiracy theories that were started in the 0T section on that. They were almost as ridiculous as some of the comments that the moon walk was staged. This fan base has a few space cadets.
Everyone I’ve heard in the “national media” said under the rule it was the correct call. All the complaints they made were about the rule not the call. No one likes the rule but most are intelligent enough to grasp the key elements of the rule. They all understand that a player that’s going to the ground has to survive the ground. None of them have been disputing that. There’s at least a couple in the Dallas media who didn’t like the call but they’re bias. Any intelligent individual isn’t going to scream conspiracy or that the call was butchered.
Correction, said under the rule I guess, based on Blandino's BS explanation. It is also far from all the national media, or just the Dallas writers saying so.
Reminds me of some of the crazy conspiracy theories that were started in the 0T section on that. They were almost as ridiculous as some of the comments that the moon walk was staged. This fan base has a few space cadets.
Yet your disdain doesn't keep you from taking parts in the threads? Most sane people would avoid things that caused them such discomfort.
Correction, said under the rule I guess, based on Blandino's BS explanation. It is also far from all the national media, or just the Dallas writers saying so.

The same explanation has been given by everyone in the league. It’s been the same rule since 2010 and it’s been officiated the same way.
Repeating yourself, as I recall I completely destroyed half that moronic list the last time you posted it.

The only thing you've destroyed in this thread is your reputation (self-proclaimed, that is) as someone with a handle on how rules work, with your "25 years of ref experience," using false bravado to convince yourself to cover insecurities. How are you doing with all those figurative paper cuts in the form of being corrected by multiple "non-ref" civilians? LOL.
Both jumped...check, both reached for the ball...check, both were facing the same direction...check, both of their body positions were parallel to the side line when they jumped...check, yeah they did nothing alike. In fact, Shields makes an awkward swipe at the ball on the way down that contorts his body, and yet this twisting did not keep him from falling in a straight line.
It is common vernacular to call feet hitting the ground steps, so that is just a bush league move to attempt to discredit. The facts are Dez had control with his left foot down, right foot landed with control, that completed a) and )b of 8.1.3, then he stepped with his left foot. Three steps, three feet down, two feet down and a step all mean the exact same thing. He completed a) and b) and then did something common to the game.
You don't even get that you don't get it.
Yet your disdain doesn't keep you from taking parts in the threads? Most sane people would avoid things that caused them such discomfort.

You’re the one constantly whining and attacking people. This topic brings you more discomfort than anyone who’s opposed the ruling. Appears you’re a glutton for punishment. I’ve been at peace with the call since the day it happened.
The same explanation has been given by everyone in the league. It’s been the same rule since 2010 and it’s been officiated the same way.
So if that is so, why do we have catch reviews every game? Clearly it isn't being officiated the same or they wouldn't need to be reviewed. And pointing to those who made the call and are then explaining means it is proof? LOL, I bet if you walked into your kitchen going for a piece of chocolate cake and there on the counter is the mangled remains and standing there is your 5 year old head to toe covered in chocolate. You ask if he did it and he says no, it was the dog and you'd believe him.
You’re the one constantly whining and attacking people. This topic brings you more discomfort than anyone who’s opposed the ruling. I’ve been at peace with the call since the day it happened.
LOL, you need a tissue, or maybe some cheese for your abundance of whine.
I see your point, and in theory I don't disagree with it, but in practice the NFL survives in part because people are willing to spend a certain amount of time watching games, and if that time gets notably longer because of lulls in the game with a lot of standing around and commercials to fill the gap the NFL would have a problem keeping the interest of the fans. I'm sure your first reaction to that comment is that true fans will be more interested in getting it right than worrying about dragging the game out, but the NFL is a business, and they rely on more than just the hard core fan to make it work. So I get why they are limiting the number of challenges.
Yeah, I get what you’re saying as well but it drives me crazy.
LOL, you need a tissue, or maybe some cheese for your abundance of whine.

I’m the one whining? :laugh: Go chase someone else or find a shoulder to cry on because you’re not going to get any sympathy from me. I find this thread hilarious.
The same explanation has been given by everyone in the league. It’s been the same rule since 2010 and it’s been officiated the same way.

Read the news, watch the superbowl, Collingsworth even said he can't understand the rule anymore. Is Roge Goodell your cousin?...lol

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