I don't get it millions of young coaches out there with new ideas


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“Great” NFL players usually retire from the NFL with a lot of money or at the very least a full time job in the local or national market analyzing games in some fashion. No need to enter into a stressful, demanding job in “retirement”.

I just think coaching is an entirely different skill set. A football playing background only helps to a point.
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So when you were at practice and in the film room how did you think Kellen did as a QB coach?

So who do you trust in this organization to evaluate him? They keep bringing in former Cowboys so they will teach players the successful "Cowboy's way". It's kind of a joke to be honest.


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So many false notions in here.

First is the suggestion that there is a problem with having a coach that wasn’t that good as a player. Look around the NFL and find all the coaches that were outstanding former players. Do you really think that’s the norm? Far and away most never even made it to the NFL at all, and they were never remotely close to even the college player Kellen Moore was. Of course, if you want a quality former player coaching, Colombo fits that criteria, but you don’t like him either.

Second, all of us did not think of Moore as a joke at QB coach. Most had some concerns about his lack of experience, and I did as well, but ultimately QB coach is not a top level coaching position, and Moore is highly thought of by everyone that has ever played with him or coached him, so I was willing to take a wait and see approach.

As for Kellen Moore becoming OC, the one reasonable concern is his lack of experience. Not how well he did as a player - by that criteria he would be an elite candidate for OC compared to other NFL OCs. As for Colombo, everything I’ve read and heard indicate the O-Line took a turn for the better once Alexander got canned and Colombo took over.

The first bolded part is the joke.

The line got better when Conner Williams got benched, he was a major liability.


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Semi proven young coaches with new ideas, new looks, new schemes and we keep hiring and promoting ex players some who were never any good. None of us wanted Kellen here as a QB coach and thought that was a joke in itself and now he's gonna be our OC. The whole Garrett calling plays thing while HC never worked out so that shouldn't be considered and if it is you better be prepared for even more gameday, big moment blunders.
You got Marc Columbo who now seems is going to be our offensive lines coach. I have more faith in having T Fred come back to operate the Oline than I do Columbo coaching it. No disrespect to him, it would just be nice to have him as an assistant to the Oline.
I wonder if Will McClay has any say in any of the coaching staff decisions or if he is strictly involved in player personnel because he has turned this team around and quickly into a contender and it seems the only thing lacking and holding us back is our coaching staff and having a bunch of unproven rookie coaches under an unproven, underachieving HC seems like a recipe for disaster. Im just sick and tired of watching a talented young roster being wasted. We did it throughout Romos career and now it looks like we are going to do it all over again.


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Generally the more successful HC’s were over achievers as players . Lunch pale (did I spell that right) carriers on the most. And that type of work ethic is required from coaches.

Great athletes everything always came so easy to them. They never had to be concerned about making rosters . Sure, they worked hard but their natural ability carried them.

And why I believe on the most part ( some exceptions) we see more of these type of explayers make greater HC’s.
A "Lunch pale" is a light lunch.


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And where is it written that bad players with little to no experience coaching will be great coaches from day 1?

This comment is irrelevant because he didn't indicate poor players are certain to be great coaches, either from day 1, or at all. What he said was you can't dismiss a person as a coach based on him not being a strong player. And he's right. To say otherwise would be to ignore the entire history of the NFL and NFL coaches. Far and away most never even made it to the NFL, so if that were the standard Kellen Moore would be an elite candidate.


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At this point, if Jerry and Garrett think this is the best way to go, I don't care. They will sink or swim in 2019 based on this decision most likely.


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Semi proven young coaches with new ideas, new looks, new schemes and we keep hiring and promoting ex players some who were never any good. None of us wanted Kellen here as a QB coach and thought that was a joke in itself and now he's gonna be our OC. The whole Garrett calling plays thing while HC never worked out so that shouldn't be considered and if it is you better be prepared for even more gameday, big moment blunders.
You got Marc Columbo who now seems is going to be our offensive lines coach. I have more faith in having T Fred come back to operate the Oline than I do Columbo coaching it. No disrespect to him, it would just be nice to have him as an assistant to the Oline.
I wonder if Will McClay has any say in any of the coaching staff decisions or if he is strictly involved in player personnel because he has turned this team around and quickly into a contender and it seems the only thing lacking and holding us back is our coaching staff and having a bunch of unproven rookie coaches under an unproven, underachieving HC seems like a recipe for disaster. Im just sick and tired of watching a talented young roster being wasted. We did it throughout Romos career and now it looks like we are going to do it all over again.
what do you know about Kellen Moore? most who think he is bad is because they associate him with Linehan and they hated linehan and thus they don't like moore. did anyone think McVay had brilliant ideas and was innovative before he became a head coach? or even OC with Commanders?

you hate columbo because? seemed like OL improved after he took over and the other coach was fired. and that was in mid-season.

and you just ranted a whole bunch without providing any solutions but identifying a lot of what you think are problems. Apprantley in NFL circles Moore is an up and coming coach...and please give us a few names you like to see in dallas and how you think that will happen. no fantasy football stuff. realistic options. and why they are good.

if you can't, then you are just *****ing, for the sake of *****ing


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This comment is irrelevant because he didn't indicate poor players are certain to be great coaches, either from day 1, or at all. What he said was you can't dismiss a person as a coach based on him not being a strong player. And he's right. To say otherwise would be to ignore the entire history of the NFL and NFL coaches. Far and away most never even made it to the NFL, so if that were the standard Kellen Moore would be an elite candidate.

On the flipside, history probably isn't littered with good OCs with as limited a coaching resume as Moore.

There is massive risk if this is the direction this franchise goes. I think denying that (not saying you are) would be foolish. But as I said above, at this point, I think we are nearing the end of the Garrett experiment so I say let Jerry and Jason have what they want, even if it's risky like making Moore the OC, and see where the chips fall.

My gut says the chips don't fall well but we'll find out in 9-10 months.


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what do you know about Kellen Moore? most who think he is bad is because they associate him with Linehan and they hated linehan and thus they don't like moore. did anyone think McVay had brilliant ideas and was innovative before he became a head coach? or even OC with Commanders?

you hate columbo because? seemed like OL improved after he took over and the other coach was fired. and that was in mid-season.

and you just ranted a whole bunch without providing any solutions but identifying a lot of what you think are problems. Apprantley in NFL circles Moore is an up and coming coach...and please give us a few names you like to see in dallas and how you think that will happen. no fantasy football stuff. realistic options. and why they are good.

if you can't, then you are just *****ing, for the sake of *****ing

Actually, yes. People were pretty effusive of McVay while in Washington. It's how he was a hot ticket after the 2016 season. Also, McVay had a longer track record of coaching than Moore has so, in fairness, there was more for people to judge McVay. Moore simply doesn't have that resume so it's harder to project where he might go.


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And where is it written that bad players with little to no experience coaching will be great coaches from day 1?
its not written anywhere. its also not written that they won';t be or that good players will be good coaches from day 1. nobody knew Mcvay would be this good until he became the head coach. many questioned the move, in the media and fans, but NFL insiders knew....


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Doug Pederson lived the dream. He was a back-up QB for 13 seasons, got paid a ton of money, and barely took a hit. In my next life, I would like to "not cut it" , if thats the bar.

Great coaches are cut in this mold. Most were college football players who either couldn't make it in the NFL or barely sniffed the field. In fact, I can't think of a single great coach who was also a great NFL player. Ditka comes closest but he was just an average NFL TE.
that's true. most great NFL players don't become good coaches, because its hard for them to relay the nuances to the players. things are innate with great players and average players work hard to just stay average or above average and often have a better understanding of what it takes to become good.....singletary was a great example. great player, but sucked as a coach.


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You do realize a lot of good coaches are former players that couldn’t cut it?

Doug Pederson was a career backup who stunk when he got the chance to play.

He retired, became a HS head coach for a few years. He got a job as a “offensive quality control coordinator” for the Eagles for one season and then became the QB coach for one season...then he was the coordinator. He turned out pretty good.

His experience before becoming a coordinator isn’t far off from Moore’s experience.

I won’t argue that there aren’t better candidates but saying there are “millions of others” more qualified is nonsense. Usually an existing head coaching staff hires people they’re familiar with...don’t expect an outsider.

Also...using a coaches playing career as a way to discredit him from being a coach is absurd.

People don't understand that teaching is a "gift." Not everyone can teach, I don't care how much experience on the field you have. Sure, experience helps. But that ALONE doesn't make a good teacher.
Michael Jordan was an awful coach. So was Mike Singletary.
Jordan was supremely gifted, but he couldn't translate what he knew probably because he was so gifted. You can't teach giftedness.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The answer to the OP's question is Garrett. If you notice, on defense we do go outside the Red Comfort Zone and hire guys like Richard who become available on the market and have no prior connection to Jason. And he's actually given big responsibility in calling plays. It's on offense where the Derek Dooleys and Linehans and Kitnas are hired, because they all have some connection to Garrett and Jason knows they'll be loyal. Callahan was probably the best OL coach in the league, but he had to be run off because he bowed up to Jason.


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This is Garrett's final season barring an NFC Championship appearance...and that doesn't seem likely given how hard the schedule will be so it will be too tough to get the home field advantage they need. He's done and I think he knows it


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garrett is done jones is going to let him play out his last contract year so they are not going to sign coaches from the outside if they don't make the nfc championship game next year they are all gone