I dont think Trysten Hill has shown up yet


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I can understand being disappointed with him so far but he has shown traits that should lead to making an impact down the road (athleticism, motor, intensity and toughness). May not sound like much but as far as 2nd round DTs go “traits” are about what you should expect to see at this point.

  • Explosiveness (both in terms of short area straight-line movement skills and lower body power)
  • Motor
  • Toughness/intensity
Negatives/areas for improvement:
  • Consistency with elementary fundamentals (playing w/leverage and knee bend). He has done much better with this lately.
  • Technique in block shedding (both against run and pass). Very common for a rookie DT but he has a long way to go.
  • Balance: dude ends up on the ground too often - this is tied to the first negative but as it improves, this will too.
  • Awareness/instincts: this seemed like a major weakness coming out of college but isn’t the most important thing you’re looking at in a DT coming out of college and he’s seemed to improve a lot in this area lately.
A lot of room for improvement BUT that’s to be expected with a rookie DT and at this point the traits listed as strengths (which are hard to teach) are more predictive toward long term potential than the negatives which are admittedly very predictive toward immediate success but also pretty teachable over time. Bottom line: if Collins stays healthy this year, we’re perfectly ok if Hill is a low-impact rotational player in year 1. But he has the potential to be very good in the future.

Great post.


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that's right. That was never the plan. He was a long-term project that you throw into the fray.

lets hope he is not a long term project.
the dt's drafted high are starting to have an effect.
so sometime this season particularly i dont trust collins to stay healthy despite contract year


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he is somewhat weaker than the 2 dts drafted in the top 10.
he may be able to gain those few reps during the next couple months.
i still think he can contribute this year and those 2 dts from alabama and houston are now saying the right things like the game is starting to slow down for them.
so lets say trysten is about 1 year behind them in college training.
figure by mid/late season, he should be where they are at now.


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After last night, I saw him in but disappeared as usual. I don't know what they saw in him to be such an early pick.

..you guys seeing something else?

He needs a true a NT next to him, pair him with a Harrison Snack like player and he will dominate.



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agree...right now he hasn't a clue what he's doing lol...not a knock on him...its just fact...he is a rookie. Next year I see him being better.

If you watch his college highlights it's both good and bad. Yeah he crashes through the line. But it is with total disregard to where the ball, QB, or play is going. I was kind of surprised at the pick. Not because I don't think he'll be a good player at some point. I just though our pick would be more focused on this season and maybe the next.


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It definitely takes times for most DTs to get acclimated, but the fact he was never dominate in college either doesn't bode well for him.

I have said this before..........HE simply does NOT have the upper body strength. HE is like a wild animal taking off. Strong lower body, but weak upper body and poor technique. He gets thrown around. Not as bad a prospect as Taco, but the kid needs another offseason in the weight room. Similar to Connor Williams.


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We keep dumping all these resources into the D line to help marinelli and it doesn't matter. He sucks as a coach. Bottom of the league in pressure % and T-16th in total sacks. How many more draft picks does he need on a d line.


Vet Min Plus
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Looks pudgy, soft, slow, and unmotivated.. Maybe he’s nursing a minor injury...


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I watched him get knocked down pretty easy last night. He did get up and get in on the play though. He hustles. But not seeing what they were saying before the draft. They acted like we got the best DT in the draft. Immediate impact player. I don’t see it. But am hopefull. Hyder and some of the others were playing good.

He just needs to play more.

He'll get up to speed soon.