I Don't Trust Guys Who Don't Like Football

lewpac;2761041 said:
Doesn't matter if my wife's family watches football. It's that they understand that I DO!

If Dallas isn't on, then I may or may not attend the family function. But, if Dallas is on the TV (and my wife knows this), then don't even ask. I ain't going. No TeeVoo, no recording, no "wait for SportsCenter either. I ain't going.

I've missed more than a few "important" family get-togethers over the years due to a Cowboy game or a NASCAR race that I like a lot too. It's to the point where my wife just say "I'm taking the kids to uncle Bill's on Sunday for his birthday party. Enjoy the game, we'll be back by 6:00.

That's a good place to be at. She loves me enough to not make me fell lousy over watching the game. Her mother tried to say something about it about 16 years ago. That lasted all but one time. Not a peep since........

I got accused of being anti social for watching the Cowboys game on thanksgiving 2 years ago. Luckily, my wife who never watched the game when I met her is now a Cowboys fan and her father watches it a little bit now and roots for the Cowboys.
dmq;2761050 said:
I got accused of being anti social for watching the Cowboys game on thanksgiving 2 years ago. Luckily, my wife who never watched the game when I met her is now a Cowboys fan and her father watches it a little bit now and roots for the Cowboys.

I took care of THAT quandry years ago..............


That means that I SET THE AGENDA and plan the day and the dinner. Guess what meal is OVER before the game begins? Oh, c'mon, just guess......

See, ya' gotta' go "Cable Guy" about this stuff. Eliminate any opportunity for confusion or conflict, and you move the solution to your court. I make the dinner, and I SAY WHEN WE EAT, because I make the dinner!! What wife or family in the world is gonna' have a problem with the Husband/Father making Thanksgiving Dinner???? You get the best of both worlds, and you did it all to satisfy your own selfish needs.

You get to watch the Cowboy game with no guilt, and the family thinks you're a hell of a guy!
parchy;2760966 said:
This, in a nutshell, is why educated people of the world hate America.

Wow,ur right.What a tool.lol.
THUMPER;2761004 said:
You know what I hate? People who hijack threads so that they can foist their own agenda on everyone else even though it has nothing to do with the subject of the thread, or even of the forum itself.

Juckie, you have ruined an otherwise great thread by your agenda regarding soccer. Thanks for nothing pal. We all know how you feel now so how about giving it a rest for the next 20 years and sticking to discussing the Dallas Cowboys and NFL football on this board.

This thread has gone 14 pages so far and most of it was discussing soccer! That's your fault Juckie.

I couldn't care less about soccer, golf, baseball, curling, WNBA, or a host of other boring games. So if anyone wants to talk about those things they should go to a forum FOR those activities. If you want to talk about how great soccer is then go find a Manchester United forum and type to your heart's content. On this board we talk about football!

:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

Oh, by the way, Juckie, you're now on my ignore list so no need to reply to this post.

Ya know where u can go.lol.:laugh2:
You can either stop the name calling or you are going to get vacations.

Your choice
Yeagermeister;2761089 said:
You can either stop the name calling or you are going to get vacations.

Your choice

You sounded like Old Lady Taggart, the front desk lady at the YMCA:laugh2:

oh, sorry. . . .
Yeagermeister;2760621 said:
On that we will agree. Baseball is as boring as soccer. I don't watch either.
Baseball on the radio is decent if your doing yard work other then that id rather watch paint dry.

juckie;2760633 said:
No its a glorified WWE mocking a GREAT sport that is boxing.
talk about uneducated.

juckie;2760637 said:
MMA will be gone as quick as it came.
you mean since the early 1900's or when it first started to be televised in 93?
juckie;2760663 said:
Its funny how Mayweather will get paid a trillion dollars in his comeback fight and some meathead like that ****** who has a bayonet tattooed on his gut will make 150 bucks.BTW wasnt that douch in the WWE?lol.

you mean Lesnars 250k grantee debut? and the 200k winning bonus for a total of 450k for what? 30 mins of actual work minus training

Mayweather gets the money he does through endorsments and media rights (i believe its something like 15% of total sales made from ppv)
Insert Hammer and nail icon, because it's late and I'm just plain lazy.
Nice post Hos.

Even after a poor season ends and I swear I'm off the wagon, time moves and the itch returns. I check the latest news and watch what my team is doing. I broach the subject with co-workers, knowing full well the disdain I'll face, being in Giant country and just talk football. We're talking about what? Doesn't matter, it'll come around to football. A cleverly inserted metaphor, and there's no escaping it.

Hell, I got the manager of the Lexus dealer I visited talking football, and much to my humor, he had to refrain from his derision upon learning I'm a Cowboy fan, seeing as how he wanted me to buy his car. :D

My wife knows by now what fall brings and gave up a long time ago. Sunday (and/or Monday) is off limits.

Everybody in this area crows on about summer, but me: take your sweat and you bugs and stick 'em. Give me autumn and America's Past Time: Football.

Is it autumn yet?
I loved this thread early this morning and hate it now.

Thank you to those who liked the post.
Hostile;2761197 said:
I loved this thread early this morning and hate it now.

Thank you to those who liked the post.

What made you change your opinion of the thread?

nevermind I just read a couple post back.
DaBoys4Life;2761202 said:
What made you change your opinion of the thread?
The hi-jack. I pray one of my threads never again devolves into a discussion of soccer. I should have just closed the thread at that point.

I thought it was a fun post. Some enjoyed it. That is the only reason the thread is still open at this point.
Hostile;2761197 said:
I loved this thread early this morning and hate it now.

Thank you to those who liked the post.

It's a shame how even the good threads get crapped on...

It was a hell of a good thread, Hos...
Hostile;2760269 said:
Actually, I am someone whose moral standards do not stomach that kind of "entertainment" so not only do I not watch it, I never have and never will. I have never been to a strip club, not even for a friend's bachelor party.
You'd be less grumpy if you did.
DaBoys4Life;2761202 said:
What made you change your opinion of the thread?

nevermind I just read a couple post back.

Yeah, it went from a 5 star rating to a 5 ring circus hijack.

great original post, really enjoyed reading it and while personally i'm nowhere near that passionate about american football i can certainly relate to the emotions you speak about regarding how i feel about football (soccer) and celtic in particular. the result on a saturday really will affect how good a week you have. in saying i have nowhere near the same passion for american football as soccer i am definately getting right into it since september when i was in texas and ended up finding myself sitting at 4am - due to the time differance- watching the cowboys games online once i returned home.
the thing i don't get though is why people feel the need to compare the two sports, it happens over here as well and i really don't see why you would. both games are entirely different and regarding which is the more physically demanding both are in different ways. american football obviously is much more hard hitting but you try running 80 yards at full speed to get forward and support an attack only for the defence to break it up and play the ball in behind you meaning you need to turn and sprint the same distance back after 80 minutes played and then tell me soccer is not physically demanding.
both are in my opinion great sports, i personally prefer soccer as it was what i was brought up with, what i have grown up playing and watching and what i go and sit with my old man and watch, basically its in my blood. my girlfriend knows how big a part of my life celtic and football in general is and although she hates it she has come to live with it. this doesn't mean i don't like american football though. the main problem with it for me is that it is very much something i watch on my own, none of my friends care for it so online is the only place i get to talk about it. but that hasn't stopped me from researching and reading more about the game so that i am more knowledgable. even basic things like the role of the different positions is new to me as when i sat down to watch the cowboys win at green bay that night my knowledge more or less encompassed the qb, wr, rb and how the scoring and downs system worked. while i am in no way an expert i read everything i can get my hands on regarding nfl in general and the cowboys in particular. don't understand why some people seem to feel that liking one sport means you can't like the other.
a couple of final points regarding soccer being popular because of poverty. firstly my season ticket at celtic costs me a little under 500 pounds which at todays exchange is around 750 dollars which i wouldn't really say is something i could afford if i was as poverty stricken as lewpac reckons i must be. and secondly have you ever tried kicking a coconut? i haven't but if all i had to amuse me and some friends was a coconut i think i'd probably want to throw it

anyway just throwing in my tuppence worth (or should that be two cents?)
dasch what was meant was that soccer is a cheap sport to play. VS full tackle football. Most of the world could not afford it anyway. I do happen to think that is one reason why soccer is so popular.
parchy;2760966 said:
This, in a nutshell, is why educated people of the world hate America.

Oh I don't know I think this one beats it....

lewpac;2760889 said:
Alright, here you go.............

BTW, I appreciate that you concede because you have no forward arguments. All you got is "at least Europe likes it.........and the kiddies."
Still, no pro-active reason as to soccers popularity.

Europe.........First of all, Europe is more "third-world" than modern. Any place where drinking the wine is more advisable than drinking the water.........They still haven't figured out running water.
Secondly, anything "America", and Europe, out of pure jealousy, is going to counter. Been going on for generations. So your "well , Europe get's it" thing don't work. Europe, for any lover of America, is NOT an example or "beacon" of light. You can smell Europe from New York and know that you're a little too close. Europe is a "bend over backward" and "retreat" shop that cowers in the face of anything threatening or modern. And it's people would rather "fit in' with "the world" than grow up. Thus, Soccer is popular there, so they feel all "goody-goody" and "inclusive" with the rest of the turd-world. It's a "European thing".

Secondly, yeah, the kiddies like Soccer. My three kids play soccer.It's good exercise and they make friends. But, a strange thing happens to people at a certain age. "If you want to participate, play soccer. If you want to COMPETE, play football or baseball or basketball". THAT'S what happens to a kid at 14 or 15 or 16. They begin to want to actually "compete" and "win", and not play some politically correct game where "everyones a winner" by simply showing up and putzing around.

Again, I have an answer, and the nuggets to put it out there. And again, you have nothing except "you're wrong, you're an idiot, and I don't like you". Which falls into the category of "whatever".............
Hostile;2761203 said:
The hi-jack. I pray one of my threads never again devolves into a discussion of soccer. I should have just closed the thread at that point.

I thought it was a fun post. Some enjoyed it. That is the only reason the thread is still open at this point.

It was an extremely good post. It was shame the way it turned out.

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