I get it, no sympathy. But 49ers snakebit w/ playoff injuries


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I tell yall to show me proof and yall never do lol. Should be simple.

You a master deflector…this stemmed from you lacking comprehension skills then it turned into my fandom and me being a troll. Imagine me being a troll because I’m a homer who likes the Cowboys? Now you playing victim….i can’t….you want to be a thug one minute and next a princess.
proof of what? talk FOOTBALL...not your personal posts which are all over the place and you are ashamed to answer for them.

Anyone can be a fan...but when you talk like you know and call other folks "stupid" or "gay" or whatever a kept Jerry slave says...you earn the questions.

And when your responses are more sophomorish quips...don't get mad when you're taken as seriously as the fake chain in the profile picture.


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I've seen nothing since September that is changing my mind about the Ravens winning it all. They are special. They are healthy. They are built for January football. I hope it hurts when the Lions or 49ers lose badly to them.
I think even get Mark Andrews back to go with Isiah Likely.


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proof of what? talk FOOTBALL...not your personal posts which are all over the place and you are ashamed to answer for them.

Anyone can be a fan...but when you talk like you know and call other folks "stupid" or "gay" or whatever a kept Jerry slave says...you earn the questions.

And when your responses are more sophomorish quips...don't get mad when you're taken as seriously as the fake chain in the profile picture.
Where did I call someone stupid or gay? Post receipts and stop playing victim.

What is your other name? What’s your other account name?


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If the ravens and 49ers are in the SB, I'm about 50% convinced the league is indeed scripted, based on several things I've already seen/heard.
......and the Ravens have been ravaged with injury.......next man up. We get a toenail cut too short and the excuses surface.


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......and the Ravens have been ravaged with injury.......next man up. We get a toenail cut too short and the excuses surface.
Keaton Mitchell was looking incredible. That dude is explosive.

Now Andrews comes back

Cheifs are capable though. They have a good all-around defense finally


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Keaton Mitchell was looking incredible. That dude is explosive.

Now Andrews comes back

Cheifs are capable though. They have a good all-around defense finally
.....and right now.....they don't really need to risk Andrews because Likely is playing very well. We held a pity party after Diggs went down and yet the DL got gashed against Arizona instead of the secondary.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Lost their QB for the NFCCG last year
Possibly lose Deebo for this year's NFCCG

That's some crap luck.

Not that we care as Cowboys fans, but just sayin.
Would much rather see Detroit go to the bowl than the 49ers, so I'm OK with this.


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Losing every QB on your roster in the NFC championship game is indeed snakebitten, but I don't think losing Deebo rises to that same bar. Every team is missing players at this point of the season.


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Y’all are out of control lol…insane….
I can have an intelligent debate with you even when we disagree.
that isn't possible with him, because he has no intelligence.

So every once in a while I pull the pin and toss a grenade just for some cheap laughs.

It's a guilty pleasure, but indulge me. For as much insulting and bullying as he does, he can expect to get a little in return. ;)


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I can have an intelligent debate with you even when we disagree.
that isn't possible with him, because he has no intelligence.

So every once in a while I pull the pin and toss a grenade just for some cheap laughs.

It's a guilty pleasure, but indulge me. For as much insulting and bullying as he does, he can expect to get a little in return. ;)
Man I must be missing it I get he’s passionate but I don’t see the stuff yall say he does lol.


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Whine and cry me a river about injuries when we lost Diggs-Overshown-Stevenson and LVE... We had all 4??? Who knows????


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9ers are "snakebit" with injuries?

I know about Deebo (a single WR)...but who are all the other losses?

1 playerblost is called GREAT LUCK.


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Man I must be missing it I get he’s passionate but I don’t see the stuff yall say he does lol.
It's not even the blind Dak allegiance. He has a right to think what he wants. Guy disagrees with me, so be it, I enjoy debate anyways.
But, if you follow his posts closely you'll come to the conclusion that he's got some serious emotional/mental instability issues.

I think he's on meds and sometimes he goes off them, and you can see it in his posts.
One of the most vicious, insulting, personal attack dogs on this forum and that's no exaggeration.

He's been perma banned from multiple forums under multiple names and with good reason.
One of the worst members on this or any forum I've been a part of, without doubt. If he got perma banned from this forum it would instantly become a better place by a wide margin.


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I'm sure Deebo will be back this week.
just needs the magic spray that they have for those international soccer players who roll on the ground after getting fouled like someone has shot them, lol.

America's Cowboy

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It's not even the blind Dak allegiance. He has a right to think what he wants. Guy disagrees with me, so be it, I enjoy debate anyways.
But, if you follow his posts closely you'll come to the conclusion that he's got some serious emotional/mental instability issues.

I think he's on meds and sometimes he goes off them, and you can see it in his posts.
One of the most vicious, insulting, personal attack dogs on this forum and that's no exaggeration.

He's been perma banned from multiple forums under multiple names and with good reason.
One of the worst members on this or any forum I've been a part of, without doubt. If he got perma banned from this forum it would instantly become a better place by a wide margin.
Aww, making up stories to cover up your insulting and attackful ways? You can't handle the truth, plus you know diddly squat about football or this team. You attack and insult but cry when the same gets thrown at you. Poor little old high school choir/band boy.


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Losing every QB on your roster in the NFC championship game is indeed snakebitten, but I don't think losing Deebo rises to that same bar. Every team is missing players at this point of the season.
Oh, I agree completely. Losing the QB and then the backup is way worse.

It's just the timing of possibly losing Deebo
Much worse losing a key player one week before a game than, say, 10 week before.
He may play anyway, btw.


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Lost their QB for the NFCCG last year
Possibly lose Deebo for this year's NFCCG

That's some crap luck.

Not that we care as Cowboys fans, but just sayin.
Every team has lost major players. Ravens lost TE Mark Andrews. KC lost their starting safety. Good teams just say next man up and keep playing without missing much of a beat at all. SF will be fine.


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The Boys could have been 100% healthy and still ended up with the same results.....


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Aww, making up stories to cover up your insulting and attackful ways? You can't handle the truth, plus you know diddly squat about football or this team. You attack and insult but cry when the same gets thrown at you. Poor little old high school choir/band boy.
Rambling wreck of a post.

And more hypocrisy for you to complain about other posters allegedly "crying".

I've never once reported you for any of your insane insults and even occasional threats against others

Can you say the same? Of course you can't. You openly proclaimed just last week about reporting someone because they got under your skin. It's well known that you cry foul to the mods fairly regularly when someone gets the better of you (which, again, is fairly regularly)

I merely noted that you're a mentally unbalanced nut job who's prone to making adrenaline laced crazy rants against anyone who dares to disagree with you

That's your reputation. It's well deserved.

If you don't like it, do something to change your image.