I get it, no sympathy. But 49ers snakebit w/ playoff injuries


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Lost their QB for the NFCCG last year
Possibly lose Deebo for this year's NFCCG

That's some crap luck.

Not that we care as Cowboys fans, but just sayin.
What are you a closet Whiner fan. I can’t stand the Whiners. They have one injury and now you’re feeling sorry for them. I hope Debo is out. Let him get healthy after the Whiners are knocked out of the playoffs.

Their genius coach, Shanahan, was a big reason why pretty boy Purdy got hurt last year.


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Not worried about them being snake bitten. I'm still putting money on them to win this weekend.
It is impossible to be a Cowboys fan AND root for the Whiners to reach the Superbowl !

You should never admit rooting for the Whiners to make it to the Superbowl.


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Of course whenever we play anyone that team is always a 100% and plays its best game. Lol!

America's Cowboy

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Rambling wreck of a post.

And more hypocrisy for you to complain about other posters allegedly "crying".

I've never once reported you for any of your insane insults and even occasional threats against others

Can you say the same? Of course you can't. You openly proclaimed just last week about reporting someone because they got under your skin. It's well known that you cry foul to the mods fairly regularly when someone gets the better of you (which, again, is fairly regularly)

I merely noted that you're a mentally unbalanced nut job who's prone to making adrenaline laced crazy rants against anyone who dares to disagree with you

That's your reputation. It's well deserved.

If you don't like it, do something to change your image.
You guys attack badly. If I were to reply in true kind, I wouldn't be here anymore.


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Their team is not built for the long haul with their type of play..until they lose though it's just a concern at this point


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It's not even the blind Dak allegiance. He has a right to think what he wants. Guy disagrees with me, so be it, I enjoy debate anyways.
But, if you follow his posts closely you'll come to the conclusion that he's got some serious emotional/mental instability issues.

I think he's on meds and sometimes he goes off them, and you can see it in his posts.
One of the most vicious, insulting, personal attack dogs on this forum and that's no exaggeration.

He's been perma banned from multiple forums under multiple names and with good reason.
One of the worst members on this or any forum I've been a part of, without doubt. If he got perma banned from this forum it would instantly become a better place by a wide margin.
I probably don't see it because we tend to agree on some things. I've gone back and forth with him on some stuff never been called any names or anything.

But maybe its a good balance.

I'm starting to see why now these guys keep saying I "name call" and cry about me....I think they are confusing me with him lol.

Silver Surfer

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Meanwhile, the Lions starting guard is out, their backup TE broke his arm and their center was seriously nicked up Sunday. Their TE's are so depleted that they have noone behind the recently injured LaPorta, and had to sign Ertz off the street a couple of days ago. Its likely Ertz will have to play against the Niners.

Its almost February. Very big and fast men have been running into each other for months now. When that happens, people get hurt. Deal with it.


Since 1971
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At least they are not snakebit by an Owner who can't come to terms with his ineptitude and continues to do things the same way for decades, not winning anything.


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This thread is pointing out the timing of injuries, not injuries in general.

Some here missed the point

Just saying that if Dallas made it to the NFCCG and Dak went down for the season right before or at the beginning of the game, it would suck.
Then the very next year, if Cee Dee went down in the same way right before the NFCCG it would be a bit weird and unlucky.

Everyone has injuries throughout the season and you just deal with it. As even the youngest football fans understand.
But when major injuries happen the week before or during a game, its a bit harder to adjust.

No big deal....as I said in the OP....certainly not feeling sorry for the 49ers.


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Rambling wreck of a post.

And more hypocrisy for you to complain about other posters allegedly "crying".

I've never once reported you for any of your insane insults and even occasional threats against others

Can you say the same? Of course you can't. You openly proclaimed just last week about reporting someone because they got under your skin. It's well known that you cry foul to the mods fairly regularly when someone gets the better of you (which, again, is fairly regularly)

I merely noted that you're a mentally unbalanced nut job who's prone to making adrenaline laced crazy rants against anyone who dares to disagree with you

That's your reputation. It's well deserved.

If you don't like it, do something to change your image.
That's good to know. Cause I've been warned 3x now, benched once and each time it's always with certain posters. They call names, talk mad you-know-what when Dak is playing well...but when Dak COLLAPSES and no one is buying their spin...they can get nasty, testy and short-tempered. Clearly, they take Dak criticism personally. And I also get that mods may be more lenient towards the aggressive "homer" vs the aggressive "hater" because this is a fan site. I have no problems with handling name-calling on my own, but I guess some of these guys are sooo sensitive that they run to the mods. (of course, a mod could just be doing their job and spot a situation spiraling...)


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I probably don't see it because we tend to agree on some things. I've gone back and forth with him on some stuff never been called any names or anything.

But maybe its a good balance.

I'm starting to see why now these guys keep saying I "name call" and cry about me....I think they are confusing me with him lol.
Yeah, I've not sensed that from you at all.
you argue hard but I've found you to be an above board type, even when you are wrong. Which is pretty much always...... :muttley::grin:


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That's good to know. Cause I've been warned 3x now, benched once and each time it's always with certain posters. They call names, talk mad you-know-what when Dak is playing well...but when Dak COLLAPSES and no one is buying their spin...they can get nasty, testy and short-tempered. Clearly, they take Dak criticism personally. And I also get that mods may be more lenient towards the aggressive "homer" vs the aggressive "hater" because this is a fan site. I have no problems with handling name-calling on my own, but I guess some of these guys are sooo sensitive that they run to the mods. (of course, a mod could just be doing their job and spot a situation spiraling...)
He reports. Regularly.

Soft as heck imo, but I guess it's his fallback when he's getting woodshedded in an argument.