I guess Henson will be back after next week


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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How does a Drew Bledsoe Cult even happen?

I can sorta understand some cult followings. Some charismatic individual casts some kind of spell on people, or some way-out freak provides the spark that other freaks are looking for.

But Drew Bledsoe?


The Duke
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Chief said:
How does a Drew Bledsoe Cult even happen?

I can sorta understand some cult followings. Some charismatic individual casts some kind of spell on people, or some way-out freak provides the spark that other freaks are looking for.

But Drew Bledsoe?
How did the Vinny one of 2004 happen?

They are equally annoying, that's for sure.


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blindzebra said:
Say Hi to Nors and Bledsoe4MVP, I have a feeling you'll be joining them soon.;)

Joining them? They ARE them. Hi Nors.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Think it's even worth Henson to try to play next week? I was hoping he could play to finish the season on a positive note. But at the same time, he needs to get fully healthy for Cowboy TC.


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CowboyManDan said:
Think it's even worth Henson to try to play next week? I was hoping he could play to finish the season on a positive note. But at the same time, he needs to get fully healthy for Cowboy TC.

I dont think its worth, but I doubt Henson wants to come back if he has any shot of playing next game, unless Cowboys staff forces him to come back. But probably by mid this week, he might be pulled back if he doesn't look like he might be able to play this coming week.

Either way, Fire is done for the season. No chance of going to World Bowl.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Hostile said:
How did the Vinny one of 2004 happen?

They are equally annoying, that's for sure.

I remember a couple months back you mentioning a Vinny Testeverde forum and it was beyond comprehension that it could be true so I searched and sure enough found it, they are still to this day talking about his greatness and hoping he doesnt retire.

The Answer

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CowboyManDan said:
Think it's even worth Henson to try to play next week? I was hoping he could play to finish the season on a positive note. But at the same time, he needs to get fully healthy for Cowboy TC.

I would just assume pull him now and ship him back to the states but if the front office at Valley Ranch thinks it's worth it, than you better believe Henson will be playing again in Europe in order to continue the 'evaluation' process.

Henson has a tough road ahead him, his biggest enemy right now seems to be Parcells, Romo's accelerated development, and the lofty expectations bestowed upon him by ardent Cowboy fans.

~The Answer

The Answer

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Chief said:
How does a Drew Bledsoe Cult even happen?

I can sorta understand some cult followings. Some charismatic individual casts some kind of spell on people, or some way-out freak provides the spark that other freaks are looking for.

But Drew Bledsoe?

You must understand that all great players in professional sports have a loyal contingency. Most hardcore Cowboy fans like myself that follow the entire league are cognizant of Bledsoe's gaudy resume. When Parcells first became our coach back in 2003, I had a gut feeling that Bledsoe would become a Cowboy at some point, and after Testerverde was signed as a short term fix in 2004 combined with the Bills taking a QB in the 1st round (after trading with us) I knew that a chain of events were set in place that would inexorably lead to Bledsoe becoming a Cowboy.

Believe me there has been players of much lesser talent that have had quite the fan club, so it comes as no surprise to me that Bledsoe is as popular as he is. I might not have been competely sold on the move intially, but after seeing Bledsoe play last year I'm fully aboard with him as the undisputed leader of this team!

~The Answer


The Duke
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BigDFan5 said:
I remember a couple months back you mentioning a Vinny Testeverde forum and it was beyond comprehension that it could be true so I searched and sure enough found it, they are still to this day talking about his greatness and hoping he doesnt retire.
Dude I am not kidding, one of those yahoos was convinced that Vinny's 3 Player of the Week awards were as prestigious as season MVP awards. Men and women both on that forum talk about him as if the physical attraction to him causes a lot of cold showers.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Hostile said:
Dude I am not kidding, one of those yahoos was convinced that Vinny's 3 Player of the Week awards were as prestigious as season MVP awards. Men and women both on that forum talk about him as if the physical attraction to him causes a lot of cold showers.

Yeah interestingly enough there were a couple of Vinny forums and our very own LTN was a member of one of them lol


The Duke
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BigDFan5 said:
Yeah interestingly enough there were a couple of Vinny forums and our very own LTN was a member of one of them lol
Yeah, she joined vinnytestaverde16.com when ibis and a couple of other of their members joined our site.

If nothing else they were entertaining. None of them whined even half as much as these Bledsoe worshippers do. I give them credit for that.


rock music matters
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The Answer said:
I would just assume pull him now and ship him back to the states but if the front office at Valley Ranch thinks it's worth it, than you better believe Henson will be playing again in Europe in order to continue the 'evaluation' process.

Henson has a tough road ahead him, his biggest enemy right now seems to be Parcells, Romo's accelerated development, and the lofty expectations bestowed upon him by ardent Cowboy fans.

~The Answer

henson hatred
romo love

overuse of dramatic adjectives...

when it smells like a troll...

The Answer

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iceberg said:
henson hatred
romo love

overuse of dramatic adjectives...

when it smells like a troll...

The Answer don't recall saying that he 'hates' Henson? Because I don't necessarily believe he is THE ANSWER, nor do I believe that he has lived up to the hype created by the fans this is your perception of hate? I have nothing but respect for Henson and think he's a good kid. But that alone does not make for a good NFL QB. In fact The Answer finds it amusing that some fans believe that just because he had a pedestrian outing in the European (developmental) league that means he's going to be the next big thing in the NFL. Danny Weufel had a phenomenal career in NFL Europe and set mulitiple records there, then lasted one season with the Commanders as a 3rd stringer if my memory serves me correct, and the only reason that happened is because of the Steve Spurrier connection.

As far as Romo, I don't 'love' him. And quite frankly he's marginally better than Henson if you want to break it down to fundamentals. But at this point I'm impressed with the kid, especially since he has worked hard for Parcells and wasn't even drafted. Parcells has always admired a strong work ethic like that and Romo will likely be a rock solid back-up in this league for as long as he plays.

~ The Answer


rock music matters
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The Answer said:
The Answer don't recall saying that he 'hates' Henson? Because I don't necessarily believe he is THE ANSWER, nor do I believe that he has lived up to the hype created by the fans this is your perception of hate? I have nothing but respect for Henson and think he's a good kid. But that alone does not make for a good NFL QB. In fact The Answer finds it amusing that some fans believe that just because he had a pedestrian outing in the European (developmental) league that means he's going to be the next big thing in the NFL. Danny Weufel had a phenomenal career in NFL Europe and set mulitiple records there, then lasted one season with the Commanders as a 3rd stringer if my memory serves me correct, and the only reason that happened is because of the Steve Spurrier connection.

As far as Romo, I don't 'love' him. And quite frankly he's marginally better than Henson if you want to break it down to fundamentals. But at this point I'm impressed with the kid, especially since he has worked hard for Parcells and wasn't even drafted. Parcells has always admired a strong work ethic like that and Romo will likely be a rock solid back-up in this league for as long as he plays.

~ The Answer

wouldn't a strong work ethic drive you to NFLE to show what you can do?

bias - i forgot to ad that to "the answers" list of previous traits i hoped were a part of the past.


The Duke
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Here are some domains that are available.




I'm not joking if these guys (who have migrated here from the Bills forum so they can share their stupid little nicknames and wars with us) will all leave and not come back, I'd buy the domain, set them up a forum and gift it to them.
Reaction score
Chief said:
How does a Drew Bledsoe Cult even happen?

I can sorta understand some cult followings. Some charismatic individual casts some kind of spell on people, or some way-out freak provides the spark that other freaks are looking for.

But Drew Bledsoe?

I'll tell you exactly how it started for me. I live in New England and always followed the Pats. I loved Steve Grogan back in the day, and I loved Bledsoe when he was a Pat. I also like quite a few other franchises in the NFL for various reasons that change all the time. For example, before Bledsoe came to Dallas, I liked Dallas because I like Parcells. I also always liked Buffalo becuase they are the epitome of an underdog -- small city, 4 time SB losers -- you just have to root for a team like that to finally win something.

So, after Bledsoe left NE I started following the Bills more closely. Just like I follow the Dodgers a little now because Nomar plays for them. Just like I followed the BlueJays when Clemens went there.

Ok, so, in 2004 I was in disbelief that many Bills fans were calling for Bledsoe's head. It seemed to me pretty obvious that Tom Donahoe was completely incompetent and responsible for all the teams woes. So I started using the Bills message boards to voice my opinion that Bledsoe was being unfairly blamed. Well, things heated up pretty fast, bigneil was ranting over there, philisophical troll was in on the act. So I came up with this brilliant user name -- on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe.

At first I was just going totally overboard making all sorts of ridiculous assertions about Bledsoe's greatness just because I really enjoyed annoying ignorant Bills' fans who blamed Bledsoe for all the teams problems. Then a funny thing happened -- Parcells grabbed Bledsoe about 10 seconds after he was released. Then an even funnier thing happened -- Bledsoe was leading the league halfway through last season and looking like an all-world stud. Then another funny thing happened -- the Bills completely disinegrated. And let me tell you, boy oh boy did I have fun rubbing it in the faces of people over on the Bills boards.

I've been trolling over on the Bills boards right along, then about a month ago, PT invited me to join the fun over here. See, my nemesis, sbneff55 was over hear spouting his nonsense, so I felt obliged to school him on multiple boards.

So here is the bottom line -- I think Bledsoe is a vastly underrated QB who is on the verge of finally getting a ring of his own. I think most of the criticism he gets is totally unfair, too. But the main reason I troll around acting like he is the second coming is because it's fun. That's it.
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Hostile said:
Here are some domains that are available.




I'm not joking if these guys (who have migrated here from the Bills forum so they can share their stupid little nicknames and wars with us) will all leave and not come back, I'd buy the domain, set them up a forum and gift it to them.

That would remove all the fun. I do this because I think Bledsoe is unfairly criticised, but mostly because it's fun getting people all riled. That wouldn't happen with a bunch of Bledsoe fans.


rock music matters
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Hostile said:
Here are some domains that are available.




I'm not joking if these guys (who have migrated here from the Bills forum so they can share their stupid little nicknames and wars with us) will all leave and not come back, I'd buy the domain, set them up a forum and gift it to them.

i'll help by funding $30 for their hosting costs. that's about 6 months on godaddy which alsp has PHPBB. and i'm no juke, but i'll even help w/making it look good and setup SMF on a few providers we can find also.