I hate Tom Brady!


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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According to Whose applied discernment of envisioned logic,,,Hummmm?
As perhaps the ol' deep bass blowin' tuba toter is merely pre-loading up the ol' trumpet Tooter for an extra raspy rendition of some jazzy gas,,,yer' opinion is hereby duly deemed void of Any/ All Merits of Consideration,,, Good Day Sir!,,,I said: "GOOD DAY, TO YOU SIR!"



Well-Known Member
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Well this thread was great!

Is the OP okay? Someone might want to check on him and make sure he didn’t break any of his Buddha’s in his house. His dad might not be happy.

I’d say karma hit you with the **** stick pal, and I gotta be honest it’s funny as hell!

Oh and Tom Brady is the goat. As a football fan being able to witness the best of All-time in my lifetime is cool.


"We Are Penn State"
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I call Adam V the Goat but there is no such thing as the GOAT in football (unlike other sports) because no one player play all 3 sides (offense, defense, special team).

Until brady can play defense and special team like LeBron, MJ, Kobe, Magic, he is not the GOAT. He is the product of BB just like Goff is the product of McVay. Josh Daniels play-calling is phenomenal and all brady has to do is execute it. MJ is the GOAT because he could do things other players can't, brady can't even make Arron Rodgers throw.

This post reeks of ignorance. The QB is the single most important position in sports. Special teams? Lmao. Yeah because that's the same thing...Football is not the ultimate team sport like so many want to claim. It is not divided equally. NFL has always been about the QB. To even compare Goff to Brady or McVey to BB is asinine. Goff has no idea how to read a defense without McVay. You think Brady is the same way? Lmao. The way some people marginalize Brady's accomplishments is amazing.

Product of BB? Please stop. You don't win 6 titles because you are the product of anything. The year Brady got hurt, his replacement took a 16 win Super Bowl attending team to 10 wins and no playoffs. But yeah, it's all BB...


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This post reeks of ignorance. The QB is the single most important position in sports. Special teams? Lmao. Yeah because that's the same thing...Football is not the ultimate team sport like so many want to claim. It is not divided equally. NFL has always been about the QB. To even compare Goff to Brady or McVey to BB is asinine. Goff has no idea how to read a defense without McVay. You think Brady is the same way? Lmao. The way some people marginalize Brady's accomplishments is amazing.

Product of BB? Please stop. You don't win 6 titles because you are the product of anything. The year Brady got hurt, his replacement took a 16 win Super Bowl attending team to 10 wins and no playoffs. But yeah, it's all BB...

Are you serious bro? How come Brady didn't do much against the Rams defense if him reading he defense is so amazing? And are you saying winning 10 games in the AFC is not enough to reach the playoff? They just got unlucky that year, could have probably won the SB as well. Or maybe perhaps his replacement hasn't gotten to play as much as Brady has and yet still won 10 games. Didn't Luck who was out for more than 1 season got the Colts to the playoff with 10 wins? 10 wins is usually enough to reach the playoff. Are you saying Lucks can't win a SB with the Patriots under the tutelage of the greatest coach ever?