I Have A Hunch Jerry Has Seen Enuff

Yakuza Rich

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I think Garrett stays and I'm very good at Jerry-speak. Not very good at picking QB's (but, who is?) or TE's...but good at Jerry-speak.

I think this season puts Garrett on the hot seat for next season. And I think one of the assistants is going to be gone quickly. It's going to be kinda like when Rob Ryan was fired...you heard rumblings from Jerry that he was none to happy and then he got rid of Ryan....which was a surprise at the time.

I really wouldn't be surprised if Linehan is fired. Not as big of a shocker as Ryan getting fired. But, I still think it would be a surprise given Linehan was just given the contract renewal and Romo likes him. Or he might fire a few assistants like Henderson, Wilson, Dooley and Brown.

I think the only coach he would fire Garrett for is Payton and he would have to be certain that he would get him in Dallas.



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I think Garrett stays and I'm very good at Jerry-speak. Not very good at picking QB's (but, who is?) or TE's...but good at Jerry-speak.

I think this season puts Garrett on the hot seat for next season. And I think one of the assistants is going to be gone quickly. It's going to be kinda like when Rob Ryan was fired...you heard rumblings from Jerry that he was none to happy and then he got rid of Ryan....which was a surprise at the time.

I really wouldn't be surprised if Linehan is fired. Not as big of a shocker as Ryan getting fired. But, I still think it would be a surprise given Linehan was just given the contract renewal and Romo likes him. Or he might fire a few assistants like Henderson, Wilson, Dooley and Brown.

I think the only coach he would fire Garrett for is Payton and he would have to be certain that he would get him in Dallas.


What would be fantastic is to call JG while vacationing in Cancun with Brill and let him know he's gone!!! ;)


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I know its goes against the majority opinion around here, but I think Jerry has seen enuff. I think that if we make another pathetic showing against the Skins we may have a great off season beginning with Red getting his walking papers.

Keeping Garrett would be idiotic and Jerry knows it. I will not be surprised at all when I get the alert that Red has been let go.

I believe you may be right. I certainly hope so. The money is not enough to keep Jerry from making a change. Admitting he was wrong about Garrett is the big issue given his huge ego but he has to see what we are seeing on the field. He has made some comments in the last few weeks and his silence this week is deafening. Some of the media is now turning on Garrett so Jerry has to see all of this.


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I'll tell you exactly what Jerry will say, if only Tony and Dez weren't injured and if I concentrated on a quality veteran backup, we would have won the NFC East and would be getting ready for the playoffs and that's the skewed thinking Jerry will have going into the off season, but this team has more glaring holes that needs addressing

and than next season the excuse will be "if i had brought in another HC after the 2015 season i wouldnt have to have promoted JG to door greater early in the season"


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I think Garrett stays and I'm very good at Jerry-speak. Not very good at picking QB's (but, who is?) or TE's...but good at Jerry-speak.

I think this season puts Garrett on the hot seat for next season. And I think one of the assistants is going to be gone quickly. It's going to be kinda like when Rob Ryan was fired...you heard rumblings from Jerry that he was none to happy and then he got rid of Ryan....which was a surprise at the time.

I really wouldn't be surprised if Linehan is fired. Not as big of a shocker as Ryan getting fired. But, I still think it would be a surprise given Linehan was just given the contract renewal and Romo likes him. Or he might fire a few assistants like Henderson, Wilson, Dooley and Brown.

I think the only coach he would fire Garrett for is Payton and he would have to be certain that he would get him in Dallas.


and it would be yet another scapegoating move in favor of garret. we have seen this all too often.

Jerry knows he has made these moves before and it hasn't worked out. What would be his excuse this time? I wish someone from the media would pose that question to him and ask him point blank. There's a pattern here and Im sure he recognizes it. Just goes to show us all that JG has been given too many chances on a training wheels platter and its beyond ridiculous at this point.


Star Power
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Jerry has given Garrett more than enough time. More than enough.

People like Garrett can't win. He didn't earn anything (his coaching resume is four lines long), doesn't own up to his mistakes, lives in delusion (our offense is flexible enough to work for any QB), deflects the negatives onto others (someone else takes the fall), focuses on the superficial (process, t-shirts, platitudes, 911 speeches) to deflect attention away from the superficiality of his coaching knowledge, etc. All of these things are a sign of either stubborness or ineptitude.

Jerry is just delaying the inevitable.


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Just a hunch.

Ill say this, Jerry sees everything we all see.

More like a pipe dream then a hunch. Nothing in Jerrys past or his man love for Garrett would give anyone any indication that his Garrett horror show will end. We are more likely to see Garrett be the coach for the next 10 years than see him fired. Clearly results and evidence of Garretts inpetitude mean nothing to Jones. If I knew that this horrid season would lead to Garretts removal I would be jumping for joy and tickled pink. But I know its not going to happen.

I had said last year that the 12-4 season was more of a curse than anything. I got us another 5 years of Clappy. Which was the worst that that could have happened. Why couldnt Romo have gone down last year? More bad luck for the Cowboys.


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How is this going against the popular opinion on here?? I think if we had a poll who wanted JG gone on here that the majority would choose to can him.

I just want to win and to be excited again. We have talent in spots and could stock up with even more this Spring, but if we still have the same chef making the same bad food what's the point?

How can we get a poll like that put up? It would be a great way to test the IQ of this website. If the poll comes up anything close to 50/50 then you have your answer.