I Know Jerry Knows

Spagnola, on the other hand, clearly reads posts on cz. He's even taken to using certain catch phrases he's picked up here.
This makes sense. To be effective in his job he needs to understand what kinds of stories get the attention of fans.
He closed it because of the high degree of daily Jerry bashing and unhappiness with season after season of Jerry fielded "Superbowl" ready teams that caused even more negative daily posts. Jerry couldn't control the content like his puppet writers are so he did what Jerry does got rid of it.
Huh? he couldn't "control the content" - it was part of his site, he could have made rules that didn't allow any criticism of him or management.

I became a Mod over there and I was one of Jerrys biggest critics - none of us were ever told not to criticize him or defend him.

Fact is that there was just not enough traffic there, not worth it.
I doubt this forum bothers him in the least. In fact, he has a marketing mentality and all attention,even the negative comments, attention on the team.

Very true, However he said he knows what the fans say and this being the biggest cowboys forum on the world wide web, I wouldnt doubt he checks it out from time to time. Probably laughs at some of it and im sure some might tick him off depending on his mood. But, like you said attention is attention to some people and it doesnt matter what kind it is.
I'd be shocked if Jerry is even aware of the concept of an online fan forum. Why should he? His only concern as it relates to fans is them filling the stadium and buying merchandise.
I'd be shocked if Jerry is even aware of the concept of an online fan forum. Why should he? His only concern as it relates to fans is them filling the stadium and buying merchandise.
If he were to see the latest "Uniform needs changing" thread, along with the other bi-monthly "Uniform..." threads, he could change them and sell more merch.....except he probably also reads the comments of people saying they refuse to spend any more money on Cowboys gear until Jerry is gone.

So many conflicting points of view here, it's impossible to say whether he or a member of the staff read it or not.
I don't think he would take the time to come here himself but I think there are people within the organization that keep tabs on the pulse of the people.

I know some of the beat writers and radio talk guys visited both DC.com and the Zone because I would see too much show up right after some "revelation" on that forum.

We do have a varied bunch of folks here and it can get wacky at times but we also have some folks that have keen insight and make some very astute observations at times as well. It's a good mixed bag with a healthy level of sarcasm.
Spagnola, on the other hand, clearly reads posts on cz. He's even taken to using certain catch phrases he's picked up here.
In general, I saw several times where ideas from the forum were repeated, often almost word for word, on the main forum and in newspapers and such.
I dont know, he closed the official forum cause the vast majority of fans use Facebook and Twitter...
If that were the case Jerry would have had to strike some sort of deal with those platforms. He isn’t limiting his machine for them in my opinion.
I doubt it.
But they have enough PR guys that I suspect at least one of them does. They get so much feedback already.
I would think anyone with actual NFL management experience---especially 30 years of it-- might, after many years, be smart enough to avoid these places.
Think of the stuff people say here.

Here's a guy who played ultra high level college football (Team Captain at Arkansas), who's son played D-1 college ball, who's grandson is playing D-1 college ball (and was state champ QB)....and a man who has been immersed in the game his whole life.

Yet he could log onto this site a find two dozen people in a day who have never worked in the NFL a single day (or spent a 100s or 1000s of hours discussing football with Jimmy or Parcells or Weinstadt or Turner, etc) or whoever played the game at a high level, yet THEY say HE knows nothing about the game.
Think how bizarre it would be.

Also think about how nobody here can even agree on anything except that we would like to win it all, so there would be no general insight to be gained except that, well, nobody can agree on anything.

It would be very non-productive
What's even funnier is that there is a mountain of evidence that screams that these two dozen couch potatoes do know more than Jerry.

Are you aware that Jerry refuses to watch tape to evaluate the draft? That really makes your statement even more bizarre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know, he closed the official forum cause the vast majority of fans use Facebook and Twitter...

Is that the reason they gave? I think it was something else, like the writers were tired of having it pointed out they were wrong almost all of the time. They don't like negativity over there, that's for sure. When they fired Broaddus they pretty much proved it for us., and he wasn't even that negative. In any case, it's their site and they can run it however they want. But it certainly is not for the fans anymore. Do they ever have a scoop over there? Seems to me NFL.com and a few guys on twitter get all the stories well before DallasCowboys.com posts them.
Certain people were constantly negative, just like here, but not everyone......Well, unless you ventured into the "News" forum. (I think that's what it was called.) That was just a war.
Yeah, I was advised to avoid the News forum. My schtick wouldn't play well there. They were too serious and serious people make me nervous.
Is that the reason they gave? I think it was something else, like the writers were tired of having it pointed out they were wrong almost all of the time. They don't like negativity over there, that's for sure. When they fired Broaddus they pretty much proved it for us., and he wasn't even that negative. In any case, it's their site and they can run it however they want. But it certainly is not for the fans anymore. Do they ever have a scoop over there? Seems to me NFL.com and a few guys on twitter get all the stories well before DallasCowboys.com posts them.
I was a mod there, and they gave us zero reasons why it was being shut down.
Sure he could. He could've censored it, so the word "booger" was automatically deleted. :laugh:
Gasp, I never thought of that.

But I think he looked at Booger and decided that was better than Ole Sphincter Face. And he's from AR, everyone up there knows at least one Booger and it's not derogatory up there. Here? Yep, it is. I can't believe posters get onto me for that. How often are we, the little folks, presented with a billionaire mining for gold on his own largest freakin' screen on the planet and national TV for the grand opening of his Big Top? And they lose!!! Ya just can't make that stuff up!

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