I Like Beer A Lot

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Kellen Moore baby
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I'd rather have five red butted baboons in my back yard than one grass snake. I was in the back yard checking on my bird feeder when something landed on my foot. My first thought was "I'M DEAD! I'M DEAD!" after having seen a snake last year. It was like a very large earthworm and when I tried to cut it, it hauled tail. It's probably huge by now. I looked down and it was a lizard, so I didn't need to have a seizure. I've got a gun in case that monster shows it's beady eyes around here again.

Trouty, you can have all our snakes. Please come and get them!!!!!! Yesterday works for me.


Kellen Moore baby
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See if you can make it through this vid: :)

One of my fav's that I've posted once or twice here. He has a GoPro rigged to a hockey stick.

We ran into a few of these guys doing company rucks through Tiefort Mtn at Irwin (Barstow, CA). Our CO would just guide us around them. Lots of Mojave Greens in Barstow where I spent 5 years. Highest LD-50 of all the venomous snakes in North America, if I'm not mistaken. A hybrid rattler. Their bite is more dangerous than even the Eastern Diamond or Coral snake.

Just a gorgeous, majestic snake. But they do kill. Last victim of their bite was a woman out at Mt. Baldy area in 2015, last I checked. Powerful bite. They're not Brown snake or Taipan or Mamba (black or green) venomous, but still nothing to scoff at.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Oh wow! Sweeeeeet man! I haven't been up there since forever. Miss the Mission District in Monterey, Morro Bay, Carmel, just so gorgeous up there. Used to travel up there much more when I was married. Our spot was always the Radisson when in SF, same hotel Bradley Nowell was a guest at when he OD'd (tho he died at a different motel that night).

Named my son after him.


I prefer Carmel up to Half-Moon Bay. As for SF, it is quite dirty and noticeable since we been coming here over the last 8 years. Still some good places, just know where to avoid the dirty streets and beggars.


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Guys. I'm in tears.

Just woke up.

Go out to my living room. My son is still asleep. He went to bed after me last night as he usually does when he doesn't have school. As I approach my chair I notice a school art project he did for me in 4th grade resting up, propped against the chair cushion. Below it, a long note.

My son wrote me a note pleading me not to drink. Knowing that I will go out and get booze right away, while he's asleep, without him trying to stop me. He tries to stop me every day, but I can sneak out while he's asleep with zero resistance, and of course carte blanche when he isn't here.

This note is the most beautiful thing I think I've ever received in my life, other than my son, himself.

I know I wont be drinking today. And that I'll keep this note forever, and read it many times, as he asked me to do whenever I feel the need to drink.

Utterly beside myself at the compassion and heart of my son. Coupled with disgust that I took him to this limit for him try to get me to stop. And that I still want to drink so very badly at this minute.

But there's no chance in hell I am, now... not today.

A good morning to all of you. Everyone have a blessed day. :star::starspin:

It takes a made up mind...you can do it J


Kellen Moore baby
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Good morning amigos and amigas :)

It's gonna be a hot one today! Beat the heat and drink lots of water, folks.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The thing former DC QB Clint Longley was best known for, before sucker punching Staubach, was Rattlesnake Roundups in W. Texas. He would go all the time.


Kellen Moore baby
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The CZ addiction is real! Lol! Just tore down at BWW with my son, about to see Eighth Grade here at the Burbank AMC. Had to check in :)

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