I Like Beer A Lot

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Cheers Melon, appreciate the welcome sir. Just fumbling my way round things at the mo. Didn't realise about the players union til the other day so made a fool out of myself already but hey I'm here to learn about a sport I'm new to and enjoying all "YA'LL" saying hi!
I'm down on the south coast, literally in the middle of the coast on a map. About an hour away from London, lovely down here.

Where about you based sir?

As for the bundys they were northern folk, weird ones them northerners, we're posh southerners, not quite sure what the equivalent would be actually. Maybe Floridians or posh Georgians? :laugh:
:lmao: ya, there's a couple of things you ought to be privy to, before diving headfirst into certain discussions,,, I'm living in Tucson Az. The ol' pueblo ,yer' cracking me up with that posh Georgians lingo, when I visited London, I recall the player smokes would pass for a tolerable facsimile thereof, but ,that warm draft beer they served at the pubs? ,I just couldn't get used to it,I think I drank a lot of crown royal, ha, we were in our class A uni's& there was a crew of punk rockers in Piccadilly circus out on the grass with a rugby ball taunting us to " have a bit of a scrim" with them, I mean, these dudes were pulling each others spiked hair, ripping each others earrings out, I remember one dude had a big old school baby's diaper pin laced thru his left cheek that was bleeding ( a 3" frickin' diaper pin:omg:),,,they were screaming bloody murder there while trying to kill each others,we told 'em to **** the **** off.:)
If I was allowed the use of the 'LIKE' button then I would have smashed that button for this reply.

I know I'm new and don't really know anyone around here but surely Ranching can't be that bad? :thumbup:
He ain't, waldo, being just a spike horned juvenile & forced to watch from the herds periphery, is just trying to oust the herds leader & move in on his home range( more or less/ in a nut shell):lmao2:

*and this particular "thread" had it's "like" bestowing privileges suspended, and several of us have compiled several thousand "posts" in this forum ,Hell, the PUTTY lives here.
Coach, what the hell? I was responding to your blankie thread and it just disappeared, any explanation why?
:lmao: ya, there's a couple of things you ought to be privy to, before diving headfirst into certain discussions,,, I'm living in Tucson Az. The ol' pueblo ,yer' cracking me up with that posh Georgians lingo, when I visited London, I recall the player smokes would pass for a tolerable facsimile thereof, but ,that warm draft beer they served at the pubs? ,I just couldn't get used to it,I think I drank a lot of crown royal, ha, we were in our class A uni's& there was a crew of punk rockers in Piccadilly circus out on the grass with a rugby ball taunting us to " have a bit of a scrim" with them, I mean, these dudes were pulling each others spiked hair, ripping each others earrings out, I remember one dude had a big old school baby's diaper pin laced thru his left cheek that was bleeding ( a 3" frickin' diaper pin:omg:),,,they were screaming bloody murder there while trying to kill each others,we told 'em to **** the **** off.:)

Well to be fair I know with any sport there's a certain degree of politicking and BS so its all good I'm sure I won't be the first noob on here to fall foul to the BS police :facepalm:

Arizona is on the list thats for sure. Me and the missus will actually be heading out to Texas in October as we both can't wait to fill our boots with a texan sized portion of BBQ but Arizona and also Oregan/Washington/Seattle are on the list, may get round to visiting a few more states as the years roll by!

Well everyone loves a stereotypical English accent thats for sure and more than happy to put one of you me old fruit ;)
Well to be fair I know with any sport there's a certain degree of politicking and BS so its all good I'm sure I won't be the first noob on here to fall foul to the BS police :facepalm:

Arizona is on the list thats for sure. Me and the missus will actually be heading out to Texas in October as we both can't wait to fill our boots with a texan sized portion of BBQ but Arizona and also Oregan/Washington/Seattle are on the list, may get round to visiting a few more states as the years roll by!

Well everyone loves a stereotypical English accent thats for sure and more than happy to put one of you me old fruit ;)
Whereabouts in Tejas would you and Mrs. Limey be heading? Might be able to direct you to some bodacious BBQ, if you're in my neck of the woods. Neck of the woods is American for vicinity. Don't know why but we have to add words when vicinity would suffice.
Whereabouts in Tejas would you and Mrs. Limey be heading? Might be able to direct you to some bodacious BBQ, if you're in my neck of the woods. Neck of the woods is American for vicinity. Don't know why but we have to add words when vicinity would suffice.
Saltlick in Austin!!!!
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