I Like Beer A Lot

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You forgot me.;)
Prolly cuz' in Waldo's world, it's all about him& his Puttyness,first&fore- most,I wouldn't sweat on it, my fellow whose as equally cool as myself, Bro, but if its lingerie persistently in the miffed A.O.? i'll p.m. the fearless leader& supervisor hisself as to seeing if he'd willingly work his magii machinations in swapping out my user handle& replacing in it's stead, yer's,,, cuz,well, thats just the kinda' guyyougitwhen you roll with the Melon,bro:thumbup:

Prolly cuz' in Waldo's world, it's all about him& his Puttyness,first&fore- most,I wouldn't sweat on it, my fellow whose as equally cool as myself, Bro, but if its lingerie persistently in the miffed A.O.? i'll p.m. the fearless leader& supervisor hisself as to seeing if he'd willingly work his magii machinations in swapping out my user handle& replacing in it's stead, yer's,,, cuz,well, thats just the kinda' guyyougitwhen you roll with the Melon,bro:thumbup:


naughty melon causing trouble...
Whoa! Is that really "FOR REAL" BIG-G? If so,Man, that's something outta' the realm of the "high strangeness" in the "creepily weird" psychos casing-liner category,,, don't sweat on it, he obviously pulled a slicky-boy back trail on you thru those "State Champion" newspaper links ,,er,you'd posted up awhile back& he'd re-linked up thru it, in an fixated weaselnut fashion
* that dude Posts up over here pretty frequently, he's got that
" Dooms,,,or,,, Doomsday" in his user handle & is sportin' around +90k user posts on his user profile Avatar ( I think, , ,er,,,:huh:,,, which is about as trustworthy as twenty year old multi sweated 80% strength's dynamite,,, ya know? the ones that have the hard beaded resinous looking little casing-liner droplets of 100% pure nitroglycerin that all mysteriously transferred itself to the exterior of its waxed paper housing?,,,ya! That 9-11 "event" damn sure knocked hell outta' one of my former sideline hobbieso_O

he just wants to go to ur donkey show
he just wants to go to ur donkey show
,,,:huh:,,,what form of degenerate perversion are you into there lately, Walter? That's over- saturated yer' casing-liner to where it would uncontrollably illict such a bizzarro statement of pure Puttyness ,to be issued forth outta' yer' puckered up pie-hole,,,SHEESE,,,if you don't post up an apology to PA Cowboy in 2 hours time, yer Weird*$$ is going on that ignore casing-liner INDEFINITELY:angry:
,,,:huh:,,,what form of degenerate perversion are you into there lately, Walter? That's over- saturated yer' casing-liner to where it would uncontrollably illict such a bizzarro statement of pure Puttyness ,to be issued forth outta' yer' puckered up pie-hole,,,SHEESE,,,if you don't post up an apology to PA Cowboy in 2 hours time, yer Weird*$$ is going on that ignore casing-liner INDEFINITELY:angry:
Putty has a case of blue balls! It's restricting the blood flow to his brain?
,,,:huh:,,,what form of degenerate perversion are you into there lately, Walter? That's over- saturated yer' casing-liner to where it would uncontrollably illict such a bizzarro statement of pure Puttyness ,to be issued forth outta' yer' puckered up pie-hole,,,SHEESE,,,if you don't post up an apology to PA Cowboy in 2 hours time, yer Weird*$$ is going on that ignore casing-liner INDEFINITELY:angry:

coachie is an expert in mexican donkey shows apparently.

on behalf of the great melon, @PA Cowboy Fan fan , the humble putty apologizes for ignoring you in his call out list. my most humble and sincere apology as the great melon made me see the error in my ways!
coachie is an expert in mexican donkey shows apparently.

on behalf of the great melon, @PA Cowboy Fan fan , the humble putty apologizes for ignoring you in his call out list. my most humble and sincere apology as the great melon made me see the error in my ways!
Good Man,Wally:thumbup:
So shall I rescind the Feudian order of enactment :star:


morning sir

have a great weekend everyone
You as well love.
did u guys get a couple unusual emails from the alcatraz site?
Yes. I took a peek over there not so long ago. Same ole same ole. I DID run into a couple regulars from the Zone. No names mentioned. I'm protecting their privacy. :lmao:
coachie is an expert in mexican donkey shows apparently.

on behalf of the great melon, @PA Cowboy Fan fan , the humble putty apologizes for ignoring you in his call out list. my most humble and sincere apology as the great melon made me see the error in my ways!
Puttyism at its finest. :laugh:

Salud!!! Headed to a QB clinic. One of my former players is hosting it. Taking my nephew/God son. He's gonna be good!!!!
:rolleyes: ,,,No, not that I'm privy to,,,tho I am currently putzin' around with a curdled soured milk fermented distillate, that's so far has only gotten my cat hammered ( I think, as she's pretty lazy anyway) as I can't stomach the stench of it ,every time I attempt in bringing that jug from that limited batch run within about a foot of my mouth, , ,o_O

Need to earn my stripes as id have given this a proper hipster 'like' maybe one day ill be let loose with the button! haha
:lmao: welcome
which part of uk?

Down on the South Coast. Portsmouth to be exact. Just close enough to London to get in and out within the day. We're known as being a Navy port but to be honest most of the navy stuff is elsewhere and we don't really build any ships anymore so most of that isn't really true to name!

What about yourself Waldo? You Texas based?
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