You were doing fine until you said the Dallas Daks. No one puts Dak over the team. He is clearly the better choice to start, especially since he has proven it year after year how he can be a top 5 QB when fully healthy, including mentally. I agree it is more mental than physical, and I agree it is his and the team's best interest for Dak to be fully healed at both. Time will tell, but let's stop with the Dallas Daks baloney bro. That's when you lose all credibility by sounding just like the haters. You're better than that.
But when has he proven this the last time? It's an honest non hating question. When has Dak won that shoot out you guys are talking about the last time? He lost one against Tampa last year. And the next against the Raiders too. And all games against contenders had us at the losing side in the end. Maybe this Dak you're talking about is gone?
I mean I'd love to have that 2016 Dak back, believe me. Think about it. The defense seems to have championship caliber for the first time in ages. Our O line also seems to get the hang of it. Now imagine a true top 5 (heck even top 10) QB at the helm. We'd be unbeatable.
Now I'm all for getting Dak back in when he's truly healthy again and has those mental blockades sorted out. As I have written many times now, I do think he has the better skillset compared to Rush. But when he's back, it comes down to three scenarios (if everyone else stays at top level)
1: Top of the line QB: He plays lights out, wins against GB and the likes, no discussion here.
2: Bus driver: He also just manages 20 or so points per game and we keep winning. But then why would you need a QB that expensive?
3: He sucks and loses the important games: see point two.
So the tricky thing is here, he has more to prove than Rush. Fans expect more from him and rightly so. And it's up to him to prove it, not for us to still have that trust right now. Because lately he hasn't done anything to earn it.
Hopefully he can get it back. Maybe it's the other way round. Not the captain takes his team to another level, but the team gets his captain back on top. And then both just win the SB.