I try to respect the Eagles fans here but....

big dog cowboy said:
There is always a reason when players like that start to drop. Every team can't be wrong.

The same thing could be said about our draft last year then.:confused:
superpunk said:
DING DING DING DING DING DING!!!!!Some franchise QB....:rolleyes:

You guys better win both times you play us; you'd better win the NFC Championship and you'd better win the Superbowl ...for the amount of noise you're talking. :rolleyes:
Phoenix-Talon said:
You guys better win both times you play us; you'd better win the NFC Championship and you'd better win the Superbowl ...for the amount of noise you're talking. :rolleyes:

Or else....what?

You'll talk smack to me over the internet?

I think I'll survive. :jerk:
Phoenix-Talon said:
No disrespect to Tobias, but he doesn't speak for the Eagles; and you darn sure don't.

I guess since Tobias appears to have an IQ, then I guess he wouldn't speak for the Eagles. And trust me, I would have absolutely no desire to speak for that franchise either.

If you'd take the time to read AJM 1613s post, you'd see the correlations that connect his response to your question.

What correlations? All he talks about are mindless statistics with a homer spin for good measure. That stated NOTHING about the question about his fortitude (or lack thereof), nor did it state anything about how Eagle fans (outside of the poster) feel about him.

You don't appear to be very receptive unless you hear what You want to hear.

I am perfectly receptive if the question was answered. Your drivel did nothing to answer it.

My response to your question is that regardless of what you think, I believe that McNabb is not faking any injury/sickness incurred during any of the games he's played.

Prove it otherwise.


Oh yeah? Prove it wasn't.

I have Owens' account that he is mentally fragile and choked in the Super Bowl. Prove he was lying. Two can play that idiotic game.
superpunk said:
Or else....what?

You'll talk smack to me over the internet?

I think I'll survive. :jerk:

Certainly his level of smack, which has to be some of the weakest I have ever seen.
McSlob is nothing more but a "lap dog" for Reid...simple as that.

Nothing that he does is ever his fault, it's always something else that made poor McSlobb play lousy...and fans like PT have been so brainwashed with that pathetic franchise that they cannot see the forest for the trees, and it further permits McSlob to get away with acting a fool every time he screws the goose! :eek:

Hey, Rush might have been on drugs, but, maybe what he said about Lil Donny had some truth to it?

Why so many people think he's such an "elite" QB is beyond me...yeah, he's big and strong and hard to bring down, but his accuracy in passing, and his mental weakness is easily seen...except to the brainwashed Eagle fans...

Oh, well...life is good! The Eagles deserve Mcslob! ;)



Phoenix-Talon said:
Please pardon the interruption, because I know you directed this question toward TE77, however, ...

I wanted to quote a response from yet another Eagles fan ...AJM 1613. AJM1613s (many of you may Not remember Him; he had 2,905 posts here at the Zone) comments while dated (May 13, 2004)...I felt were quite appros...

I'm agreeing with AJM 1613 ...whereever you are!


How are quotes regarding McNabb's 2004 numbers (with Terrell Owens by the way), relevant to the conversation?

The fact is that McNabb's injuries only seemed to inhibit him when his performance sucked.

It didn't bother him against the Chiefs or 49'ers when he was strutting and doing his terrible dancing then.....

Only when the going got tough did McNabb get going - to the trainer's table.

He acted liked a child who couldn't handle adversity in the game mentioned in Owens' book. He stormed the sidelines like a petulant child, unwilling to hear what anyone had to say - a real leader there.

If you want to refute something, refute those facts. Everything else is just noise......
McScrub also benefits from the offense he plays in. If he completes a 50 yard pass, chances are (90% of the time) the pass was actually only thrown five yards in the air, then Westbrook or Owens ran for fifty. He lives off that type of stuff.

People say they don't have a running game, but, basically, there passing game is not much different than a running game. When a QB pitches the ball to a RB, it usually travels 3 to 5 yards in the air from one to the other. When McNabb passes the ball to Westbrook or L. J. Smith, it usually only traves 3 to 5 yards in the air. But what makes Mcnabb look good is the fact that the RB gains 10 or 15 yards, so ,on paper, it actually looks like a 20 yard pass by McNabb, instead of the run that it actually is.

I wish I had that gig.
Unforgiven said:
People say they don't have a running game, but, basically, there passing game is not much different than a running game.

The purest form of the WCO uses the short pass in place of a run.

The early versions of the 49ers in the early 1980s had people like Bill Ring and Earl Cooper carrying the ball. Westbrook is a better runner, so you can take the "no running game" excuse and throw that one away. The old 49ers never had a dynamic running game and often were a pass first team.

Freddie Solomon and Dwight Clark were the "go-to" receivers in the early days for the 49ers before Rice, and they won several titles. Neither were elite. They simply had a QB in Montana who could get them the football on the run and allow them to get the yards after the catch. McNabb has yet to master the timing demanded by the system and it's doubtful he ever will.

The problem is and always has been that McNabb lacks the accuracy that players like Joe Montana had. Unless they rely more on the run or McNabb suddenly decides to get accurate on the intermediate pass, I am afraid Reid's offense will never realize it's potential like Walsh's version did. It's all about the QB if you choose to have inferior WRs and RBs in the WCO.

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