I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break


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The offense is there bc…….. they put up points on Carolina? Washington? NYG? You are looking at the wrong games. If you want to understand what happened on Sunday , you need to go look at the SF and Buffalo games. When this team gets hit in the mouth, it goes down and doesn’t get up. We need a tougher head coach and tougher players. You give this team to a Mike Tomlin type coach and let him take a wrecking ball to this roster. Thats how we move this forward.
Sorry, I disagree. We played 17 games and only one team had a better record than we did. I’m not looking at the wrong games, as I mentioned the trouncings we took. There is no taking a wrecking ball to the roster unless you want to fade 5 years of bad football. The offense has most of the weapons it needs. Not having a RB killed us. Everyone talking about the ‘lucky’ win against Detroit conveniently forgets that we almost beat ourselves and it should’ve never come down to their last score. We get out coached in big games, and that’s a fact.

You want to change defensive philosophies and put bigger, slower dudes in the box? I’m not opposed to that with the right coach. That’s not something DQ will ever promote, as he likes lighter dudes that are fast, but they don’t have the britches to stop the run.

If they bring in a defensive head coach, they best find a brilliant OC. Defensive head coaches just aren’t where it’s at in 2024.


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First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.
I think management is in a tough spot. They will not have expected such an astounding abject performance here. How do you keep this staff around after this debacle? On the other hand, you have a team that is close enough to win now that it’s hard to blow everything up…

I think what they end up doing is extending Dak to smooth out the cap hit, standing pat on McCarthy whose deals ends after next season and hoping that somebody takes Quinn off our hands. That’s honestly a best case scenario for the cowboys. I feel like Quinn, more specifically his personnel choices are most responsible for this embarrassment. The defense was so putrid that I don’t think any offense would have overcome it to be honest. And while every player bears responsibility, I feel like the lions share falls on the man who decided to run with this personnel who is simply too lightweight to stop the most basic play in football, a simple handoff to the running back. When your whole defense gets warped to kingdom come to attempt to stop a simple running play to the point that opposing WR can pick daisies in your backfield the problem can be laid squarely at the boss’ feet, in this case Quinn. If he moves on this year I actually think the Cowboys are better off. He brings a lot of good qualities to the team, largely in his man management skills, but this kind of oversight is not palatable.

Regardless of the fact that I think Quinn royally screwed the pooch here, he shouldn’t be scapegoated for the fact that the defensive players played like chumps, McCarthy’s offensive gameplan was also dreadful, and Dak played miserably continuing that trend in the big moments. I would not be shocked at all if they trot out McCarthy, Dak and a new DC and fall flat again next year and then the whole gang gets blown up and a long winter of rebuilding ensues. One could argue it’s better to rip that bandaid off right now and not extend Dak, eat the cap hit, fire the coaching staff and rebuild with maybe Lamb and Parsons as two cornerstones two years from now. I’d be open to that suggestion in a way, but I don’t think the front office has the stomach for that.


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I think management is in a tough spot. They will not have expected such an astounding abject performance here. How do you keep this staff around after this debacle? On the other hand, you have a team that is close enough to win now that it’s hard to blow everything up…

I think what they end up doing is extending Dak to smooth out the cap hit, standing pat on McCarthy whose deals ends after next season and hoping that somebody takes Quinn off our hands. That’s honestly a best case scenario for the cowboys. I feel like Quinn, more specifically his personnel choices are most responsible for this embarrassment. The defense was so putrid that I don’t think any offense would have overcome it to be honest. And while every player bears responsibility, I feel like the lions share falls on the man who decided to run with this personnel who is simply too lightweight to stop the most basic play in football, a simple handoff to the running back. When your whole defense gets warped to kingdom come to attempt to stop a simple running play to the point that opposing WR can pick daisies in your backfield the problem can be laid squarely at the boss’ feet, in this case Quinn. If he moves on this year I actually think the Cowboys are better off. He brings a lot of good qualities to the team, largely in his man management skills, but this kind of oversight is not palatable.

Regardless of the fact that I think Quinn royally screwed the pooch here, he shouldn’t be scapegoated for the fact that the defensive players played like chumps, McCarthy’s offensive gameplan was also dreadful, and Dak played miserably continuing that trend in the big moments. I would not be shocked at all if they trot out McCarthy, Dak and a new DC and fall flat again next year and then the whole gang gets blown up and a long winter of rebuilding ensues. One could argue it’s better to rip that bandaid off right now and not extend Dak, eat the cap hit, fire the coaching staff and rebuild with maybe Lamb and Parsons as two cornerstones two years from now. I’d be open to that suggestion in a way, but I don’t think the front office has the stomach for that.
I don’t disagree with a word you’ve written. When the opposing offense is just punking the D, the offense matters much less, not to mention that no run game is just a killer.

Like you, I think MM stays and DQ goes. Whether a team takes him off our hands or not, he must be jettisoned. And no, he shouldn’t be scapegoated, but he’s got to go.


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How many times must you people be proven wrong. The offense led by Dak will never get you to a SB. 27-0 near halftime and you are convinced the offense is there. :facepalm:
7 of those points were on Dak. 3 TDs were on the D. Changes the entire offensive game plan and makes playing D against us MUCH easier.


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Our defense showed up the last 2 post seasons. But our offense, no matter what happens with the defense, can't freaking win.
There’s a mental component in there somewhere. Watching Michigan and seeing their psychologist working with the QB during the game was interesting.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Its not 1 game ........ its 2 playoff games against the 9'rs and one against the Pack ............

Its done.


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First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.
The same "one game" always occurs in January and is getting progressively worse

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.
Culture, culture, culture.
That's the problem, that's the issue.
Until that's corrected, it's rinse and repeat.


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Sorry, I disagree. We played 17 games and only one team had a better record than we did. I’m not looking at the wrong games, as I mentioned the trouncings we took. There is no taking a wrecking ball to the roster unless you want to fade 5 years of bad football. The offense has most of the weapons it needs. Not having a RB killed us. Everyone talking about the ‘lucky’ win against Detroit conveniently forgets that we almost beat ourselves and it should’ve never come down to their last score. We get out coached in big games, and that’s a fact.

You want to change defensive philosophies and put bigger, slower dudes in the box? I’m not opposed to that with the right coach. That’s not something DQ will ever promote, as he likes lighter dudes that are fast, but they don’t have the britches to stop the run.

If they bring in a defensive head coach, they best find a brilliant OC. Defensive head coaches just aren’t where it’s at in 2024.
The defensive gamelan was poor and the secondary looked very confused multiple times. Safeties were all over the place. But…

You are going waaay too easy on Dak. He had an extremely poor first half that also worked against the defense. He was leading the receivers too much (could be the adrenaline). He did have some nice passes here and there, but he was looking and throwing anxious. I did a ball placement thread that you can look for and re-watched every single play. The first interception was not necessary to attempt. Trying to fit it into a diminutive Cooks when Alexander had him blanketed and that route requires Cooks to body him out and face the QB (Cooks got outmuscled). The second interception was about recognition and not ball placement. He should have thrown the third interception on the final drive of the first half to the GB linebacker.

Dak is an 8 year veteran that will not be growing much more-if at all. He’s proven that he can keep the team somewhere between 5-16 in overall team rank. He has looked terrible in three of the last 4 playoff games. Building a tier 1 team around him at this point looks like pure fantasy.

You should not need 6-7 more seasons to recognize the trend of the teams he quarterbacks. And getting rid of him would not guarantee poor seasons. The team went 5-1 with Cooper friggin Rush. There is talent on both sides of the ball, but Dak has repetitively shown this ceiling going back to his rookie season. If the goal is actual playoff success, then the team should absolutely move on. If the goal is only to make the playoffs (no deep run success required ever), then who wants to be a fan of that?