I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break


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Couple of real interesting takes around the shows today. I liked Greg Olsen actually explaining that in modern NFL your defence is built to compliment the offence. The offence is actually the most important part of any roster. So whilst yes defence still wins championships.. it isn't the same as yesteryear. This is an offence based league. This means that there will be games where your defence gets done cold and you need to have an offence that can go with them.

Our defence is no different.. it is built to compliment the offence. Our defence is small, designed to keep things in front of them and force 3rd downs and then unleash a pass rush. Our D is designed to compliment an offence that has long drives and soaks up big minutes and, hopefully, gets a lead to force the opposition into more passing plays which then creates a downward spiral as our pass rushers get busier and busier.. and then the intercepts and turnovers come.

No doubt GB came with a plan and they drove that ball right down our necks in that first drive. But that should NOT have meant an instant 'game over' sign. However inside most smart cowboys fans.. our gut started churning. The stats show that we are less than 20% win rate when we give up the first score. That is the very definition of a front running team.

Then you look at our all conquering offence.. most TDs of the league. That cheap stat fails to mention that we had the 3rd easiest schedule, inside games, dry weather games and the MOST 'short field' TDs in the league. In short.. we were bullies against weak defences.. and we were often in great field position to start our drives.

It is NOT just 'one game' and I am deeply frustrated at posts that claim it to be. This is a PATTERN of games. Either way.. this season.. look at the humiliations as soon as we face a decent opposition. We turned for home having not beaten a single 'winning' team. We made ourselves feel better for finally beating a spluttering Eagles team that literally had run out of players and steam. We ignored the maulings at SF and Miami because the officials gave us a lucky call against Detriot. We yet again celebrated like idiots at beating Panthers and Commanders and Giants..

Yes our Defence gave up 28 in the first half.. but 14 of those were on the QB turnovers. So you know what.. a defence giving up 14 points against GB and an on fire Love? I can live with that. What makes it shocking was that our own offence was so dismal. This includes when Dak took a sack to push us OUT of field goal range that would have maybe helped the nerves a little. It was a sack that EVERYONE can agree was 100% on the QB.. he just couldn't process the field in front of him and never has the smarts to throw it away despite being out of the pocket.

It will be forgotten but when Dak fell for the clear 'trap' Pick 6.. we were down 21-0 BUT we had the last possession of the half and the first possession of the next half. At that stage you would expect an elite QB to drive the ball down for a TD and we 'should' have then been 21-7 to start the half.. we then drive the field after the half and it is 21-14 and everyone feels better. Then we only need one defensive stop.. a turnover.. something and the game is on.

Instead Dak throws the easiest pick 6 you will see and the entire team just gives up.

Now that is not just one game.. because we have seen Dak lay an egg everytime the pressure steps up. We saw him lay an egg last year against SF, we saw him lay an egg the year before that against SF, we have seen him regress year on year everytime the heat gets turned up. So it is not just 'one game'.. it is a career full of meaningless stats collected during junk games and stat padding against weak opposition. Dak Prescott will be forgotten the moment he is finally seen as the fraud he is. So OP is right.. one game shouldn't make or break a career but sometimes it can be the final straw that shows you once and for all who Dak is.. and that is a fraud. Same goes for MM. Both should be fired immediately.


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First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.
i was the biggest HOMER here...and made it known...for over 50 years stalwart cowboy fan...but no more...it would take 5 superbowls winning in a row
for me to have that heart ripped out replaced....unbelievable all the success we have at man and we decide to play zone and got shredded....the most
putrid play calls on offense from fat Mike...if you bound those coaches before the game and left it up to players alone we have much better shot at
winning....it would take multiple years of winning super bowls to restart his heart...and that aint happening...i thought maybe i would go on full on Troll
but i wont even expend energies for that....this loss is the worst of all time for cowboys all due to putrid coaching and leadership


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The defensive gamelan was poor and the secondary looked very confused multiple times. Safeties were all over the place. But…

You are going waaay too easy on Dak. He had an extremely poor first half that also worked against the defense. He was leading the receivers too much (could be the adrenaline). He did have some nice passes here and there, but he was looking and throwing anxious. I did a ball placement thread that you can look for and re-watched every single play. The first interception was not necessary to attempt. Trying to fit it into a diminutive Cooks when Alexander had him blanketed and that route requires Cooks to body him out and face the QB (Cooks got outmuscled). The second interception was about recognition and not ball placement. He should have thrown the third interception on the final drive of the first half to the GB linebacker.

Dak is an 8 year veteran that will not be growing much more-if at all. He’s proven that he can keep the team somewhere between 5-16 in overall team rank. He has looked terrible in three of the last 4 playoff games. Building a tier 1 team around him at this point looks like pure fantasy.

You should not need 6-7 more seasons to recognize the trend of the teams he quarterbacks. And getting rid of him would not guarantee poor seasons. The team went 5-1 with Cooper friggin Rush. There is talent on both sides of the ball, but Dak has repetitively shown this ceiling going back to his rookie season. If the goal is actual playoff success, then the team should absolutely move on. If the goal is only to make the playoffs (no deep run success required ever), then who wants to be a fan of that?
Man, I am not going easy on Dak. He played a terrible game. My point was that he could’ve played aight and we still would’ve been boat faced. My point also is that Dak has the talent, but unlike Lamar, he requires something very different to succeed. You can almost see it. He gets so mental that he starts hurrying throws and making bad decisions. His problem if in his head, not his arm, and we’ve seen him play very well for extended periods.

Idk….everyone has an opinion. Will Dak ever be Patrick or Tom? Of course not, but I think he’s good enough to produce excellent results. This playing thing really screws with his head. Is that fixable ? I think so, but I could be wrong. Out wouldn't be the first time.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I totally disagree. Love has been very hot the past 6 games, and they’ve got a solid run game. Will you feel better about this loss if GB gets to the SB?
I'll feel the same way I felt in 2007 when the Cowboys choked. Sick. This team wasn't even competitive. It isn't like we lost in a close game. we didn't even show up. How are we ever supposed to trust this team? They could go 17-0 next year and I wouldn't trust them to win in a playoff game.


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No kidding. That was just terrible. They could’ve put up fiddy if they’d wanted to.
all because the loser of loser's Quinn decided to go zone when we have had good success at man...we got so shredded because of it...finally when they got

their heads out of their rears and even after packers put in good players and we started scoring which we should have done from beginning it all had to do

with allowing team to play instead of handcuffing them with putrid coaching....would not surprise me if both DC and OC and HC were paid off to take

the fall????....never again any encouragment toward these losers

PA Cowboy Fan

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Man, I am not going easy on Dak. He played a terrible game. My point was that he could’ve played aight and we still would’ve been boat faced. My point also is that Dak has the talent, but unlike Lamar, he requires something very different to succeed. You can almost see it. He gets so mental that he starts hurrying throws and making bad decisions. His problem if in his head, not his arm, and we’ve seen him play very well for extended periods.

Idk….everyone has an opinion. Will Dak ever be Patrick or Tom? Of course not, but I think he’s good enough to produce excellent results. This playing thing really screws with his head. Is that fixable ? I think so, but I could be wrong. Out wouldn't be the first time.
I like Dak but he gets those deer in the headlights looks the minute real trouble happens. I knew the game was over after the first drive just by looking at him. He is good at beating bad teams and winning with a lead. He's had 2 of the worse playoff games by a Cowboy qb the last 2 years. I don't think he can be fixed at this stage. Maybe if he gets out of Dallas some other coach can fix him but being the QB of the Dallas Cowboys is just too big for him right now.


Well-Known Member
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Couple of real interesting takes around the shows today. I liked Greg Olsen actually explaining that in modern NFL your defence is built to compliment the offence. The offence is actually the most important part of any roster. So whilst yes defence still wins championships.. it isn't the same as yesteryear. This is an offence based league. This means that there will be games where your defence gets done cold and you need to have an offence that can go with them.

Our defence is no different.. it is built to compliment the offence. Our defence is small, designed to keep things in front of them and force 3rd downs and then unleash a pass rush. Our D is designed to compliment an offence that has long drives and soaks up big minutes and, hopefully, gets a lead to force the opposition into more passing plays which then creates a downward spiral as our pass rushers get busier and busier.. and then the intercepts and turnovers come.

No doubt GB came with a plan and they drove that ball right down our necks in that first drive. But that should NOT have meant an instant 'game over' sign. However inside most smart cowboys fans.. our gut started churning. The stats show that we are less than 20% win rate when we give up the first score. That is the very definition of a front running team.

Then you look at our all conquering offence.. most TDs of the league. That cheap stat fails to mention that we had the 3rd easiest schedule, inside games, dry weather games and the MOST 'short field' TDs in the league. In short.. we were bullies against weak defences.. and we were often in great field position to start our drives.

It is NOT just 'one game' and I am deeply frustrated at posts that claim it to be. This is a PATTERN of games. Either way.. this season.. look at the humiliations as soon as we face a decent opposition. We turned for home having not beaten a single 'winning' team. We made ourselves feel better for finally beating a spluttering Eagles team that literally had run out of players and steam. We ignored the maulings at SF and Miami because the officials gave us a lucky call against Detriot. We yet again celebrated like idiots at beating Panthers and Commanders and Giants..

Yes our Defence gave up 28 in the first half.. but 14 of those were on the QB turnovers. So you know what.. a defence giving up 14 points against GB and an on fire Love? I can live with that. What makes it shocking was that our own offence was so dismal. This includes when Dak took a sack to push us OUT of field goal range that would have maybe helped the nerves a little. It was a sack that EVERYONE can agree was 100% on the QB.. he just couldn't process the field in front of him and never has the smarts to throw it away despite being out of the pocket.

It will be forgotten but when Dak fell for the clear 'trap' Pick 6.. we were down 21-0 BUT we had the last possession of the half and the first possession of the next half. At that stage you would expect an elite QB to drive the ball down for a TD and we 'should' have then been 21-7 to start the half.. we then drive the field after the half and it is 21-14 and everyone feels better. Then we only need one defensive stop.. a turnover.. something and the game is on.

Instead Dak throws the easiest pick 6 you will see and the entire team just gives up.

Now that is not just one game.. because we have seen Dak lay an egg everytime the pressure steps up. We saw him lay an egg last year against SF, we saw him lay an egg the year before that against SF, we have seen him regress year on year everytime the heat gets turned up. So it is not just 'one game'.. it is a career full of meaningless stats collected during junk games and stat padding against weak opposition. Dak Prescott will be forgotten the moment he is finally seen as the fraud he is. So OP is right.. one game shouldn't make or break a career but sometimes it can be the final straw that shows you once and for all who Dak is.. and that is a fraud. Same goes for MM. Both should be fired immediately.
putrid OC scheming and going zone when we had success in man on defense...all on coaches and leadership....should be a full shame firing of all of them

but Jerry more interested in dumbing down since he loves the 8 billion he got from 140 million dollar investment......there is nothing that can be said to make

it Ok for next year.....maybe after 4 straight super bowl wins or 5 i might change my mind but that will never happen...50 years as stalwart fan broken spirit

heart ripped out for last time...voting for Packers to somehow find majic in Santa Clara


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Bucs doing it with no names.
They have professional football players too. That's how you do it. You play to win the game. If you just do that it takes care of a lot of issues and you can walk off the field knowing you did your best and did NOT buckle or quit. If you're gonna go out, then go out standing on your feet not on your knees like the Cowboys did yesterday.

PA Cowboy Fan

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putrid OC scheming and going zone when we had success in man on defense...all on coaches and leadership....should be a full shame firing of all of them

but Jerry more interested in dumbing down since he loves the 8 billion he got from 140 million dollar investment......there is nothing that can be said to make

it Ok for next year.....maybe after 4 straight super bowl wins or 5 i might change my mind but that will never happen...50 years as stalwart fan broken spirit

heart ripped out for last time...voting for Packers to somehow find majic in Santa Clara
I'm rooting for the Packers this weekend too and that disgusts me.


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Bucs doing it with no names.
Let's see: Devin White, Lamonte Davis, Antoine Winfield Jr. Vita Vea, Carlton Davis ii, Shaq Barrett--the defense that took Mahomes and the Chiefs to the woodshed during the Superbowl three years ago, and stopped the Philly push today. Not exactly no-names.


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Was Quinn really ever that good dating back to Seattle ? Did they not already have the defensive players when he arrived ?

Richard Sherman had 8 interceptions the year before he got there and the year he was there.
2012 (Before Quinn) Points Allowed: 245
2013 Quinn Points Allowed 231

The team was loaded before he got there. A mere 14 points difference over 16 games is pretty immaterial.

What sticks out to me is the Bed Wetting that he had in the Super Bowl against the Patriots.
With Seattle and the Falcons, I think he was in the right place at the right time and nothing out of the ordinary. He was there for the peak of Seattle's Defense and Atlanta's offense.


Well-Known Member
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Couple of real interesting takes around the shows today. I liked Greg Olsen actually explaining that in modern NFL your defence is built to compliment the offence. The offence is actually the most important part of any roster. So whilst yes defence still wins championships.. it isn't the same as yesteryear. This is an offence based league. This means that there will be games where your defence gets done cold and you need to have an offence that can go with them.

Our defence is no different.. it is built to compliment the offence. Our defence is small, designed to keep things in front of them and force 3rd downs and then unleash a pass rush. Our D is designed to compliment an offence that has long drives and soaks up big minutes and, hopefully, gets a lead to force the opposition into more passing plays which then creates a downward spiral as our pass rushers get busier and busier.. and then the intercepts and turnovers come.

No doubt GB came with a plan and they drove that ball right down our necks in that first drive. But that should NOT have meant an instant 'game over' sign. However inside most smart cowboys fans.. our gut started churning. The stats show that we are less than 20% win rate when we give up the first score. That is the very definition of a front running team.

Then you look at our all conquering offence.. most TDs of the league. That cheap stat fails to mention that we had the 3rd easiest schedule, inside games, dry weather games and the MOST 'short field' TDs in the league. In short.. we were bullies against weak defences.. and we were often in great field position to start our drives.

It is NOT just 'one game' and I am deeply frustrated at posts that claim it to be. This is a PATTERN of games. Either way.. this season.. look at the humiliations as soon as we face a decent opposition. We turned for home having not beaten a single 'winning' team. We made ourselves feel better for finally beating a spluttering Eagles team that literally had run out of players and steam. We ignored the maulings at SF and Miami because the officials gave us a lucky call against Detriot. We yet again celebrated like idiots at beating Panthers and Commanders and Giants..

Yes our Defence gave up 28 in the first half.. but 14 of those were on the QB turnovers. So you know what.. a defence giving up 14 points against GB and an on fire Love? I can live with that. What makes it shocking was that our own offence was so dismal. This includes when Dak took a sack to push us OUT of field goal range that would have maybe helped the nerves a little. It was a sack that EVERYONE can agree was 100% on the QB.. he just couldn't process the field in front of him and never has the smarts to throw it away despite being out of the pocket.

It will be forgotten but when Dak fell for the clear 'trap' Pick 6.. we were down 21-0 BUT we had the last possession of the half and the first possession of the next half. At that stage you would expect an elite QB to drive the ball down for a TD and we 'should' have then been 21-7 to start the half.. we then drive the field after the half and it is 21-14 and everyone feels better. Then we only need one defensive stop.. a turnover.. something and the game is on.

Instead Dak throws the easiest pick 6 you will see and the entire team just gives up.

Now that is not just one game.. because we have seen Dak lay an egg everytime the pressure steps up. We saw him lay an egg last year against SF, we saw him lay an egg the year before that against SF, we have seen him regress year on year everytime the heat gets turned up. So it is not just 'one game'.. it is a career full of meaningless stats collected during junk games and stat padding against weak opposition. Dak Prescott will be forgotten the moment he is finally seen as the fraud he is. So OP is right.. one game shouldn't make or break a career but sometimes it can be the final straw that shows you once and for all who Dak is.. and that is a fraud. Same goes for MM. Both should be fired immediately.
Give me a break. Dak was woeful but it’s okay on the defense, they are just complementary to the offense? They gave up a touchdown on nearly every freaking drive. Look at today’s Eagles - Bucs game. They were dreadful too but found some semblance of pride at the end of drives and held them to a bunch of field goals and the game was still in reach at the half. Yes, the interceptions sealed the game basically, but I know and you know and everyone knows the game was long over before that even occurred. Even without a single interception the Packers would have continued to score touchdowns on every drive and the outcome would have been no different. The defense was broken at the end of the season, playoffs included, plain and simple. Dak is irrelevant to that fact, no matter how you twist and turn.


Well-Known Member
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Couple of real interesting takes around the shows today. I liked Greg Olsen actually explaining that in modern NFL your defence is built to compliment the offence. The offence is actually the most important part of any roster. So whilst yes defence still wins championships.. it isn't the same as yesteryear. This is an offence based league. This means that there will be games where your defence gets done cold and you need to have an offence that can go with them.

Our defence is no different.. it is built to compliment the offence. Our defence is small, designed to keep things in front of them and force 3rd downs and then unleash a pass rush. Our D is designed to compliment an offence that has long drives and soaks up big minutes and, hopefully, gets a lead to force the opposition into more passing plays which then creates a downward spiral as our pass rushers get busier and busier.. and then the intercepts and turnovers come.

No doubt GB came with a plan and they drove that ball right down our necks in that first drive. But that should NOT have meant an instant 'game over' sign. However inside most smart cowboys fans.. our gut started churning. The stats show that we are less than 20% win rate when we give up the first score. That is the very definition of a front running team.

Then you look at our all conquering offence.. most TDs of the league. That cheap stat fails to mention that we had the 3rd easiest schedule, inside games, dry weather games and the MOST 'short field' TDs in the league. In short.. we were bullies against weak defences.. and we were often in great field position to start our drives.

It is NOT just 'one game' and I am deeply frustrated at posts that claim it to be. This is a PATTERN of games. Either way.. this season.. look at the humiliations as soon as we face a decent opposition. We turned for home having not beaten a single 'winning' team. We made ourselves feel better for finally beating a spluttering Eagles team that literally had run out of players and steam. We ignored the maulings at SF and Miami because the officials gave us a lucky call against Detriot. We yet again celebrated like idiots at beating Panthers and Commanders and Giants..

Yes our Defence gave up 28 in the first half.. but 14 of those were on the QB turnovers. So you know what.. a defence giving up 14 points against GB and an on fire Love? I can live with that. What makes it shocking was that our own offence was so dismal. This includes when Dak took a sack to push us OUT of field goal range that would have maybe helped the nerves a little. It was a sack that EVERYONE can agree was 100% on the QB.. he just couldn't process the field in front of him and never has the smarts to throw it away despite being out of the pocket.

It will be forgotten but when Dak fell for the clear 'trap' Pick 6.. we were down 21-0 BUT we had the last possession of the half and the first possession of the next half. At that stage you would expect an elite QB to drive the ball down for a TD and we 'should' have then been 21-7 to start the half.. we then drive the field after the half and it is 21-14 and everyone feels better. Then we only need one defensive stop.. a turnover.. something and the game is on.

Instead Dak throws the easiest pick 6 you will see and the entire team just gives up.

Now that is not just one game.. because we have seen Dak lay an egg everytime the pressure steps up. We saw him lay an egg last year against SF, we saw him lay an egg the year before that against SF, we have seen him regress year on year everytime the heat gets turned up. So it is not just 'one game'.. it is a career full of meaningless stats collected during junk games and stat padding against weak opposition. Dak Prescott will be forgotten the moment he is finally seen as the fraud he is. So OP is right.. one game shouldn't make or break a career but sometimes it can be the final straw that shows you once and for all who Dak is.. and that is a fraud. Same goes for MM. Both should be fired immediately.
Well put. Especially about the Cowboys offense having the most short field TD’d and the 3rd easiest schedule. It’s what I’ve tried to explain. Dak only plays well if the defense scores or gives him short fields and is playing against teams that are near the bottom of the league. Think of how many of the crappy teams in the league the Cowboys played this year. And it’s been this same pattern for years. 95% of the time if it’s an even above average team and the defense isn’t giving short fields Dak looks flat out poopy. Look at his scouting report coming out of college, it’s still the same deficiencies. He’s just been given 8 years to be carried by a good team around him and playing a terrible NFC East. I do not know how Jerry can justify another big money extension, but I’m sure he will!


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I'll feel the same way I felt in 2007 when the Cowboys choked. Sick. This team wasn't even competitive. It isn't like we lost in a close game. we didn't even show up. How are we ever supposed to trust this team? They could go 17-0 next year and I wouldn't trust them to win in a playoff game.
MR PA---i was still young enough i could heal from having heart ripped out.....dont have any healing left in me....how can you put out a "product" like that against

7th seed?...and be recipient of first 7th seed to advance because your play is so putrid???......its worse than Saints days where fans wore paper garbabe bags

over heads to games....i got so much free time now....i use to devote to cowboy mania and different rah rah groups.........53 years hard core stalwart cowboy

HOMER...Never again ever....i got healed of cowboy fanhood by that product they rolled on field sunday...and its for the remaining short life i got


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They have professional football players too. That's how you do it. You play to win the game. If you just do that it takes care of a lot of issues and you can walk off the field knowing you did your best and did NOT buckle or quit. If you're gonna go out, then go out standing on your feet not on your knees like the Cowboys did yesterday.
agree...pure humiliation


Active Member
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First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.

First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.
You’re correct, one game does not a career make. But WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT ONE GAME, ARE WE! Everyone in life has a breaking point or a choking point, call it what you may but most athletes have one. For the weekend golf hacker it may be a $20 Nassau vs. a $5 one. It’s only best of the best players who seem not to have a choking point but instead feed off of the additional pressure! Jordan, Kobe, Brady, Elway, Manning, Aikmen, Staubach etc., etc. Dak unfortunately has very seldom played well in big games & there have been plenty of opportunities! Just this season alone against tougher opponents (Niners, Philly, Lions & now the Packers he has for lack of a better word, CHOKED! And no, it’s not just Dak’s fault but he is the QB of the Dallas Cowboys who now has a 2 - 5 playoff record in 8 seasons which speaks for itself! So if not now when will Dak get out of his own head and have the killer instinct it takes to go beyond the regular season? I’ve said it before in past posts and I’ll say it again with no joy in stating it that Dak just doesn’t have IT! I wish someday he would prove me wrong!