If Dak has a All-Pro year, would you trust him?


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These guys wouldn't trust him if he won a Super Bowl. They would give Kellen Moore and Zeke the credit lol.


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Here we go again comparing Dak to legends .

Emmitt missed 3 games during our Championship Window (1992-1995). In those 3 games, these were Troys QB ratings:


Did we lose those games? Yes. Was Troy absolutely pathetic and looking like one of the worst QBs in the league? NO.

Dak fans need to stop that. Comparing him to our legends to make him look better. Newsflash, hes not as good as them and most likely never will be which is a main reason a lot want him replaced.
Any time people start the he did or didn't or remember this or what about that you just know the the topic discussed can't stand on its own merits. Emmitt, Troy, Romo, Staubach, White, Meredith, it's really sad, what next did we forget Eddie LeBaron didn't win because his Oline was terrible. Dak has won nothing yet I wish the comparisons as far fetched as they are would just stop . maybe if Dak wins something the discussions can start until then it's really pathetic.


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Does it matter? Does anyone care who we trust? I don't think I even care who trusts him, he is the QB1 and that's that.

If he made All Pro, as one of the two best QB's in the NFC, that would quieten a lot of Dakaters but how likely is that to happen?

If Dak has a great season, that will only have the Dakaters back off a little as the Romorooters did but they will wait to take their shots, just like the Garrettsucksters. Minds have been made up by a lot of posters.
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Here we go again comparing Dak to legends .

Emmitt missed 3 games during our Championship Window (1992-1995). In those 3 games, these were Troys QB ratings:


Did we lose those games? Yes. Was Troy absolutely pathetic and looking like one of the worst QBs in the league? NO.

Dak fans need to stop that. Comparing him to our legends to make him look better. Newsflash, hes not as good as them and most likely never will be which is a main reason a lot want him replaced.

If your best argument for replacing Dak is that he isn’t Roger Staubach or Troy Aikman, you really don’t have an argument at all.


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If only Prescott were afforded the same excuses other QBs were, like Romo.

"He could have won more if he had a running game, O-line,defense - etc.........."
No Dallas QB has ever had your "afforded excuses" you must live in a fantasy world, Romo, White Meredith, Morton Staubach Troy took abuse and Boo's regularly at games and in th e press, Romo was mocked on boards and TV pretty regularly. Do you understand Romo doesn't play any more and your wishing Dak is as good a QB as Romo, White, Meredith, Morton, Staubach and Troy is pretty sad.and doesn't make it true. The book on Dak is not done till he retires and only time will tell if he can become more than a average QB .


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I trust him before an all pro year. When he has the ball at the end of the game i'm confident he can get the job done, unlike romo.


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Does it matter? Does anyone care who we trust? I don't think I even care who trusts him, he is the QB1 and that's that.

If he made All Pro, as one of the two best QB's in the NFC, that would quieten a lot of Dakaters but how likely is that to happen?

If Dak has a great season, that will only have the Dakaters back off a little as the Romorooters did but they will wait to take their shots, just like the Garrettsucksters. Minds have been made up by a lot of posters.
I think this is the bottom line. People have already made up their minds. No matter what he does, for one reason or another, he will have doubters...


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Dak is rarely good enough to overcome average RB production. He needs an elite back and an elite wr to make this offense work. Just look when he has only 1 of those 2 things, he looks terrible most of the time. Pollard and Weber can only do so much and neither alter a defenses game plan to stop our run 1st while covering wr's man to man because dak can't get them the ball anyway. It's a formula that has worked and will work untill they prove otherwise on the field.
What QB won a Superbowl without elite talent at the skill positions?


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Dak has already proven he’s a stud. We are very fortunate to have him as our franchise QB.


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These guys wouldn't trust him if he won a Super Bowl. They would give Kellen Moore and Zeke the credit lol.
Wrong. Like his rookie season it is an outlier and must be removed from the equation. You know like YAC.


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If he has an All Pro year AFTER signing this deal before the season starts yes I trust him lol

Shows me he has taken the next step and if he took less than 30 mill a year we will have a bargain for the next 5/6 years with his deal having an All pro QB being paid less than market value


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I think this is the bottom line. People have already made up their minds. No matter what he does, for one reason or another, he will have doubters...
Minds get made up early about some things and that's just human nature with some. And that's OK, it's their mind to make up and every opinion carries the same value.

I was always in that middle ground with Romo, which is where I am with Prescott. The real issue isn't him, it is the fact that they've learned their lesson and have to surround the QB with as much talent as they can find. Son even admitted they'd not been fair with Romo, hadn't given him enough to accomplish the goal.

However, I don't hold that against them. Favre and Romo were two of the most entertaining QB's to watch play and Booger has admitted being focused on the entertainment aspect of his team. When Romo went back to pass, anything could happen and that's entertainment and I would shake my head and say one of two things "how in the hell did he do that" or "why in the hell did he do that"? But he was about as fun to watch as a QB could be.


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If Dak plays up to whatever contract he gets this year, do you truly trust him going forward? Or do you wait for the other shoe to drop just to say "I told you so"?

Because from what I read on this board almost daily, if he is anything but perfect (which no one is) yall won't trust him and will still call for Romo lol...

IMO he is better than yall say he is, and even if he is an All Pro this year yall won't trust him. Please prove me wrong.
All Pro (not Pro Bowl) would be amazing!

In the history of Dallas Cowboys football, I think only two QBs have ever made the All-Pro team. I know Aikman never made it.
  • 1971 Roger Staubach
  • 2014 Tony Romo

That's it

So yeah, that would be amazing!


Taco Engineer
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No Dallas QB has ever had your "afforded excuses" you must live in a fantasy world, Romo, White Meredith, Morton Staubach Troy took abuse and Boo's regularly at games and in th e press, Romo was mocked on boards and TV pretty regularly. Do you understand Romo doesn't play any more and your wishing Dak is as good a QB as Romo, White, Meredith, Morton, Staubach and Troy is pretty sad.and doesn't make it true. The book on Dak is not done till he retires and only time will tell if he can become more than a average QB .
Well, for one I was a huge Romo supporter until he retired. So there's that correction for you.
Secondly, right after Prescott took over, the Romo excuses of "why he couldn't finish" came out of the woodwork. If you missed it, that's on you. But it was and still is prevalent among those fans who couldn't and still can't let go of Romo retiring. So, again you're inaccurate.


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You do know only 1 QB is on the all-pro team right?

So you're asking, "If Dak is better than Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Patrick Mahomes, and Russell Wilson next year, will people be happy?"

That's your question?
:laugh:It's SO tough to make the All pro team. But they do have a 1st and 2nd team.

I do know this. Troy Aikman never made 1st or 2nd team All Pro.
Staubach and Romo made 2nd team in 1971 and 2014. I think that is it.

Would be an insane accomplishment if Dak made it. He'd really have to be phenomenal.


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If your best argument for replacing Dak is that he isn’t Roger Staubach or Troy Aikman, you really don’t have an argument at all.
Reading Comprehension.

The point is that he isnt a Franchise QB and we are wasting time with him.

This is the QB of The Dallas Cowboys we are talking about. We should want way more than a game managing QB with no arm-talent, to lead this team.

Patrick Mahommes
Deshaun Watson
Andrew Luck
Baker Mayfield

Those are the type of QBs we should want under center


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If Dak plays up to whatever contract he gets this year, do you truly trust him going forward? Or do you wait for the other shoe to drop just to say "I told you so"?

Because from what I read on this board almost daily, if he is anything but perfect (which no one is) yall won't trust him and will still call for Romo lol...

IMO he is better than yall say he is, and even if he is an All Pro this year yall won't trust him. Please prove me wrong.

You aren't reading all the posts. The negative Nancy's are just more negative than the positive Pauls on here. It's like the complainers being the loudest. I may be one but I trust him to play QB well


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Reading Comprehension.

The point is that he isnt a Franchise QB and we are wasting time with him.

This is the QB of The Dallas Cowboys we are talking about. We should want way more than a game managing QB with no arm-talent, to lead this team.

Patrick Mahommes
Deshaun Watson
Andrew Luck
Baker Mayfield

Those are the type of QBs we should want under center

Mahomes ;)


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As far as Mahomes, Watson, and Mayfield. Watch them fall to earth after a big loss. Hellz bells Mahomes and Watson or MaHolmes and Watson already lost huge games. They're all mortal. Even Toms