If Fans Ran This Team


No Quarter
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talk about "Madden-like".

you bring in a thug with no thought as to how it effects the rest of the team because - in a madden-like move - "we got the guy for free".

jerry can't seem to connect one football idea to the next and it seems most of his fans have a similar disconnect

every team has $$$$ if the owner is willing to part with it.. doesn't make the GM special or even competent.

Hostile;2396026 said:
I do too.

I don't like Pacman Jones, but look at the parameters of the trade he made. Now because of it we basically got the guy for free if we decide to keep him.

He has a stockpile of Draft picks this off season. Twelve of them in fact. Nine of which can be traded.

We have one critical Free Agent to sign this off season and the money to do it.

I'm not French. I refuse to wave a white flag at mid season.


Junior College Transfer
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I would have the players do community service in Farmers Branch ever time they losed.
also, I would pay them at half salary if they don't hustle in practice.
And to make the players more humble, they'd have to ride the DART buses so they can see how the common man lives.
Oh, and they'd have to send us a card on fans' birthdays, graduations and successful parole hearings.


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Juke99;2395161 said:
Built the organization back from the dead? Well, who killed it in the first place?

The cap has become a non issue in the NFL.

Your argument is like saying that a guy should be given great credit for building an incredible race car, under budget...and then forgetting to put in a steering wheel.

You're confusing Jerry the GM with Jerry the owner.

Great owner...LOUSY GM.

It's scary how much I have agreed with you lately.:D


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DaBoys4Life;2396112 said:
Jerry the GM has a lot more under his resume then a lot of other GM's.

Right, because 99% of GM's don't get to make half the mistakes he does and still keep their jobs.

Look, this isn't rocket science:

Jerry buys team, has a say in matters but generally leaves running the football team to a strong coach in Jimmy. Cowboys win.

Jimmy leaves, fed up with the meddling and clashing egos, and Jerry goes on to hire a gang of puppets so he can prove he is every bit the football guy Jimmy was (how many guys could win with this team Jerry?). Cowboys lose and endure humilating stretch of some of the worst drafting in the modern NFL. Cowboys lose.

Jerry finally gets it, brings back in a strong football coach and hands him the reins. Not just to the team, he lets Parcells reshape the entire organization from the scouting on up. Cowboys roster goes from one of the least talented in the league to one of the best. Cowboys on verge of winning.

Unfortunately for Jerry though, Bill runs out of gas (and no, I don't think Bill left over TO or anything of the like) and decides he can't do the sideline gig anymore. But the GM spot is not open in Dallas. He leaves, and takes the guts of the organization with him.

Left on his own, Jerry goes out and hires Mr. Softy. The poor players, led by such emotional rocks and leaders like Greg Ellis, are complaining things were too hard. The coaches weren't nice. Camp was no fun. Jerry fatal flaw has always been his soft spot for his players, so he takes the direct opposite tack of Parcells. Bad decision.

So Mr Fixit comes in, runs Camp Cupcake (Hard Knocks is back!), and this mentally soft team again completely collapses in December. Then get whipped in a playoff game by a team they trounced twice in the regular season. (Coach Cupcake: "13-3 baby!")

And they have come out this year and simply been pushed around by teams. Twice in the past 3 weeks this team has been physically obliterated, and one of those games was the Rams. And this a team with many of the same players who were reputed to be one of the most physical in the league just two years ago.

Meanwhile Jerry already has his next coach picked out, payed him several millions just to be OC so Wade can keep the seat warm for him. Only problem is the Golden Boy has been terrible. The offense has been as predictable as anything ever run by Bill Parcells, and simply refuses to try and get the ball in the hands of the people who can do the most with it. ANd this is after handpicking the worst backup QB ever to start a game for the Cowboys. (you would think Jason would know a little more about that, no?)

Barring a miracle run here Wade is gone after this season. Who Jerry picks for the next coach will go a long way in determining if this team is going to go up or down from this point.

If Jerry hands the team to Garrett, or hand picks another coordinator from somewhere with no real say in things (Campo Part Duex) we are screwed. If Jerry goes after a Bill Cowher - someone who may be able to make something out of this mush - then we know Jerry 'gets it' again.

Jerry is no Matt Millen, but when you look at the long history of this team since Jerry bought it, it is hard to argue that generally the more say he has on the day to day operations, the worse the team fares.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Funny I hear people say that Jerry needs to hire himself a football person for the GM position...Does anybody realize that Jerry now has over 20 years of experience in the position...by anyone's definition that is a football person

as far as getting mad at Jerry for hiring Wade ...remember 1st that it was late when BP retired...2nd we just had moved to the 3-4 (having 2 years in it) and most available coaches prefered the 4-3 (so do I)...3rd the defense was a problem that needed to be fixed (still is)

It wasn't hard to see that Wade would be highly thought of because he fixed all three of those problems facing Jerry (I wanted Garrett)

My problem with GM Jerry is that it seems to me... if a player that he drafted works hard and is diligent in the offseason workouts and says the right things his chance of making the roster are pretty good even if he can't play much football or is very limited.


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Hey I know there are a lot of Jerry haters out there. He does things I don't like as well but nothing is ever perfect. I mean if people hate him so much I'm sure there is plenty of room on the Cincy, San Fran, St. Louis, Jacksonville, or Oakland bandwagons for guys looking for a team with a better GM to root for.


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BraveHeartFan;2396350 said:
Hey I know there are a lot of Jerry haters out there. He does things I don't like as well but nothing is ever perfect. I mean if people hate him so much I'm sure there is plenty of room on the Cincy, San Fran, St. Louis, Jacksonville, or Oakland bandwagons for guys looking for a team with a better GM to root for.

LMAO I was a Cowboy fan many years before the idiot, Ill be a fan when the worms are eating his carcass.


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Jason Ferguson has 8 tackles this year. Eight! How would that have fixed all of the issues in Dallas? Ferguson averaged 3.37 tackles per game prior to this season. Right now he is averaging 1 tackle per game and hasn't had a tackle in the last 3 games.

Jerry has proven he will pay guys or over pay guys to be in Dallas. Ferguson is not worth over paying to be the starting NT in Dallas, so there was no way he was going to get paid to be a back up. He was destined to be released. That Jerry could actually work out a trade to get something in return for Ferguson was a good thing.


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So, what I gather from this thread is that Hostile thinks Jerry can do know wrong, and any fan who disagrees with personnel moves should quit complaining, because this isn't Madden.

Got it.


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MrMom;2396427 said:
So, what I gather from this thread is that Hostile thinks Jerry can do know wrong, and any fan who disagrees with personnel moves should quit complaining, because this isn't Madden.

Got it.



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joseephuss;2396406 said:
Jason Ferguson has 8 tackles this year. Eight! How would that have fixed all of the issues in Dallas? Ferguson averaged 3.37 tackles per game prior to this season. Right now he is averaging 1 tackle per game and hasn't had a tackle in the last 3 games.

Jerry has proven he will pay guys or over pay guys to be in Dallas. Ferguson is not worth over paying to be the starting NT in Dallas, so there was no way he was going to get paid to be a back up. He was destined to be released. That Jerry could actually work out a trade to get something in return for Ferguson was a good thing.

LOL! 8? He has a whole 8? He's doing slightly better than Tank Johnson, maybe about the same, but he'd have been MUCH better for us this year?

LOL! Nice.


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joseephuss;2396406 said:
Jason Ferguson has 8 tackles this year. Eight! How would that have fixed all of the issues in Dallas? Ferguson averaged 3.37 tackles per game prior to this season. Right now he is averaging 1 tackle per game and hasn't had a tackle in the last 3 games.

Jerry has proven he will pay guys or over pay guys to be in Dallas. Ferguson is not worth over paying to be the starting NT in Dallas, so there was no way he was going to get paid to be a back up. He was destined to be released. That Jerry could actually work out a trade to get something in return for Ferguson was a good thing.
You know that's a nonsense argument because Miami does not equal Dallas. The fact is as a starter here Ferguson BARELY managed 2 tackles per game. But that wasn't where his value came into play - it was the fact that he could occupy the blockers and free up our LBs. Subsequently our interior run defense was outstanding. In addition, the other guys looked up to Jason and he was a leader on our defense.

Now we have Tank Johnson, who is the resident prison-***** of any interior offensive lineman that we face.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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We rely on the big play. When Romo and Felix are back, then we will be the Dallas Cowboys again.

These past weeks have shown the same things we've seen for years. Why is everyone so surprised that we can't turn the ball over and stop making dumb penalties. It has been that way for 3 years.

Our defense has, and never will be 'good'. We've got 3 or 4 good players, but as a unit we won't ever take the next step. Why? Ask Chris Canty, Marcus Spears, Tank Johnson, and Bradie James.


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superpunk;2396481 said:
You know that's a nonsense argument because Miami does not equal Dallas. The fact is as a starter here Ferguson BARELY managed 2 tackles per game. But that wasn't where his value came into play - it was the fact that he could occupy the blockers and free up our LBs. Subsequently our interior run defense was outstanding. In addition, the other guys looked up to Jason and he was a leader on our defense.

Now we have Tank Johnson, who is the resident prison-***** of any interior offensive lineman that we face.

Ferguson has been asked his whole career to occupy blockers to free up the linebackers. Before coming to Dallas he could do that and still manage over 3 tackles per game. While in Dallas he could only manage 2 tackles per game as you said and now he is averaging 1 tackle per game. It is pretty obvious that his game is getting worse as he ages. Happens to everyone eventually.

Dallas played all of last season without him and did okay defending the run, so he was not a necessity especially with his contract.


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GoinForSix;2396483 said:
Our defense has, and never will be 'good'. We've got 3 or 4 good players, but as a unit we won't ever take the next step. Why? Ask Chris Canty, Marcus Spears, Tank Johnson, and Bradie James.

Hamlin and Henry have been pretty crappy this year too. Henry has free safety lessons coming this offseason.

Oh and BTW, to sidetrack into a completely different beaten to death arguement, Keith Davis hasn't made me miss Roy Williams in the least.


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joseephuss;2396519 said:
Ferguson has been asked his whole career to occupy blockers to free up the linebackers. Before coming to Dallas he could do that and still manage over 3 tackles per game. While in Dallas he could only manage 2 tackles per game as you said and now he is averaging 1 tackle per game. It is pretty obvious that his game is getting worse as he ages. Happens to everyone eventually.

Dallas played all of last season without him and did okay defending the run, so he was not a necessity especially with his contract.

He has better numbers than tank and he has been injured for two games now I believe. He has a rib or side strain I think. The minute he went out of the game two weeks ago the run defense went to hell in miami.

Actually I have gotten to the point that I dont care. People just have their ways of thinking and will not change.

So if anyone thinks signing tank and trading ferguson was a good idea....good for them.....signing pacman and messing with the locker room, good for them.............

Yay everybody. We are back to mediocrity no matter which way you look at it and it wont be changing anytime soon. Now players will avoid Dallas and I am sure there are some who want out because they see what is happening.


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we should have traded for Shaun Rogers....all though he might of eaten him self out of the league at camp marshmallow.


No Quarter
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BraveHeartFan;2396350 said:
Hey I know there are a lot of Jerry haters out there. He does things I don't like as well but nothing is ever perfect. I mean if people hate him so much I'm sure there is plenty of room on the Cincy, San Fran, St. Louis, Jacksonville, or Oakland bandwagons for guys looking for a team with a better GM to root for.

you are obviously a total homer - that that is your right - but have NO BUSINESS to tell anyone who to cheer for. that is unacceptable.