If only people were as concerned about Americans suffering in Puerto Rico as they were

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Shouldn't this be asked of the White House and 45?
It's not the liberal way to address real problems. They create straw men and invent controversy, then divide people accordingly. They have no interest in talking about hard problems.


This is always my favorite type of argument. And frankly, it comes from both sides of the aisle.

This notion that it's only liberals that don't want to address real problems is the most laughable thing you have ever uttered on this board and considering some of your wild football posts, that's saying a ton.
That's an interesting comment considering we have a President that sure does like to complain a lot.

That he does. He is either boasting about himself or complaining about random ****.
It's easier to complain than actually do something.

I have a amateur radio buddy who talk to his work and said he would take vacation time if his company would give time also to allow him to go to Puerto Rico and do radio contacts to support the effort. He is taking one week off in vacation and they are providing two more weeks for him to do this for a total of three weeks.

I commend him. They said he would be sleeping on the ground, no AC. They are just going to supply him food and water and a covered piece of ground to sleep on during that time.
I guess people just want to argue abut something........


Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello said Friday that the Trump administration has been responsive to his requests for aid after being hit by two hurricanes this month, amid ongoing charges that President Trump hasn't responded quickly enough.

"I have to say that the administration has responded to our petitions. FEMA, Brock Long, has been on the phone virtually all the time with me, checking out how things are going," said Rossello, leader of the New Progressive Party.

"The different components of the national guard, military, FEMA and our government are working together on the priorities," he said.

"Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello just stated: 'The Administration and the President, every time we've spoken, they've delivered
That's an interesting comment considering we have a President that sure does like to complain a lot.

Considering how he will constantly go on twitter rants against the Media anytime that they report something negative against him. Or tweeted about how Steph Curry is uninvited to the white house. And seems to get more worked up over what is said about him, than he is worried over the real issues facing the country/world. What he sees to be a personal attack against him by the Media, will get him more upset than white supremacists marching and running over people with cars.
How does Trump think that lashing out at the Mayor of San Juan help the the situation, where people are dying and in crisis? He will pick out the parts where he looks good, then bash anyone who criticizes the response to Puerto Rico. Which says to me he'll use what he can to boost his image in the aftermath of this Hurricane. As he more than once went after the people of PR, he doesn't actually care about their well being. As much as he cares about less important issues.
That's an interesting comment considering we have a President that sure does like to complain a lot.
Trump heard you, that's him on the left. He expects to re-power the entire island by the EOD tomorrow. /s

How does Trump think that lashing out at the Mayor of San Juan help the the situation, where people are dying and in crisis? He will pick out the parts where he looks good, then bash anyone who criticizes the response to Puerto Rico. Which says to me he'll use what he can to boost his image in the aftermath of this Hurricane. As he more than once went after the people of PR, he doesn't actually care about their well being. As much as he cares about less important issues.
The San Juan Mayor was spreading incorrect information, Trump corrected her and rightly called her actions "poor leadership". Getting the correct information to the masses is how it helped when Trump "lashed out" at the Mayor. This is an an unprecedented event where the main land United States was already dealing with emergency relief from hurricanes and then PR happens. PR being an island causes logistical challenges to get a meaningful response force to, unlike Texas and Florida. President Trump is doing everything he can to help the unfortunate people of PR so blaming him for their problems is unproductive and just wrong. You are coming to incorrect conclusions about the man because you are open to incorrect information. You don't want to hear the truth or give our President the benefit of a doubt because you want to spread the anti-Trump propaganda.
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The San Juan Mayor was spreading incorrect information, Trump corrected her and rightly called her actions "poor leadership". Getting the correct information to the masses is how it helped when Trump "lashed out" at the Mayor. This is an an unprecedented even where the main land United States was already dealing with emergency relief from hurricanes and then PR happens. PR being an island causes logistical challenges to get a meaningful response force to, unlike Texas and Florida. President Trump is doing everything he can to help the unfortunate people of PR so blaming him for their problems is unproductive and just wrong. You are coming to incorrect conclusions about the man because you are open to incorrect information. You don't want to hear the truth or give our President the benefit of a doubt because you want to spread the anti-Trump propaganda.

Again how does him doing this help the situation, where he is comfortable from his golf course and can say all he wants to that the response has been good and can praise himself for the response. But, until all of the people of PR have had help getting the water/food/supplies that they need then the response isn't good enough. The Mayor is there to personally see up close the destruction and devastation to what is going on, more so than Trump who is just taking the words that make him look good while being thousands of miles away and can't see what is really going on.

People are still begging for help/dying no matter how good Trump claims the response is. I stand by my question in how he thinks that sitting in the comfort of his Golf course is helping matters, while millions of the people who are actually there are suffering in unlivable conditions and struggling to get food/water. Their word and experience and what they are going through will matter more than what Trump claims and Trump's accusations at the Mayor.

Trump supporters will pretty much attack anyone who doesn't go along with or agree with Trump.
How does Trump think that lashing out at the Mayor of San Juan help the the situation, where people are dying and in crisis?

OK then. Let me ask you this. How does the mayor of San Juan help the situation by tweeting negative comments? There's a ton of aid going to the island. There are thousands of Federal workers and troops there. They have an electrical grid that is knocked out and will be for months (most likely) and that will make matters worse. Who's to blame for that? These people are the leaders of their country and they were woefully unprepared.
Again how does him doing this help the situation, where he is comfortable from his golf course and can say all he wants to that the response has been good and can praise himself for the response. But, until all of the people of PR have had help getting the water/food/supplies that they need then the response isn't good enough. The Mayor is there to personally see up close the destruction and devastation to what is going on, more so than Trump who is just taking the words that make him look good while being thousands of miles away and can't see what is really going on.

People are still begging for help/dying no matter how good Trump claims the response is. I stand by my question in how he thinks that sitting in the comfort of his Golf course is helping matters, while millions of the people who are actually there are suffering in unlivable conditions and struggling to get food/water. Their word and experience and what they are going through will matter more than what Trump claims and Trump's accusations at the Mayor.

Trump supporters will pretty much attack anyone who doesn't go along with or agree with Trump.
I answered your question. But you are so preoccupied by your hate for Trump that you won't listen. It does no good to talk to a person with your hateful disposition.
about kneeling. Including the president who rather blame Puerto Rico for their debt, instead of doing something to help the 3.5 millions American citizens suffering without food, water, and the basic things that every person needs to function everyday. Like a song/fabric. matters more to Trump and some of his supporters than the actual lives of human beings in the time of crisis. Where they are begging for help.

A lot of POC happen to live in Puerto Rico and most of the island is without power, but I bet a lot of people are tweeting more in their outrage about the NFL protests, than they are in concerns for people in Puerto Rico. And the fact that the needs of so many POC are being ignored is why protests are happening, because of un equal treatment.

I would say that the true pride in the National Anthem would be to show attention to American Citizens in Crisis over standing for the Anthem.
It is funny, none of the left seemed to care when Houston and Florida were handled in epic fashion.

Only now that you have a Democratic mayor grandstanding and politicizing this tradgedy do you guys seem to care.

And fyi, this is an ISLAND. There is no easy way to get there and it is destroyed. That couldn't be the reason could it?

It also couldn't possibly be that FEMA is already stretched thin dealing with two other disasters on the mainland?

Nah, couldnt be. Let's just cry about it and make it seem like they are getting no help.....geez
Again how does him doing this help the situation, where he is comfortable from his golf course and can say all he wants to that the response has been good and can praise himself for the response. But, until all of the people of PR have had help getting the water/food/supplies that they need then the response isn't good enough. The Mayor is there to personally see up close the destruction and devastation to what is going on, more so than Trump who is just taking the words that make him look good while being thousands of miles away and can't see what is really going on.

People are still begging for help/dying no matter how good Trump claims the response is. I stand by my question in how he thinks that sitting in the comfort of his Golf course is helping matters, while millions of the people who are actually there are suffering in unlivable conditions and struggling to get food/water. Their word and experience and what they are going through will matter more than what Trump claims and Trump's accusations at the Mayor.

Trump supporters will pretty much attack anyone who doesn't go along with or agree with Trump.

Again, Puerto Rico is an island that is located in a difficult area for planes and ships to get to. Remember that entire Bermuda Triangle thing? That's where Puerto Rico is. Now, we obviously have the technology to not get lost in the Bermuda Triangle, but it still makes travel to Puerto Rico more difficult.

Then you have their roads which are some of the worst roads in the entire world to travel upon. It's also a densely populated area with an extremely outdated and poor electrical grid and sewer system. Considering all of that and how much worse Puerto Rico got hit by that storm than Houston and Florida got hit by their storms, it just slows down relief efforts even more and makes the entire process take longer.

Misinformation happens all of the time during natural disasters such as in Katrina when people were claiming that they saw the government blow up the levee and what actually happened was when the levee was breached, it sounds like an explosion. Or the claims in my area after Irma of there being no Power Trucks out and that simply was not true.

Remember that entire Bermuda Triangle thing? That's where Puerto Rico is. Now, we obviously have the technology to not get lost in the Bermuda Triangle, but it still makes travel to Puerto Rico more difficult.

Look, i know it's hip to be stupid currently, but try to not always run with the herd.
I'm surprised the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation isnt down there ahead of any Govt help rebuilding the island................they should have about 10 million left over after they scamed the rebuilding effort for Haiti earthquake about 8 years ago..........
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