If you have Dak below the Top 7, I can't take you seriously


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
defense is bending but not breaking starting to remind me of Marinelli's and some of Wares old Defenses that were pretty good..Opportunistic but will give up yardage..so far they are tops in the league in forcing TOS and its keeping us in games but hopefully as they gel more then can have shorter drives against..id like more punt..
Yup good towards the end zone. Division game Eagles. It could be a team with the ball last again


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
umm wrong decision even though Greg made it correct.,.,they should have called YTO tried to get 5-8 more yards IMO..30-32 teams call TO in that sitaiton..56 yarder is not a comfortable kick to just sit on..
I was shaking lol Seriously shaking. Heart attack game


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so one playoff win with a loaded rams team and one of the best offensive minds in the game is enough to have him as a top 10 QB..OOOOKKK Then.

he played well against a hapless Chicago team (he knows them all too well having played them twice a year)....and for all intent and purpose, Indy lost that game, that they should have won. they shot themselves in the foot...

and its funny, you tend to give a pass to Stafford and sing his praises, yet find any little thing to knock Dak...what's your agenda? you a closet Stafford fan? a Lions fan in disguise?
Very funny , I am very impressed with Dak this season . I think you are obsessed with him which is fine . But don’t forget that Dak has benefited from a top offensive unit with the cowboys ( OL , WR and Running game) , so Dak also had grest support to produce the yards and touchdowns he has .

Hope he wins big this year and he is a top 7-9 QB at the moment . I did not think he would play this well . Let’s see how the season goes .
I think stafford will do very well this season .


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Very funny , I am very impressed with Dak this season . I think you are obsessed with him which is fine . But don’t forget that Dak has benefited from a top offensive unit with the cowboys ( OL , WR and Running game) , so Dak also had grest support to produce the yards and touchdowns he has .

Hope he wins big this year and he is a top 7-9 QB at the moment . I did not think he would play this well . Let’s see how the season goes .
I think stafford will do very well this season .
I am not obsessed with anyone. what I find most amusing is the hatred, utter hatred and meaningless bashing at all cost, no matter what....he plays great and we lose and people here go to whatever ends to knock his performance...we lost they say. then we win and he didn't throw for 300 yards, its not him, its the rest of the team....its a never ending cycle..

and I have never defended, even with you who is a dak baher, I often pose questions. I question the measures some use to knock him and I put that very stat used . often dak bashers measure Dak in a vaccum.....put him next to the rest and you see a different picture...

now, with that said, I have also been a critic of Dak. I am not a blind supporter. I have been accused of being a blind supporter as you just did...to you and some like you, if I am not a blind basher, then I must be a blind supporter...its so black and white to you and few like you.

in the past I have criticized parts of his game where I think he needs to improve. I was a big advocate of not signing him prior to 2018 and waiting one more year to sign him to make sure we have the right buy because the price of getting it wrong was much higher than a few extra million we would pay him....I don't think until 2018 he was the franchise QB that he needed to be...what has impressed me about him, he did come with lesser skills, lacked certain things, but has worked to correct them and improve. he wasn't bestowed with natural talent or arm like lawrence or herbert, etc.....he improved his play....today he is a top 10 QB.

and furthermore, none of the people who criticize him, have offered an alternative better than him, eventhough I asked. and even I asked you in the past. some of the folks like pippy and khiliji tied their boat to Dalton, claiming watch the team take off...we saw what happened. Dalton SUCKED.

and yes, lets see what happens the rest of the season. I hope the coaches get their heads out of their arses. managing games like they have so far will lead to a lot of last minute losses and lost opportunities.


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You didn't hurt me. Just kinda annoying. Also not sure what you're trying to say here. Basically that Dak is better in man than zone, like that's a bad thing. And Dak was firing rockets everywhere against the Bucs last week.... so there.

And yes, there were 2 deep safetys against Dak too and he still had 177 yards in the first half. 2nd half he was far worse, but had only 3 possessions. The Chargers were really eating up time trying to keep our offense off the field otherwise Dak goes for 300 easily. Zone or man, whatever they play.... it's very unlikely you'll hold Dak to under 300 yards and 2 TDs unless you play to keep him off the field. But of course, I'm gonna wait for how you're gonna try to spin that.

1. Did I say you hurt me? I said so you are just going to insult me and than not respond? And now you go on responding?

2. Didn’t I say that Staley plays primarily HEAVY cover 2 zone? It has zero to do with Dak and teams primarily play Dak 1 on 1. Like what exactly are you responding to? I said Dak completely sucks against zone, which is why he posts mediocre numbers traditionally against them. If he didn’t have an actual RG that could run regularly against cover 2, it would be even worse, thus the point about our OL and RG carrying him. Teams play so much man against us, because of our RG and they are more than ck tent in allowing Dak to beat us with his arm, which is why we always blow against good teams and why we don’t win anything.

3. Then you go on and provide Tampa as an example, which demonstrate your have not clue what your even talking about as far as this argument goes. Tampa Bay was playing almost exclusively man and not only that bringing an extra rusher with a blitz for almost three quarters, exposing their injured secondary to little help. They didn’t even both shifting a safety to the side of Cooper. That means defenses don’t respect Dak’s arm in reality. And even CC was pointing it out, that teams basically continued to ‘blitz’ Dak despite the success. That’s because of our OL blocking and Zeke basically can sticky blitzed and defenses are forced to blitz and still get little pressure.

3. How were the Chargers trying to keep Dak off the field by of Herbert was throwing the ball downfield aggressively, not running it? He basically threw it three times in the second half? I already said the Cowboys were playing primarily cover 2. Again, what do you think you are responding to? Unlike Dak, Herbert had no running game and was still challenging the secondary downfield aggressively.

4. Day threw a pick on his second drive, meaning he turned the ball right back over. 48 “passing yards” of Dak were on his “dump off” to CeeDee Lamb to end the half. IF NOT FOR CEEDEE LAMB’S scramble at the end of the half, Dak BASICALLY THREW FOR 180 yards and didn’t challenge the Seattle Cover 2 at all. Your stats are bogus. They say exactly what I said, not what you said. And this is traditionally Dak that goes way back

Their only scores were drives wheee they fed the ball and Dak basically dumped the ball off snd shot routes. They ran it 15 times the whole first half. Dak was a BUS DRIVER the whole first half and couldn’t do anything on his arm.

Typical Dak.. paper Tiger built off this RG and OL forcing man looks against defenses, who completely goes into a shell against zones. We actually beat “good” teams when the team basically runs the ball and we allow the OL to impose its will. Pollard got all that outside yardage on the cover 2 precisely because of the cover 2. He averaged around 9 yards a carry.

No defense is going to play an elite QB the way they traditionally do with Dak if he was surrounded by the weapons of the Cowboys, including the OL. Dak isn’t even anywhere in Herbert’s league, let alone the best QBs in the league.

Dak against zone basically played like ANDY DALTON did with no offensive line last year.
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Again, in 2018 Amari bailed Dak out, when he yelled at him in the Eagles game to throw him the ball, because the DBs were sitting on the routes with no safety help. Dak couldn’t even recognize that man coverage three years into his career. Whopping foo, he finally got over that hump.

Amari basically saved his garbage season. But then what happened? They faced the Colts, who like Dan Diego, play heavy, deep cover 2 zone and Dallas was shut out and Amari had 1 catch for 11 yards. Dak then passed for only 152 yards against a garbage Tampa Bay team for 4 rec to a whopping 20 yards. Our points were basically generated off TOs in the red zone.

Im not even gonna start with 2019, where half his TDs were basically a product of playing the Giants and Commanders, and by mid-season Dak was padding stats in garbage time and Dallas leading the league in quarters without a TD.

What happened this time against the San Diego zone was the same thing that Dak does time and time again. If he doesn’t know where he’s going at the snap, he’s a conservative check down Charlie, unless he ‘breaks pocket’ and has to rely on his athleticism, like any “playground” QB.

To here people blame this team, while Dak is and has been “carrying” them, instead of putting up with his flaws for years with all this talent, is completely nonsense. He hasn’t don’t anything of note to be considered elite and all this drama stems back to the 13-3 season and after 4 years of tailoring this offense to him, even Moore is basically running Linehan’s offense, he takes advantage of man coverage…


Taco Engineer
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It's truly fascinating that the same small bunch continue to bash Prescott for the dumbest things. Sad really. The excuses are childlike.


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Ok... I'll submit that he's below perennial Super Bowl winning Brady, Rodgers, Wilson, and Mahomes.

As for the next tier.... the Allens, the Jacksons, the Watsons, and the Herberts

We all surrender that Allen has a stronger arm, but are the other attributes overwhelmingly in either's favor? I think Dak has more all-around better traits, but Allen's arm is definitely stronger.

Watson is AWOL, allowing other QBs to surpass him while he's on vacation..

Jackson is only been playing at this current level for 2 years. Elite coaches have not yet started to catch up with him to take away what he does best yet. Dak has been here 6 years. He has already survived the round of elite coaches gameplanning against him and came out from the fires still strong and burning. Guys like Colin Kaepernick, Jared Goff, and RGII were not strong enough to overcome that and they went away. Dak persisted and figured them out. Let's wait to see what Jackson can do once he gets that roundabout first, and it's quite possible he could fade away too.

You'd like to say Herbert > Dak, but Dak wasn't the one who threw 3 interceptions today. One was taken away by a bogus PI call on Kearse but in reality he threw 3.

Dak is 4-0 against Cousins in Washington, and subsequently ran him out of town. He's way better than Cousins.

Tannehill has not been looking good to start. Besides, Titans go up and down with Henry. if Henry has a bad game, Titans are toast.
Dak is definitely looking better. But I want to see them continue to get Pollard involved in the running and passing game.


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1. Did I say you hurt me? I said so you are just going to insult me and than not respond? And now you go on responding?

2. Didn’t I say that Staley plays primarily HEAVY cover 2 zone? It has zero to do with Dak and teams primarily play Dak 1 on 1. Like what exactly are you responding to? I said Dak completely sucks against zone, which is why he posts mediocre numbers traditionally against them. If he didn’t have an actual RG that could run regularly against cover 2, it would be even worse, thus the point about our OL and RG carrying him. Teams play so much man against us, because of our RG and they are more than ck tent in allowing Dak to beat us with his arm, which is why we always blow against good teams and why we don’t win anything.

3. Then you go on and provide Tampa as an example, which demonstrate your have not clue what your even talking about as far as this argument goes. Tampa Bay was playing almost exclusively man and not only that bringing an extra rusher with a blitz for almost three quarters, exposing their injured secondary to little help. They didn’t even both shifting a safety to the side of Cooper. That means defenses don’t respect Dak’s arm in reality. And even CC was pointing it out, that teams basically continued to ‘blitz’ Dak despite the success. That’s because of our OL blocking and Zeke basically can sticky blitzed and defenses are forced to blitz and still get little pressure.

3. How were the Chargers trying to keep Dak off the field by of Herbert was throwing the ball downfield aggressively, not running it? He basically threw it three times in the second half? I already said the Cowboys were playing primarily cover 2. Again, what do you think you are responding to? Unlike Dak, Herbert had no running game and was still challenging the secondary downfield aggressively.

4. Day threw a pick on his second drive, meaning he turned the ball right back over. 48 “passing yards” of Dak were on his “dump off” to CeeDee Lamb to end the half. IF NOT FOR CEEDEE LAMB’S scramble at the end of the half, Dak BASICALLY THREW FOR 180 yards and didn’t challenge the Seattle Cover 2 at all. Your stats are bogus. They say exactly what I said, not what you said. And this is traditionally Dak that goes way back

Their only scores were drives wheee they fed the ball and Dak basically dumped the ball off snd shot routes. They ran it 15 times the whole first half. Dak was a BUS DRIVER the whole first half and couldn’t do anything on his arm.

Typical Dak.. paper Tiger built off this RG and OL forcing man looks against defenses, who completely goes into a shell against zones. We actually beat “good” teams when the team basically runs the ball and we allow the OL to impose its will. Pollard got all that outside yardage on the cover 2 precisely because of the cover 2. He averaged around 9 yards a carry.

No defense is going to play an elite QB the way they traditionally do with Dak if he was surrounded by the weapons of the Cowboys, including the OL. Dak isn’t even anywhere in Herbert’s league, let alone the best QBs in the league.

Dak against zone basically played like ANDY DALTON did with no offensive line last year.

You keep finding ways to surpass your previous intellectual diatribes. Remarkable. I think you don't even know half the stuff you're talking about, but I'll let you get all that off your chest. Since you definitely seem to have all that effort in you.:lmao2:


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He is playing well. Want to see a few more games. But if he continues playing this way he would have to be top 5 or 7 in the league.


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You keep finding ways to surpass your previous intellectual diatribes. Remarkable. I think you don't even know half the stuff you're talking about, but I'll let you get all that off your chest. Since you definitely seem to have all that effort in you.:lmao2:

There is ZERO difference between San Diego and Dak traditionally against zones. But of course Dak-stans love to tell us “Amari disappears” and it’s his fault, not Dak’s. The same guy who basically saved Dak’s career and against TB and single coverage, did the same thing once again, catching, I believe, 9 passes in the first half alone only to disappear against a heavy zone scheme in San Diego again, while our RG and OL imposed its will. The guy many Dak-stans say Dallas should let walk, because he gets paid too much. Who exactly is carrying who?

Having Cooper as a weapon against man defenses has improved the entire offense, as Prescott’s game has been elevated to new heights against man defenses, including a 48-point jump in IQR.

Pre Amari 52% 6.2 3 3 71
With Amari 61% 8.8 8 1 119

Despite this massive jump in production against man defense, Prescott has not had nearly as much success against a zone defense and his IQR has dropped from 100 to 84 with Cooper on the roster. Though he has an 80 percent completion percentage versus zones, it’s almost entirely short-pass based. He has no touchdowns and two interceptions on 91 attempts

It will be interesting to see if the Colts zone-heavy defensive scheme will be the answer to finally stopping Prescott and Cooper this weekend.

Dak-stans want us to believe that this guy is elite and better than the other elite QBs, let alone Herbert, in the first year in a new offense and his second season, who got a TD called back and a WR slipped in the end zone on another rocket against zone coverage, while firing throws all over the field in heavy cover-2.

That’s laughable…

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Dak is definitely looking better. But I want to see them continue to get Pollard involved in the running and passing game.

Why not have him and Zeke on the field more together right now, With Gallup out I would love to see them lineup in the backfield and either can motion out and go slot. Only person really losing touches would then be Wilson and the other TE...Come on KM you showed it a bit now lets see some schemes on it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's truly fascinating that the same small bunch continue to bash Prescott for the dumbest things. Sad really. The excuses are childlike.
Posters that took a dislike to him initially, for whatever the reason, really haven't backed off on how they feel.

What I find interesting is that most of them never watched him before he was a Cowboy. I did and had reservations about him as a QB1 in the NFL but he has fixed that. Much to my pleasant surprise because he's easy to like.

One problem he has and it's the same with Romo, lack of pedigree. Staubach was a Heisman winner and Aikman the 1st overall pick, they come from "good stock". How on earth could a UDFA be the Dallas Cowboys QB and be replaced by a 4th rounder? Shameless!! We are the Dallas Cowboys, not some just a football team. We are too special for this!

Brady suffered from that as well as some of the Boston sportswriters didn't want him to forget he lasted until the 6th round. It wasn't the fact that he lasted that long that fueled that drive he has, it was the fact they wouldn't let him forget and kept rubbing his face in it. It's like some people cannot stand success for others so they have to keep reminding them where they came from. As if they don't know.


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Posters that took a dislike to him initially, for whatever the reason, really haven't backed off on how they feel.

What I find interesting is that most of them never watched him before he was a Cowboy. I did and had reservations about him as a QB1 in the NFL but he has fixed that. Much to my pleasant surprise because he's easy to like.

One problem he has and it's the same with Romo, lack of pedigree. Staubach was a Heisman winner and Aikman the 1st overall pick, they come from "good stock". How on earth could a UDFA be the Dallas Cowboys QB and be replaced by a 4th rounder? Shameless!! We are the Dallas Cowboys, not some just a football team. We are too special for this!

Brady suffered from that as well as some of the Boston sportswriters didn't want him to forget he lasted until the 6th round. It wasn't the fact that he lasted that long that fueled that drive he has, it was the fact they wouldn't let him forget and kept rubbing his face in it. It's like some people cannot stand success for others so they have to keep reminding them where they came from. As if they don't know.

We have been SOOO LUCKY in how the last 2 QB stints have played out like won the lottery lucky. These are not run of mill QB stories for sure.


Taco Engineer
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Posters that took a dislike to him initially, for whatever the reason, really haven't backed off on how they feel.

What I find interesting is that most of them never watched him before he was a Cowboy. I did and had reservations about him as a QB1 in the NFL but he has fixed that. Much to my pleasant surprise because he's easy to like.

One problem he has and it's the same with Romo, lack of pedigree. Staubach was a Heisman winner and Aikman the 1st overall pick, they come from "good stock". How on earth could a UDFA be the Dallas Cowboys QB and be replaced by a 4th rounder? Shameless!! We are the Dallas Cowboys, not some just a football team. We are too special for this!

Brady suffered from that as well as some of the Boston sportswriters didn't want him to forget he lasted until the 6th round. It wasn't the fact that he lasted that long that fueled that drive he has, it was the fact they wouldn't let him forget and kept rubbing his face in it. It's like some people cannot stand success for others so they have to keep reminding them where they came from. As if they don't know.
He keeps proving everyone wrong and raising the bar. And seems more polished.


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What's absolutely incredible to me is that Dak went 5-5 on the final drive and won us the game (on Gregs leg) but still. Its everyone else but Dak who won that game.


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Why not have him and Zeke on the field more together right now, With Gallup out I would love to see them lineup in the backfield and either can motion out and go slot. Only person really losing touches would then be Wilson and the other TE...Come on KM you showed it a bit now lets see some schemes on it.
Totally agree!


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Again, in 2018 Amari bailed Dak out, when he yelled at him in the Eagles game to throw him the ball, because the DBs were sitting on the routes with no safety help. Dak couldn’t even recognize that man coverage three years into his career. Whopping foo, he finally got over that hump.

Amari basically saved his garbage season. But then what happened? They faced the Colts, who like Dan Diego, play heavy, deep cover 2 zone and Dallas was shut out and Amari had 1 catch for 11 yards. Dak then passed for only 152 yards against a garbage Tampa Bay team for 4 rec to a whopping 20 yards. Our points were basically generated off TOs in the red zone.

Im not even gonna start with 2019, where half his TDs were basically a product of playing the Giants and Football Team, and by mid-season Dak was padding stats in garbage time and Dallas leading the league in quarters without a TD.

What happened this time against the San Diego zone was the same thing that Dak does time and time again. If he doesn’t know where he’s going at the snap, he’s a conservative check down Charlie, unless he ‘breaks pocket’ and has to rely on his athleticism, like any “playground” QB.

To here people blame this team, while Dak is and has been “carrying” them, instead of putting up with his flaws for years with all this talent, is completely nonsense. He hasn’t don’t anything of note to be considered elite and all this drama stems back to the 13-3 season and after 4 years of tailoring this offense to him, even Moore is basically running Linehan’s offense, he takes advantage of man coverage…
actually you just made that up. Dak and Amari decided to run a different route (not the hook route Linehan had called)...but yeah, knowing you make it about somebody else and knock Dak.....

and have you ever seen Amari yell? I doubt it...

and garbage season it was, because #1 WR was Allen Hurns......nobody had worse WR group than the cowboys in 2018 first 8 games.....Swaim was our top TE....WOW..

Get Amari a WR1 and the cowboys offense was #1 in the last 8 games....and where do you rank Amari in the WR list? is he top 10? top 15? top 20?

and yes, ofcourse you are going to credit Amari, so I will ask you to show me a QB who produced a top 5 offense without a good WR.....go do your research before spewing anything meaningless as you always do.

can I ask why do you hate Dak so much? you are so obsessed. its worrisome. did he do anything personal to you or a member of your family?


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WE ATTEMPTED A 56 YARDER ON A 3rd AND 3. It’s like when we had Brett Maher kicking 60 plus yarders. Again, nothing but underneath, except the 1 throw up Amari on the outside, which we all know Dak can do if it’s the first read on single coverage.

San Diego was playing the numbers and one series, we ran it three times in a row and still netted a first down, meaning a SD team that couldn’t stop the run which they couldn’t even do with the Commanders.

People want to deem him elite for basically driving the bus and what any average NFL QB can do surrounded by all this talent. We already know Dak can “drive a bus” and win a game here and there doing it.

Still does nothing to change the fact Dak is a walking mediocrity against zone, extremely conservation and the QB is getting all these advantageous looks, because of the talent that surrounds him.


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What's absolutely incredible to me is that Dak went 5-5 on the final drive and won us the game (on Gregs leg) but still. Its everyone else but Dak who won that game.
Oh, Dak won the game, huh?

If we lost would you have looked at his numbers (0TDs, 1INT, 1FUM) and said that he did enough to win? I'm not looking to debate. I'm just looking for an honest answer.