If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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It's not subject to opinion when there are messages about it. That takes opinion out of it.

Despite what you might like, it's not subject to your personal interpretation.

And despite your repeated statements of 'not caring' you're up to about 25 posts on a topic you state means so little. Seems more than a bit hypocritical

And don't accuse anyone else of being pushy when you're the one lighting up the movie theater because you can't bear to be away from checking your phone for nonsense for two hours.

We can clearly see who's being pushy.
I realized long ago we weren't going to agree. RTH seemingly understands my position very well even if he doesn't do the same as I do, so I'm not even expressing my opinion on the issue anymore.

At this point, I'm just posting because I don't want you to have the final word. Stubborness can be a two-way street. lol
Posting in this thread, from inside a movie theater, just for fun.

You can't stop me. You can't even hope to contain me! Next, I'm texting my wife and all its going to say is "sup?"

And when she responds, "Nuthin" You can then respond with, "K."
Posting in this thread, from inside a movie theater, just for fun.

You can't stop me. You can't even hope to contain me! Next, I'm texting my wife and all its going to say is "sup?"

Now you have done it! I bet Stash is calling the theater right this minute to get you kicked out, trouble maker!

Hilarious thread.

Rule #1, which trumps all other rules in my book and is part of the Cowboy Constitution, Cowboy fans are allowed to access Cowboyszone at any time and any venue, even movie theaters. And a subparagraph of this rule, any Cowboy fan who kindly posts as many articles, tweets, etc here at cowboyszone as Woodysgirl can do whatever she wants with her cell phone, whenever she wants, and where ever she wants. Special priviledges for those who keep the Cowboy news flowing here.

I get a kick out of those who think their matinee experience is some sacred ritual which demands total silence. As if these people think they are truly being whisked off into some time travel and actually living the story. Seriously, how can someone have a problem with someone sitting in the back of a theater checking e-mail on a rare occasion? Maybe they feel entightled since they spent so much money on a ticket and overpriced junk food. If someone's cell phone ruins your theater experience, you may be a little fragile or taking the movie way too serious.

Who would waste their money on a movie ticket is beyond me. Just be patient and wait a little and you can watch it for free online.

Disclaimer: last time I was in a theater was 1995 and I still have a flip phone.
I guess some folks need it more clearly spelled out for them.

It's not just the talking and noise, it's any use

The theater goes dark for a reason, so that all focus is on the actual screen, not some technology addicted moron typing nonsense on their phone.

No one in this discussion is typing anything on their phone, bud. The debate was about WG checking a text.. she doesn't type back, she already said that in the first page.

..and again, you seem mad that your interpretation isn't shared by everyone. I told you what the "facts" were at my movie theater. Put your phone on silent. If a moviegoer does that, they are abiding by the rule. If they didn't want their moviegoers to use the phone at all, they should say "please don't use your phone during the movie". They don't say that though, so that would be your "interpretation" of the rule, sir. Not a fact.

..and since you're going to continue to have a pompous, indignant attitude about this.. do we need to spell out what the word "fact" means for you, so you can get a better grasp on why your interpretation here of the phrase, "Please silence your cellular device" isn't a fact?

the same way someone talking on the other side of the theater can bother you even though there's a gigantic sound system blaring all around you.

Generally, i only get upset by people who talk constantly thoughout the movie in a loud and obnoxious mannar. Pretty much everyone, including yourself, talks at some point throughout the two hour movie to the person you are with. So, ya know, probably not the best example for this situation.
Next, I'm texting my wife and all its going to say is "sup?"

"sup?" as in "what's up?", .. or "sup?" as is "what's for supper?", .. or "sup?" as in "would you like to join me for supper?"

Posting in this thread, from inside a movie theater, just for fun.

You can't stop me. You can't even hope to contain me! Next, I'm texting my wife and all its going to say is "sup?"

You better not be in "stash's theater", lol. You won't be around long enough to see the end of the movie, according to him.. whatever that means.

Partially fact.. partially open to interpretation. Like i said, my movie theater doesn't have a message to turn off all cell phones during the movie and refrain from taking them out the entire time.

It simply requests that you please silence all cell phones. Beyond silencing my cell phones, everything else you are trying to get across is your interpretation of that message. Different rules can apply in different theaters, but that's what it is in mine.

Really though.. as far as talking about society and respecting others, i think this thread brings up a much more important issue than checking a quick text during a movie. Talking just to hear yourself talk vs talking to communicate and come to understanding with one another.

This thread is almost 10 pages long of largely just you, WG, and I debating this small issue and you still won't seem to concede that what WG does isn't intended to be disrespectful to anyone and she does seem to be aware of the moviegoers around her. She's already stated that if she has to take a call, she goes into the lobby, she puts her phone on silent at all times, does not text during a movie, only checks a text she may receive to make sure it not an emergency and then immediately puts her phone away and goes right back to watching the movie, and also sits in the last row of the thater in order to disrupt the least amount of people possible.

Clearly, she's making an effort to be considerate to her fellow moviegoers.. even though she doesn't behave exactly 100% the way you feel everyone should in order to be proper at the movie theater. So how about we give her credit for that, agree to disagree over what is respectful and disrespectful in our own opinions, and just move on with life?

I can certainly give her credit for the steps she does take, while I can be critical of not doing all that she can- as it not using it at all

She couldn't give one valid reason for needing to take out her phone at all. That was abundantly clear

If there is a valid need, I have no issue, take your phone outside and handle it.

Anything and everything else can and should wait.
You better not be in "stash's theater", lol. You won't be around long enough to see the end of the movie, according to him.. whatever that means.


Stop by and find out.

But if I were there I would be doing the very thing I am taking issue with so I'm obviously not.
I can certainly give her credit for the steps she does take, while I can be critical of not doing all that she can- as it not using it at all

She couldn't give one valid reason for needing to take out her phone at all. That was abundantly clear

If there is a valid need, I have no issue, take your phone outside and handle it.

Anything and everything else can and should wait.
Why do I need to give you any reason, at all? Any text I get is my personal business. That should be abundantly clear, as well. I'm not obligated to tell you or anyone else the nature of my text messages so I can prove how valid or invalid they are to you.

All you need to know is that any text message alert I get, I consider to be valid enough for an immediate check.
Stop by and find out.

But if I were there I would be doing the very thing I am taking issue with so I'm obviously not.

Lawd, please tell me you're not threatening bodily harm if someone happens to check their phone in the movie theater? LMAO... He-larious.

I imagine anything beyond contacting the movie ushers would spark a confrontation and both of you would end up in jail or worse.
How about respecting the rules made by the establishment. An establishment trying to keep the majority of patrons happy in order to stay in business?

Has none of this occurred to the "Me Generation"?

Ocurred to them ? Quite frankly, they probably just dont care. Just because there are rules in place does not mean everyone will follow them. Its a nuisance but not a punishable crime - if more movie thetares kicked people out maybe it would decrease the frequency that this occurs.

I havent been to a thetare in years, I prefer to watch movies at home. Not that I wouldnt go if others i was with wanted to, however i would be prepared for the reality that you cant choose who you are watching the film with.
Hilarious thread.

Rule #1, which trumps all other rules in my book and is part of the Cowboy Constitution, Cowboy fans are allowed to access Cowboyszone at any time and any venue, even movie theaters. And a subparagraph of this rule, any Cowboy fan who kindly posts as many articles, tweets, etc here at cowboyszone as Woodysgirl can do whatever she wants with her cell phone, whenever she wants, and where ever she wants. Special priviledges for those who keep the Cowboy news flowing here.

I get a kick out of those who think their matinee experience is some sacred ritual which demands total silence. As if these people think they are truly being whisked off into some time travel and actually living the story. Seriously, how can someone have a problem with someone sitting in the back of a theater checking e-mail on a rare occasion? Maybe they feel entightled since they spent so much money on a ticket and overpriced junk food. If someone's cell phone ruins your theater experience, you may be a little fragile or taking the movie way too serious.

Who would waste their money on a movie ticket is beyond me. Just be patient and wait a little and you can watch it for free online.

Disclaimer: last time I was in a theater was 1995 and I still have a flip phone.

Glad to know I don't have to deal with you.

Enjoy the movies from him though!
Why do I need to give you any reason, at all? Any text I get is my personal business. That should be abundantly clear, as well. I'm not obligated to tell you or anyone else the nature of my text messages so I can prove how valid or invalid they are to you.

All you need to know is that any text message alert I get, I consider to be valid enough for an immediate check.

All I need to know is that the behavior is rude and ignorant.

The rest is noise.
Lawd, please tell me you're not threatening bodily harm if someone happens to check their phone in the movie theater? LMAO... He-larious.

I imagine anything beyond contacting the movie ushers would spark a confrontation and both of you would end up in jail or worse.

Which would cause a much bigger distraction to your fellow moviegoers than simply checking a text for a second, so i guess we know now who the disrespecful one really is, huh?

Lawd, please tell me you're not threatening bodily harm if someone happens to check their phone in the movie theater? LMAO... He-larious.

I imagine anything beyond contacting the movie ushers would spark a confrontation and both of you would end up in jail or worse.

Absolutely not.

That would make me worse than the ignorant offenders.

I would just make it a point to have them removed so the only experience ruined would b their own.
All I need to know is that the behavior is rude and ignorant.

The rest is noise.
Well, then you didn't even want a valid reason.. You just wanted to blow more hot air so you could say, "See, I told you there was no valid reason to check your phone!"

Which would cause a much bigger distraction to your fellow moviegoers than simply checking a text for a second, so i guess we know now who the disrespecful one really is, huh?

Right! lmao
Absolutely not.

That would make me worse than the ignorant offenders.

I would just make it a point to have them removed so the only experience ruined would b their own.

You do realize that once you get up to contact an usher...and then have the usher come... and then the usher contacts the patron that EVERYONE in the movie theater will now be distracted from the movie itself?

A quick text check vs a loud, obnoxious moviegoer whose texting, talking, and whatever is not the same.
Which would cause a much bigger distraction to your fellow moviegoers than simply checking a text for a second, so i guess we know now who the disrespecful one really is, huh?


If you think so.

In my theater they applaud.
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