bjay1121;1778973 said:
LOL stats are very deceiving and in no way does it show the entire picture. So lets look at some 'stats'
JC has thrown 7 picks this year, your boy Romo threw one game Probably the worst half in QB history,11 in total with 22 more pass attempts.
JC has NEVER thrown more than 2 picks in a game, your boy Romo...
Does that make JC more accurate?
Nope, completion percentage would reflect accuracy, and that's all Romo...
In addition, I suggest you look at three things-- first, the yards per attempt average of both quarterbacks... those with a higher yards per attempt get there by throwing the ball downfield more than those who throw a lot of checkdowns and dumpoff passes...
Romo's career yards per attempt average is 8.7, Campbell's is 6.5... clearly, Romo took more downfield chances...
Then you look at the risk to reward ratio, i.e., the TDs to int ratio... Romo has 25 career ints, to 46 TD passes... that's 1.84 TD passes for every int thrown... Campbell has 21 TDs to 14 ints... that's 1.5 TD passes for every int thrown...
I'll live with some ints if my QB is also giving me a bunch of TD passes...
Finally, you ask yourself the question that shows you are a true statistician-- was Romo's 5 int game against the Bills what they call an ANOMALY?? Well, Romo had never thrown more than 3 ints in a game, and has not thrown more than 1 int in any other game this season... so, if you suspect that the Bills game is an anomaly, you then factor it out of the equation, and see what you have... suddenly, you have him putting up 20 ints in 611 pass attempts, 1 in every 30.6 attempts...
Your boy Romo has 629 career pass attempts to 24 INTs = 1 pick every 26 attempts
JC has 522 career pass attempts to 14 picks= 1 pick every 37 pass attempts
Doesn't that make Romo more turnover prone?
A bit, but not as much as you'd have us believe... not when you factor in the type of turnover known as FUMBLES... when you do that, Romo has 30 turnovers in 748 plays (passes, sacks, carries)... that's 1 in every 24.9 plays... Campbell has 20 turnovers in 597 plays... that's 1 in every 29.9 plays...
Of course, I have always held that the one thing Campbell has done most right is not give up a lot of turnovers... but part of that is reflected in the short passing offense the Skins employ to protect Jason...
And again, that's just one factor of quarterback play, and if my QB is scoring more, I'll put up with a few turnovers...
Know who has the 15th worst passer rating....Peyton Manning
14 QBs out there better than Peyton?
Well, he's no better than a top 10 QB this year... his QBR is distorted a bit by the abnormally high number of ints (for him) he's thrown... he also hasn't thrown all that many TD passes, or completed a high percentage of his passes...
But he does 8th in yards per game, the Colts rank 4th in scoring and 9th in passing offense... put all those stats together, and I'd say that Manning is, AT THIS TIME, one of the ten best QBs playing the game, but only barely...
The question is, is this the start of a decline in his play, or a one year aberration??
And if its true that you've watched 90 % of Jason snaps in his career (yeah right)
My nephew/roommate is a devout Skins fan, corrupted by his late daddy, my younger brother... when the Skins are on and the Cowboys aren't, we're watching the Skins... when both are on at the same time, we're watching the Boys, recording the Skins on another set back in my bedroom...
When I say 90 per cent of Jason's snaps, I'm factoring in one game last season where I had to attend a funeral, and me and the nephew clean forgot to set the DVD recorder...
and you still say you dont see anything impressive at all only shows your hate for the 'deadskins'
Well, you're distorting what I'm saying when you say I "don't see anything impressive at all", I've said all along that the one thing he's done well is not commit a lot of boneheaded mistakes...
But that IS the only thing I've seen him do consistently well... and it's the only thing YOU'VE seen him do consistently well, if you'll just take off those burgundy-tinted glasses for a second... you haven't seen him crank out a series of consistently good games, indeed in these last two games where he has shown some improvement, he's negated a lot of that with critical mistakes at the end...
I just don't hate the Skins the way you're telling yourself I do... maybe I did when I was 25, and George Allen was running the Over The Hill Gang, but it's next to impossible to hate Joe Gibbs... and the Skins haven't been good enough that I'm "afraid" of them, the real reason for any fan's "hatred"...
Nope, I'm just callin' 'em like I see 'em... and it should be noted that going into this season, I said the Skins would start out fast, by virtue of a soft easy schedule, then start to struggle at midseason... I said this would especially be true if they got bit by the injury bug, because they didn't have any depth as a result of Danny Boy's fondness for overpaying mediocre players in free agency... I predicted that the Skins would finish the season barely under .500 (7-9)...
Sure seems to be playing out that way, doesn't it?? The Skins are all banged up, but they started out 4-2, then they've gone 1-3 since then, their lone win an overtime game against a 2-8 team... given that they play 5 teams in their last 6 games with playoff aspirations, 7-9 looks better and better as a prediction (though I can see them splitting their remaining 6 games, finishing 8-8)...
For a "hater", I sure seem to have pegged how the Skins' season would go this year... LOL...
I have had similar "luck" predicting the Skins' fortunes in other recent seasons as well... indeed, for some bizarre reason I can do a better job of breaking down the Skins' roster each season better than I can my own Cowboys... I guess I can't keep the same objectivity when analyzing the Boys...