Interesting stuff on Bobby Carpenter


Virtus Mille Scuta
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this is nothing new... lots of folk on here questioned whether he could be a OLB in a 3-4 or would he have to move inside... I think he may be a fairly good player if he played in a 4-3...nothing spectacular sorta just a solid career journeyman style...but as a Lb in a 3-4 whether inside or out I think he will never reach his potential...just my .02


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He was moved inside because he was unable to win the job book ending Ware. Thats the only reason he was moved inside. He has the size. Didnt work but I get why they tried.

I do like him on STs. I know thats not where we want our 1st round bust, I mean pick, but lets get something out of him. And we are. If his role is ST because out starters are better, I can live with that for the remainder of the year.


I've got moxie
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I think he's been a massive disappointment. Thought he'd be a great fit for the defense.

He's always been compared to Vrabel. Although Vrabel was a third round pick, he didn't really start much until his fourth year.


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Rack;1753106 said:
Am I the only one sick of Nors' agenda driven posts?

Things were so much better here w/o him. Just stating a fact.

Do you have an opinion on Carpenter's play and production so far?


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BP says it takes some players 3 get it, therefore, after next year is when we can decide the fate of this player


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Carp has been disapointing- but it is hard to tell if that is really all his fault or only partially.


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It isn't so much interesting as terribly disappointing, lol.

His strength at Ohio State was his coverage. He was the guy that allowed AJ Hawk to do the things that AJ Hawk could do, roam the field and make plays.

In this current defense, I think he is a poor fit. He isn't dynamic rushing upfield. He is better used in a scheme like Parcells and Zimmer ran, covering downfield and covering TEs. That was probably the plan to help free DeMarcus up to rush the passer more, but in an aggressive defense, he just seems to be a poor fit.

The only real hope I guess is taking into account that they messed with him last year, brought him along slowly, and now it's a new defense again, so he's basically a rookie's a longshot, but it's possible. It took Kevin three years to see significant playing time. He's out there now and getting noticed. We may have to wait that long for Bobby, too.


Zone Scribe
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I think the entire organization (Parcells, Wade, Ireland Stewart, Jerry, the scouting department) on down was just completely caught off guard at how soft Carpenter is. Carpenter is the epitome of the looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. A 6'4" 247 lbs. hairy, white LB from the Big X, son of a former tough as nails professional football player shouldn't be this soft. I'll never forget watching him play last year in a preseason game against the Vikings and watching him get driven 10 yards straight backwards on every play late in the 4th quarter by undrafted free agent training camp fodder. One play it was a no-name guard, then it was a no-name center, then it was a no-name fullback... guys who would be out of the league by Wednesday of that week just took turns on him. He cowered at the point of contact.

The Cowboys thought they were getting a Vrabel, because he had the exact same resume. Vrabel plays inside and outisde for the Patriots. Donnie Edwards played ILB last year for Wade at 225, and he's currently playing OLB in Herm Edwards Tampa 2 4-3. Tedi Bruschi was an undersized defense end in college. James Farrior is probably the best ILB in football, IMHO, was a weakside outside linebacker at Virigina. Those guys would be good anywhere, because they're good football players. Bobby Carpenter isn't, so he really can't play either position. I mean, Carpenter looks like a JAG on special teams.

One last thing .... Parcells wanted pass rushers on both sides, just like Wade. Why do you think Parcells converted Ellis to OLB to start opposite Ware, and was steadfast that it would work in training camp while everyone else was crapping their pants worrying how Ellis was going to cover a RB out of the backfield (including Ellis)? It's kind of funny that drafting Carp was all Parcells doing, now. Revisionist history states that when Parcells supposedly wanted to draft Spears instead of Ware, the scouting department overruled him and saved the day. But the scouting department just played along when Parcells really wanted Carpenter? Maybe they were taking a nap in the draft room and didn't know our pick was up, and sneaky Parcells tip toed over to the phone and made the pick. All I know is that Ireland never had anything to do with a bad pick, it was all Parcells, and the entire board knew this a bad fit even though 95% of you were standing on your chairs and clapping when the pick was made.


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InmanRoshi;1753440 said:
I think the entire organization (Parcells, Wade, Ireland Stewart, Jerry, the scouting department) on down was just completely caught off guard at how soft Carpenter is. Carpenter is the epitome of the looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. A 6'4" 247 lbs. hairy, white LB from the Big X, son of a former tough as nails professional football player shouldn't be this soft. I'll never forget watching him play last year in a preseason game against the Vikings and watching him get driven 10 yards straight backwards on every play late in the 4th quarter by undrafted free agent training camp fodder. One play it was a no-name guard, then it was a no-name center, then it was a no-name fullback... guys who would be out of the league by Wednesday of that week just took turns on him. He cowered at the point of contact.

The Cowboys thought they were getting a Vrabel, because he had the exact same resume. Vrabel plays inside and outisde for the Patriots. Donnie Edwards played ILB last year for Wade at 225, and he's currently playing OLB in Herm Edwards Tampa 2 4-3. Tedi Bruschi was an undersized defense end in college. James Farrior is probably the best ILB in football, IMHO, was a weakside outside linebacker at Virigina. Those guys would be good anywhere, because they're good football players. Bobby Carpenter isn't, so he really can't play either position. I mean, Carpenter looks like a JAG on special teams.

One last thing .... Parcells wanted pass rushers on both sides, just like Wade. Why do you think Parcells converted Ellis to OLB to start opposite Ware, and was steadfast that it would work in training camp while everyone else was crapping their pants worrying how Ellis was going to cover a RB out of the backfield (including Ellis)? It's kind of funny that drafting Carp was all Parcells doing, now. Revisionist history states that when Parcells supposedly wanted to draft Spears instead of Ware, the scouting department overruled him and saved the day. But the scouting department just played along when Parcells really wanted Carpenter? Maybe they were taking a nap in the draft room and didn't know our pick was up, and sneaky Parcells tip toed over to the phone and made the pick. All I know is that Ireland never had anything to do with a bad pick, it was all Parcells, and the entire board knew this a bad fit even though 95% of you were standing on your chairs and clapping when the pick was made.

dont put me in that category, i wasnt even clapping when we took Spencer last year. btw i think Carp will be a bust eventually, but i almost felt the same way about Brady James, but in year 3 he started playing much better, lets hope the same for Carp.


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InmanRoshi;1753440 said:
I think the entire organization (Parcells, Wade, Ireland Stewart, Jerry, the scouting department) on down was just completely caught off guard at how soft Carpenter is. Carpenter is the epitome of the looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. A 6'4" 247 lbs. hairy, white LB from the Big X, son of a former tough as nails professional football player shouldn't be this soft. I'll never forget watching him play last year in a preseason game against the Vikings and watching him get driven 10 yards straight backwards on every play late in the 4th quarter by undrafted free agent training camp fodder. One play it was a no-name guard, then it was a no-name center, then it was a no-name fullback... guys who would be out of the league by Wednesday of that week just took turns on him. He cowered at the point of contact.

The Cowboys thought they were getting a Vrabel, because he had the exact same resume. Vrabel plays inside and outisde for the Patriots. Donnie Edwards played ILB last year for Wade at 225, and he's currently playing OLB in Herm Edwards Tampa 2 4-3. Tedi Bruschi was an undersized defense end in college. James Farrior is probably the best ILB in football, IMHO, was a weakside outside linebacker at Virigina. Those guys would be good anywhere, because they're good football players. Bobby Carpenter isn't, so he really can't play either position. I mean, Carpenter looks like a JAG on special teams.

One last thing .... Parcells wanted pass rushers on both sides, just like Wade. Why do you think Parcells converted Ellis to OLB to start opposite Ware, and was steadfast that it would work in training camp while everyone else was crapping their pants worrying how Ellis was going to cover a RB out of the backfield (including Ellis)? It's kind of funny that drafting Carp was all Parcells doing, now. Revisionist history states that when Parcells supposedly wanted to draft Spears instead of Ware, the scouting department overruled him and saved the day. But the scouting department just played along when Parcells really wanted Carpenter? Maybe they were taking a nap in the draft room and didn't know our pick was up, and sneaky Parcells tip toed over to the phone and made the pick. All I know is that Ireland never had anything to do with a bad pick, it was all Parcells, and the entire board knew this a bad fit even though 95% of you were standing on your chairs and clapping when the pick was made.

Yippie, I am in the 5%.

It is not that I don't like Carpenter. I just did not see what he did at OSU as being worthy of a 1st round pick. He was good, but never looked like a first rounder to me. I am hoping he shows a little more and is a good back up for many years. I don't expect much more from him and hope he proves my low expectations are wrong.


Mick Green 58
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I think people are forgetting how he performed towards the end of the season. The guy was really the lone bright spot on an otherwise forgettable defense.


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InmanRoshi;1753440 said:
I think the entire organization (Parcells, Wade, Ireland Stewart, Jerry, the scouting department) on down was just completely caught off guard at how soft Carpenter is. Carpenter is the epitome of the looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. A 6'4" 247 lbs. hairy, white LB from the Big X, son of a former tough as nails professional football player shouldn't be this soft. I'll never forget watching him play last year in a preseason game against the Vikings and watching him get driven 10 yards straight backwards on every play late in the 4th quarter by undrafted free agent training camp fodder. One play it was a no-name guard, then it was a no-name center, then it was a no-name fullback... guys who would be out of the league by Wednesday of that week just took turns on him. He cowered at the point of contact.

The Cowboys thought they were getting a Vrabel, because he had the exact same resume. Vrabel plays inside and outisde for the Patriots. Donnie Edwards played ILB last year for Wade at 225, and he's currently playing OLB in Herm Edwards Tampa 2 4-3. Tedi Bruschi was an undersized defense end in college. James Farrior is probably the best ILB in football, IMHO, was a weakside outside linebacker at Virigina. Those guys would be good anywhere, because they're good football players. Bobby Carpenter isn't, so he really can't play either position. I mean, Carpenter looks like a JAG on special teams.

One last thing .... Parcells wanted pass rushers on both sides, just like Wade. Why do you think Parcells converted Ellis to OLB to start opposite Ware, and was steadfast that it would work in training camp while everyone else was crapping their pants worrying how Ellis was going to cover a RB out of the backfield (including Ellis)? It's kind of funny that drafting Carp was all Parcells doing, now. Revisionist history states that when Parcells supposedly wanted to draft Spears instead of Ware, the scouting department overruled him and saved the day. But the scouting department just played along when Parcells really wanted Carpenter? Maybe they were taking a nap in the draft room and didn't know our pick was up, and sneaky Parcells tip toed over to the phone and made the pick. All I know is that Ireland never had anything to do with a bad pick, it was all Parcells, and the entire board knew this a bad fit even though 95% of you were standing on your chairs and clapping when the pick was made.
Actually Parcells admitted that our scouting reports showed that Lawson had more upside. But he wanted someone he thought would be ready immediately instead of more of a project player. And it was Jerry that overruled him on the Spears thing, because they thought Spears would last to our 2nd pick but Ware wouldn't. So, yeah, it would make sense that they would only overrule Parcells when it made sense from a "business" perspective (i.e., draft tactics) but not from a talent picking perspective.

But yeah, I was pissed off to no end when the pick was made.


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mickgreen58;1753572 said:
I think people are forgetting how he performed towards the end of the season. The guy was really the lone bright spot on an otherwise forgettable defense.

Not really. It is remembering how he played against Atlanta and Seattle that makes it more of a disappointment. What happened to that guy? When he does see action especially in this pre-season, he did not look like the same player from those two games. Of course the guys in front of him on the depth chart are playing well and really limiting his opportunities. That is a good thing no matter how you look at it.


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sago1;1752462 said:
I think it is probably a numbers game at OLB competing against Ware & Ellis and along comes Spencer;

I doubt this. If the team saw Carpenter as a viable OLB option then Spencer wouldn't have been our target in the draft - Carp wasn't getting much time outside, even with Ellis out.

But hey, he's developing into a great ST player.


Kane Ala
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dbair1967;1752843 said:
he's been in the league for 24 games and came into the league coming off a broken leg...he also is playing hurt right now and his injury isnt going to heal until the offseason

its too early to say he is a bust, I think next yr we'll know more about him


Well, I hope you're right. But I don't see him ever starting for us. I don't think he is ever going to be physical enough to play inside. He doesn't rush well and he's not that good in coverage. That leaves him playing ST and he doesn't even do that beyond a little better than average.

His only hope of starting here other than because of multiple injuries is to beat Akin out. I don't think he can be physical enough.

Where would he play next year as a starter or even backup with significant playing time?


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jterrell;1752484 said:
Carpenter is a solid OLB. He is a better coverage guy then either Ellis or Spencer but lacks the pass rush of either. He isn't physical at the point of attack so that hurts but Spencer hasn't been great there yet either.

Carpenter was/is just a bad fit here where BP hated that softness and Wade wants a better pass rusher.

Carpenter will probably end up as an OLB in a Miami 4-3 where they value size less and speed more but don't require a lot of taking on blockers.

Carp is what the 7th LB on the overall depth chart? yikes....

Roy Williams is more physical... sigh.

Concur...Very disappointing with Carpenter...The signs were on the wall from pretty much day 1 that he was a poor pick with the #1.

Makes you wonder who was responsible for that pick, Tuna or otherwise...Just a bad draft for the boys there...The list of picks after Bobby just makes you ill at how valuable they are now... :banghead:


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FCBarca;1753667 said:
Concur...Very disappointing with Carpenter...The signs were on the wall from pretty much day 1 that he was a poor pick with the #1.

Makes you wonder who was responsible for that pick, Tuna or otherwise...Just a bad draft for the boys there...The list of picks after Bobby just makes you ill at how valuable they are now... :banghead:

Inside of one 12 month period we drafted Ware and Burnett, we had Bradie, we signed Akin, we moved Ellis to OLB. There was no chance for BC to play regardless.


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Wouldnt' anybody here rather have Antonio Chromartie?

I hate to be that guy.....but ive been thinking bout that for a few weeks.