Interesting stuff on Bobby Carpenter


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theogt;1754704 said:
Hard to say whether he is or not, considering he went down very early this year. He did look pretty good in his limited role when actually playing 3-4 OLB. He had beefed up to close to 260 pounds, and it appeared as though he hadn't lost much in terms of speed. He looked like a Ware clone, actually, in terms of athleticism and size at that weight.

But had we known Ellis was going to pan out, yeah, we probably shouldn't have had such a narrow focus. Oh well, hindsight just happens to be 20/20.

Lawson sucks. End of story.

At least Carp's excuse is he hasn't been on the field. But Lawson flat out blows.


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Rack;1754712 said:
Lawson sucks. End of story.

At least Carp's excuse is he hasn't been on the field. But Lawson flat out blows.
Hey, time will tell. I doubt very seriously Carpenter ever gets a starting 3-4 OLB job, though. And Lawson will have his for years to come. That'll be the ultimate test of which was the better player to draft to, you know, ACTUALLY PLAY 3-4 OLB.


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theogt;1754713 said:
Hey, time will tell. I doubt very seriously Carpenter ever gets a starting 3-4 OLB job, though. And Lawson will have his for years to come. That'll be the ultimate test of which was the better player to draft to, you know, ACTUALLY PLAY 3-4 OLB.

While that may be true, it has more to do with their respective teams and linebacker depth than talent level.


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Ozzu;1754715 said:
While that may be true, it has more to do with their respective teams and linebacker depth than talent level.
Or it may have something to do with the coaches here not thinking Bobby is a very good OLB, hence drafting someone to play that spot the year after he was drafted.


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theogt;1754716 said:
Or it may have something to do with the coaches here not thinking Bobby is a very good OLB, hence drafting someone to play that spot the year after he was drafted.

True. I just thought he showed something towards the end of last year and then all of the sudden, he's back on the bench. I'm just holding out hope that we get to see the Bobby Carpenter we saw at the end of last year again at some point in the future.


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Ozzu;1754718 said:
True. I just thought he showed something towards the end of last year and then all of the sudden, he's back on the bench. I'm just holding out hope that we get to see the Bobby Carpenter we saw at the end of last year again at some point in the future.
The problem is that he never showed much in terms of pass-rushing and that's what 3-4 OLBs do. His best attributes are when he's out in space running and chasing. That's what ILBs do. I wouldn't be surprised if he takes Ayodele's job next off-season.


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theogt;1754690 said:
Akin is pretty slow actually, and Lawson is hands down the fastest 3-4 OLB in the league.

so what? he isnt any good



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theogt;1754719 said:
The problem is that he never showed much in terms of pass-rushing and that's what 3-4 OLBs do. His best attributes are when he's out in space running and chasing. That's what ILBs do. I wouldn't be surprised if he takes Ayodele's job next off-season.

I wouldn't be too heart-broken about that. Akin is the invisible man. Solid, but never stands out. He's Al Singleton v 2.0


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dbair1967;1754720 said:
so what? he isnt any good

You know this off watching him play 1.5 games at 3-4 OLB? Oh, that's right, you probably didn't even watch those games and have no idea what you're talking about.


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theogt;1754722 said:
You know this off watching him play 1.5 games at 3-4 OLB?

yes, and all the games he played last yr

he looked pretty lost and made no plays to speak of

he may turn out ok eventually, but all he is right now is a skinny fast guy who cant play the position



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dbair1967;1754723 said:
yes, and all the games he played last yr

he looked pretty lost and made no plays to speak of

he may turn out ok eventually, but all he is right now is a skinny fast guy who cant play the position

That tells me you didn't watch him this season. He bulked up to close to 260 pounds. Also, he didn't play 3-4 OLB last season.

Why do people feel the need to comment about **** they know nothing about?

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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theogt;1754725 said:
That tells me you didn't watch him this season. He bulked up to close to 260 pounds. Also, he didn't play 3-4 OLB last season.

Why do people feel the need to comment about **** they know nothing about?

Sorry, didn't know they had game film of the sideline.


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GoinForSix;1754727 said:
Sorry, didn't know they had game film of the sideline.
Huh? Are you criticizing the guy for tearing his ACL?


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theogt;1754725 said:
That tells me you didn't watch him this season. He bulked up to close to 260 pounds. Also, he didn't play 3-4 OLB last season.

Why do people feel the need to comment about **** they know nothing about?

if he's 260, I'm Hulk Hogan...the guys legs look like toothpicks

and why do you insist on arguing the Niners didnt play the 3-4 last yr? They did it for a number of games...just because you dont want to believe it doesnt make it so...everybody has had this discussion with you already



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dbair1967;1754729 said:
if he's 260, I'm Hulk Hogan...the guys legs look like toothpicks

and why do you insist on arguing the Niners didnt play the 3-4 last yr? They did it for a number of games...just because you dont want to believe it doesnt make it so...everybody has had this discussion with you already

They tried it for half a game. And in that thread I was proven right (as usual).


Federal Agent
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Ozzu;1754715 said:
While that may be true, it has more to do with their respective teams and linebacker depth than talent level.

Leave facts out of this please.

theogt;1754716 said:
Or it may have something to do with the coaches here not thinking Bobby is a very good OLB, hence drafting someone to play that spot the year after he was drafted.

You know darn well if Parcells had stayed here Spencer wouldn't be a cowboy. Wade prefers two pass rushers at OLB. BP preferred one of this LBs be able to cover and play the run.

theogt;1754725 said:
Why do people feel the need to comment about **** they know nothing about?

I dunno. Why do you?


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Rack;1754741 said:
You know darn well if Parcells had stayed here Spencer wouldn't be a cowboy. Wade prefers two pass rushers at OLB. BP preferred one of this LBs be able to cover and play the run.
Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't bet against Parcells drafting a linebacker (or another tight end). ;)


Federal Agent
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theogt;1754746 said:
Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't bet against Parcells drafting a linebacker (or another tight end). ;)

Well you do have a point, I'll admit that. But I think Carp was a good fit in BP's 3-4. Wade prefers a different type of OLB. It really is screwed up for Carp cuz he does have talent and I think he could still play OLB in Wade's scheme, he just wouldn't be as effective rushing the passer as Spencer/Ellis.

However, we could of just used him in coverage more and blitzed the safety or ILB more. Wade says he changes his scheme to fit the player, but that clearly isn't the case with Carp. He didn't even give him a chance.

And there's no doubt in my mind Carp does much better then Spencer while Ellis was out if they'd started him instead of Spencer. Probably would of got more then 1 sack too. However, in the long run, SPencer has more potential (in Wade's scheme).

Can't really say anything about this year since Carp is hurt, but it would be nice to see him get a shot eventually. Fact of the matter is he hasn't been given a fair opportunity, but that's life sometimes.

He was the best defensive player on the field in our playoff game last year. You'd think that would earn him a shot at the starting job this year, but I guess not.


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Rack;1754757 said:
Well you do have a point, I'll admit that. But I think Carp was a good fit in BP's 3-4. Wade prefers a different type of OLB. It really is screwed up for Carp cuz he does have talent and I think he could still play OLB in Wade's scheme, he just wouldn't be as effective rushing the passer as Spencer/Ellis.

However, we could of just used him in coverage more and blitzed the safety or ILB more. Wade says he changes his scheme to fit the player, but that clearly isn't the case with Carp. He didn't even give him a chance.

And there's no doubt in my mind Carp does much better then Spencer while Ellis was out if they'd started him instead of Spencer. Probably would of got more then 1 sack too. However, in the long run, SPencer has more potential (in Wade's scheme).

Can't really say anything about this year since Carp is hurt, but it would be nice to see him get a shot eventually. Fact of the matter is he hasn't been given a fair opportunity, but that's life sometimes.

He was the best defensive player on the field in our playoff game last year. You'd think that would earn him a shot at the starting job this year, but I guess not.
Spencer actually had 2 sacks. One was on the 2-point conversion attempt. It's only recorded as a special teams tackle, but he sacked the QB and prevented points.

I think it's hard to say whether Carp would have done better. I doubt it. But it's a sad statement that it's even up for debate that a player drafted higher and in his 2nd season would do better than a rookie that was drafted lower.

If Wade thought Carpenter would have done better than Spencer at OLB with Ellis out, he would have had him there. There was no question in his mind that Spencer was the better option.