Interesting Thoughts From Nate Newton About Left Guard


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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BrAinPaiNt;2169267 said:
I think you hit the nail on the head.

Houck likes road graders for the game and that was never Kosiers strong point.

From what we saw last year, it doesn't appear to be Berger's either. He might have gained some power/strength in the off-season, but he had a long way to go to be considered a road grader.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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FuzzyLumpkins;2169416 said:
Kosier is rock solid. Hes not going to be a road grader like Bigg or Andrews but he is good in pass protection and hes steady in the run game. The thing I like about him is as a backup he can play both guards spots or tackle in a pinch. he would make the ultimate backup and really put pressure on Proctor to even be needed.

As for Berger according to Burnett he is one of the five strongest players on the roster.

Berger's the only one who can put pressure on Proctor because no one else out of our main group plays the center position.

I'm surprised that Berger is one of the strongest players on the team. It didn't show last year in the preseason but maybe he's improved that much.


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I agree with you brainpaint. Kosier isn't a mauler, he isn't real physical at the point of attack. Man, Berger is from Newaygo, MI which is about 30 minutes from my house. Small world. Go get em Joe!


Defender of the Star
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marten might as well pack his bags. yet another wasted high round OL pick.


Kane Ala
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dcfanatic;2169254 said:
Nate was saying something like this today on ESPN.

Maybe it's that Kosier just doesn't fit the 'road grader' style Hudson Houck loves.

Whatever is best for the Running game is where I am at on the offensive line. It has to be more consistent this season.

I'm not sure I completely agree with this. Our OL let us down a little at the end of the year more in protecting Romo than in the run game although maybe I'm picking hairs here. At least in the Giants game that's true. Esp in the first half.

But I'd like a real true blue its in your face here we come with it I dare ya to stop us run game. One that can still get first downs with 8 or more in the box. If that's what you're talking about then I'm with you 100%.

If Berger is better than Kosier then ok. But I think ole Kyle is pretty good but not PB. Last year we had, IMO, four PB OL excluding Kyle; whom I still thought was more than solid.


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I've never been a Kosier guy, from day one I knew he was the most replaceable guy on our offensive line.


Texas Ranger
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gimmesix;2169452 said:
Berger's the only one who can put pressure on Proctor because no one else out of our main group plays the center position.

I'm surprised that Berger is one of the strongest players on the team. It didn't show last year in the preseason but maybe he's improved that much.

This was from KB DMN insider blog from a post in may 08. I am guessing that burger is berger lol sounds good enough. Here's the whole link if interested. http://kevinburnettblog.***BANNED-URL***/archives/2008/05/bigger-faster-stronger.html

Strongest: Dre, Flow, Tank, Burger, LD
All of which can handle 500+ on the bench easy.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Seems that coaches dictate players.

When the team moved away from Houck's power-based running game, Larry Allen was a poor fit and soon moved.

He was eventually replaced by Kosier - more of a mobile, finesse, zone-blocking lineman.

Now Houck's back and Kosier looks to be out of favor.

Rumor is that Allen is considering playing one more season.

Maybe we can get him to come back for one last go-round?



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tunahelper;2169295 said:
I think Kosier is serviceable, but some more power on the inside would be ideal.

honestly on most lines if you have 3 pro bowlers, the other guys just need to be serviceable


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Brandon;2169487 said:
I've never been a Kosier guy, from day one I knew he was the most replaceable guy on our offensive line.

can't have a superstar at every spot on the line.

Kosier has played well for us


What's it going to be then, eh?
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gimmesix;2169452 said:
Berger's the only one who can put pressure on Proctor because no one else out of our main group plays the center position.

I'm surprised that Berger is one of the strongest players on the team. It didn't show last year in the preseason but maybe he's improved that much.

Functional football strength isn't the same as weight room strength.

Sometimes you have a player like Larry Allen who is both, but that is not always the case.

Burnett was referring specifically to benching if I read his blog entry correctly.

I would be extremely surprised if Berger comes anywhere close to challenging Kosier's job. Just because he is strong doesn't mean he understands proper angles and leverage, which is a large part of the job of an OL. Just because we re-employed Houck doesn't mean we just have a team of Maddenite "big and strong" players who just lean on people.

Nate Newton is entertaining, but his word has been proven to be something less than reliable.


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I like it Berger improving pushes Koiser. I also would like the line to stick together however LG is the west spot and if we can upgrade I think berger will be good with koiser as a back up. I think Berger worth will be shown during the preseason before roster sports become moved.


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I dont know guys, i remember berger last year, and he got pushed around some,

anyway i talked to a source that watching practice today, and he said from what he saw Kosier had a pretty solid practice, looked especially good in pass protection.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I just now started listening to the podcast, but the O-line talk starts at about the 20:00 mark. (Prior to that it's mainly Quincy talk, believe it or not.) It's good stuff. Nate goes from there to the D-line and how good it looks, to how excited he is about this team now after being so angry and disappointed last year, to how organized and precise our camp is run.


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I think Macmahon is drunk or stoned. Free is a tackle and fighting it out with McQ for the swing tackle spot and likely successor to Colombo next year and flow in a few. There is NO way they would have him playing around at guard when they want him to learn the tackle position so badly.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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cowboyjoe;2169615 said:
I dont know guys, i remember berger last year, and he got pushed around some,

anyway i talked to a source that watching practice today, and he said from what he saw Kosier had a pretty solid practice, looked especially good in pass protection.

That is basically what you get with Kosier. Solid and technical and certainly not sexy. It does not help that his style conflcts with the "masher" prototype that most think works at guard and especially many assume we are going for because Houck is back.

In reports I read today, we intend to pull Davis more this year than last. So that doesn't exactly fit with the "road grader" stereotype that is generally associated with Houck, does it?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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burmafrd;2169626 said:
I think Macmahon is drunk or stoned. Free is a tackle and fighting it out with McQ for the swing tackle spot and likely successor to Colombo next year and flow in a few. There is NO way they would have him playing around at guard when they want him to learn the tackle position so badly.

He may be drunk or stoned or both. But at least he's not completely wrong and uninformed like you are.

He has been there watching practices and what he says is true. We are expecting backups to play multiple positions. Marten played every position except center in practice today, for example.

Free also isn't a right tackle candidate. He's been playing almost exclusively on the weakside.

Nevermind these facts however. Continue to cling to your "he's a swing tackle fighting it with McQ and likely successor to Columbo" theory if it makes you happy.


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Why don't you pay attention Alex. The #1 tackle backup is called the Swing tackle here. He is expected to be able to fill in right away for either side. That was McQ last year and it seems like it might be Free this year. MAYBE they are letting him try the various positions but you might want to watch a little closer and you will find that he probably spends 90% of his time working at tackle. There is NO way he will be doing any more then a small part working a guard or center position. NOT for a young tackle who is still learning THAT position.


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burmafrd;2169667 said:
Why don't you pay attention Alex. The #1 tackle backup is called the Swing tackle here. He is expected to be able to fill in right away for either side. That was McQ last year and it seems like it might be Free this year. MAYBE they are letting him try the various positions but you might want to watch a little closer and you will find that he probably spends 90% of his time working at tackle. There is NO way he will be doing any more then a small part working a guard or center position. NOT for a young tackle who is still learning THAT position.

Judging from the inactive schedule, I have to side with burmashave here