Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

BraveHeartFan;4006273 said:
Nope. It's par for the course.

Did you here that 4 years ago Shawn Michaels talked good about CM Punk ...... :laugh1:
zrinkill;4007641 said:
Did you here that 4 years ago Shawn Michaels talked good about CM Punk ...... :laugh1:

&if you read the article, instead of simply seeing it and assuming "LOL R2A LIKES SOMEONE LETS RIP ON HIM EVEN THO HE GREATEST OF ALL TIME LULZ" you'd see Punk would be no more than CMJobber if not for the great HBK. Because Vince who mimicked him in meetings and make fun of his straight edge lifestyle was really going to get behind him huge without someone he trusted telling him too right? Vince knows all according to you... No, HBK is the one that opened Vince's eyes, and HBK is the one that started this era. All good in WWE starts with HBK since the late 1980's.
zrinkill;4007641 said:
Did you here that 4 years ago Shawn Michaels talked good about CM Punk ...... :laugh1:

And I guess this means this angle started 4 years ago.....

Punk had the silly marks buying it for four years.


Vince and Punk are geniuses.
Vince has forgotten more about wrestling& wrestlers than Shawn could ever hope to know.
DallasGirl50;4007776 said:
Vince has forgotten more about wrestling& wrestlers than Shawn could ever hope to know.

I love Shawn Michaels ........ he is the best in ring performer of his generation.

but to say he is responsible for this because he talked good about Punk 4 years ago is asinine.

but then again ....... look who is saying it.
zrinkill;4008083 said:
I love Shawn Michaels ........ he is the best in ring performer of his generation.

but to say he is responsible for this because he talked good about Punk 4 years ago is asinine.

but then again ....... look who is saying it.

Former head writer of ecw&sd said so, not some random guy. Im sure he knows more than you, me or booker freakin t.
Hey LOOK who is the new PWI #1 guy


:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Your obsession with Shawn & everything he did or says is over the top...& somewhat amusing.
zrinkill;4007641 said:
Did you here that 4 years ago Shawn Michaels talked good about CM Punk ...... :laugh1:

Actually yeah.

4 years ago when the WWE signed him and you heard everywhere that HBK and HHH were both huge fans of CM Punks work and very much in his corner.

This is OLD news that any big time wrestling fan heard a long time ago.

They were both instrumental in getting Punk his WWE chance but I'm not going to out on a limb there, as big an HBK mark as I am, and give him credit for this Punk angle because he was behind the guy when they signed him years ago.

That's just going a bit too far, IMO.

zrinkill;4008639 said:
Hey LOOK who is the new PWI #1 guy

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

And PWI is NEVER wrong so apparently Miz is better than some give him credit for, right?

I like Miz, without a doubt, but I don't agree he's #1.
BraveHeartFan;4008769 said:
And PWI is NEVER wrong so apparently Miz is better than some give him credit for, right?

I like Miz, without a doubt, but I don't agree he's #1.

PWI is the voice of real wrestling fans :laugh2:

The guys the mark has been telling us hates The Miz.

These last few days have been great :laugh1:
DallasGirl50;4008723 said:
Your obsession with Shawn & everything he did or says is over the top...& somewhat amusing.

Not to mention that I've noticed through some quoting of him that he's giving HBK credit for greatness in the WWE in the late 80's....first of all his first 'run' there as The Midnight Rockers lasted all of about 30 seconds before they got fired for an aleged bar fight. That was in 1987 I believe.

They cameback, if I'm not mistaken, in 1988 and were a solid tag team there. Had some great matches with Arn and Tully and stuff but they were never officially tag team champions. They won it one time in a show that never aired because a rope broke during the match and Vince wouldn't air it so early on HBK had very little impact on the WWF.

It wasn't until he went singles in the 90's that the guy started to make his impact on the WWF(E) land scape and to try and give him credit for being the best thing there, just because he was there, is crazy.

When HBK first got there it would be hard to argue there was a better worker than Macho Man or Hart at the time.

He eventually became the outright best performer there, IMO, but not for the first 4 or 5 years he was there, at least. That time frame belonged to Macho Man, Jake "the Snake", and Bret Hart. You could even factor Davey Boy in there for a time as well.

Around 93-94 HBK began to start his real climb, and shine, in singles and then by 96 he was the top guy, without a doubt. But from 1988 to about 93 he was just a real solid performer on his way up but he wasn't the best thing going, during that time. Not even close.
zrinkill;4008780 said:
PWI is the voice of real wrestling fans :laugh2:

The guys the mark has been telling us hates The Miz.

These last few days have been great :laugh1:

Yeah I am curious how that will be spun. I remember him saying 'real' wrestling fans hated guys like Miz and Del Rio and now Miz is the cover boy, #1 guy, according to the 'real' wrestling fans Bible.

And since PWI is NEVER wrong they can't be wrong about this either.

Oh and now I'm curious where PWI ranks Del Rio as well. Since all the 'real' wrestling fans thing he's absolute trash I wonder where this magazine has him. If he's in the top 20 they're likely PISSED.
BraveHeartFan;4008795 said:
Yeah I am curious how that will be spun. I remember him saying 'real' wrestling fans hated guys like Miz and Del Rio and now Miz is the cover boy, #1 guy, according to the 'real' wrestling fans Bible.

And since PWI is NEVER wrong they can't be wrong about this either.

Oh and now I'm curious where PWI ranks Del Rio as well. Since all the 'real' wrestling fans thing he's absolute trash I wonder where this magazine has him. If he's in the top 20 they're likely PISSED.

When he answers ....... make sure you quote him.
zrinkill;4008902 said:
When he answers ....... make sure you quote him.

Can't. He's on ignore. The only way I know what he's saying is when others quote him. lol
Romo 2 Austin;4007652 said:
All good in WWE starts with HBK since the late 1980's.

Holy facepalm.

Smarky smark is all up in this thread.
BraveHeartFan;4008795 said:
Yeah I am curious how that will be spun. I remember him saying 'real' wrestling fans hated guys like Miz and Del Rio and now Miz is the cover boy, #1 guy, according to the 'real' wrestling fans Bible.

And since PWI is NEVER wrong they can't be wrong about this either.

Oh and now I'm curious where PWI ranks Del Rio as well. Since all the 'real' wrestling fans thing he's absolute trash I wonder where this magazine has him. If he's in the top 20 they're likely PISSED.

I don't agree with the Miz ranking, but atleast they got it right last year.
BraveHeartFan;4008769 said:
Actually yeah.

4 years ago when the WWE signed him and you heard everywhere that HBK and HHH were both huge fans of CM Punks work and very much in his corner.

This is OLD news that any big time wrestling fan heard a long time ago.

They were both instrumental in getting Punk his WWE chance but I'm not going to out on a limb there, as big an HBK mark as I am, and give him credit for this Punk angle because he was behind the guy when they signed him years ago.

That's just going a bit too far, IMO.

And PWI is NEVER wrong so apparently Miz is better than some give him credit for, right?

I like Miz, without a doubt, but I don't agree he's #1.

Pro Wrestling Illustrated has announced their pick for the "Top 500" wrestlers in the world for 2011: number one can be summed up in one word.


That's right folks. The Miz, was ranked number one out of 500 wrestlers. I am not one to criticize, but this decision has left me scratching my head.

Granted Miz has had a pretty amazing year as he was WWE champ for over 100 days. Not to mention he retained his title against John Cena at Wrestlemania. It's safe to say that The Miz has garnered a following and respect amongst his fans and peers.

However, one still has to wonder how they go from AJ Styles in 2010 to a former reality TV star with less than 10 years experience one year later.

Don't get me wrong: The Miz, is solid on the mic and knows how to work a crowd. On the other hand, his in-ring prowess is average at best.

I am sure this decision was not taken lightly as the wrestling magazine knows their audience. Let's face it: this is no fly-by-night list, PWI 500 has been in existence for 21 years and is highly respected and debated.

The entire list will not be released until the magazine hits stands in the next few weeks. Until then the wrestling world will be left to speculate and discuss who they feel should have been number one.
Kurt Angle is the best in ring wrestler IMO...I like Miz ok but he would be far down my list of best. I don't even think he's the best in WWE. He was probably available the day they needed to shoot the cover so they picked him....seriously Miz?
Hilarious ....... I cannot wait to see what is said if ADR is ranked higher that Styles

CM Punk convinced Vince McMahon to do something he has had a policy against doing in most cases – pay royalty rights to use popular songs instead of WWE-created music. Of course, Punk used Living Colour's "Cult of Personality" on Monday's RAW.

Cult of Personality has been used by WWE before. In 2009 the song was used for a video package of Stone Cold Steve Austin. (another hint)

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