Irvin isn't a real Cowboy fan...

I think all our former greats were was a pathetic showing
BigDFan5;2516959 said:
I bet he wasnt calling for everyone to be fired, and Romo, TO etc to be cut and Jerry to die was he?

He is a fan the same as most of us rational people who were upset but not stupidf

Exactly ...... these crybabies comparing themselves to Michael is laughable.

Mike never said things like "I hope we lose this game so that ...."


"Romo needs to be benched and the entire coaching staff fired"


"Thats it .... I am done with this team ..... F them"

Irvin is a Cowboy till the day he dies ...... the quitters on this board cannot even carry his jock.
yimyammer;2516930 said:
Did anyone see how pissed off Irvin was after last nights game (it was a clip on Dale Hansens sports special tonight)?

He was every bit as disgusted as I and many people who have posted in this forum and had theiir fan status questioned.

At least I know I'm in good company.

Here's my best effort to transcribe what he said (courtesy of TIVO):

He was pissed and sounded like he was about to cry

"That's it!!

That's it, that's the bottom line!!

You win this game, you win it for the fans so they can at least say, OK we won the last game at Texas Stadium.

Man, you can't man-up and do that????

Then don't even talk about going to the playoffs, don't even talk....

you can't go down and find something in your GUT??!!

To come up with something......a victory tonight????


COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!"
That is why he is my favorite triplet and one of top five all time favorites. I always he loved football, the Cowboys, and winning as much as us fans.
yimyammer;2516930 said:
"That's it!!

That's it, that's the bottom line!!

You win this game, you win it for the fans so they can at least say, OK we won the last game at Texas Stadium.

Man, you can't man-up and do that????

Then don't even talk about going to the playoffs, don't even talk....

you can't go down and find something in your GUT??!!

To come up with something......a victory tonight????


COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!"

That's pretty much what I said too. Very few of those players on the field the other night have anything to fill a jockstrap with. :bang2:
All of you holier than thou self proclaimed model Dallas Cowboy Fans........can kiss my holier than thou Grits.

There are more than just a few members of this board that have been through all the ups & downs regarding this team since it's conception........and guess what!!!!! We are all still here.....devout fans of this team.

If, in our opinion, we deem it necessary to call for the head, the benching, the castration, the public flogging of a coach, player, QB, water boy ........I believe we've earned the right to do so without being branded a bandwagon fan, cry baby, whiner, etc .

Some of you so called "setting the bench mark" fans can't carry our jocks either .....because we are Cowboy fans until the day we die as well.

Again, because it's worth repeating, KISS my (our) Grits.
yimyammer;2516930 said:
Did anyone see how pissed off Irvin was after last nights game (it was a clip on Dale Hansens sports special tonight)?

He was every bit as disgusted as I and many people who have posted in this forum and had theiir fan status questioned.

At least I know I'm in good company.

Here's my best effort to transcribe what he said (courtesy of TIVO):

He was pissed and sounded like he was about to cry

"That's it!!

That's it, that's the bottom line!!

You win this game, you win it for the fans so they can at least say, OK we won the last game at Texas Stadium.

Man, you can't man-up and do that????

Then don't even talk about going to the playoffs, don't even talk....

you can't go down and find something in your GUT??!!

To come up with something......a victory tonight????


COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!"
Okay, why does Mike being pissed (like I'm sure all of us were) bring into question his loyalty to the Cowboys? I don't see where he's saying he lost his love for Dallas. I don't see him proclaiming he's no longer supporting them (like some of the "fans" you're trying to lump him in with). This post doesn't make any sense to me...he's just vocalizing what every fan in attendance and watching at home was thinking!
BehindEnemyLinez;2517518 said:
Okay, why does Mike being pissed (like I'm sure all of us were) bring into question his loyalty to the Cowboys? I don't see where he's saying he lost his love for Dallas. I don't see him proclaiming he's no longer supporting them (like some of the "fans" you're trying to lump him in with). This post doesn't make any sense to me...he's just vocalizing what every fan in attendance and watching at home was thinking!
I think the OP was being sarcastic.:p:
Michael realizes better than anyone on this board that this team simply doesn't have the heart of a champion. He didn't want to come out and say that but he basically acknowledged it in the pre-game with the NFL Network guys.

Roger is my all-time fav cowboy but Michael is right there with him just because of times like this that make me realize how much the Cowboys mean to him and how much he meant to the Cowboys.
Is the title of this thread meant to be sarcastic?

No former Cowboy is as big a Cowboy fan as Irvin.
When Michael's knee-jerk reactions cause him to say that he is "done with this team" as so many did on Saturday- I'll damn sure call his fandom into question like I did with the whiners here.

I doubt he ever does it though. He's smarter than that.
BigDFan5;2516959 said:
I bet he wasnt calling for everyone to be fired, and Romo, TO etc to be cut and Jerry to die was he?

He is a fan the same as most of us rational people who were upset but not stupidf

Exactly. He was upset, and hurt by the loss, but he didn't lose his head and show any stupidity by saying something completely stupid.
Wonderboyromo;2516993 said:
I hope he talks to some of these players then. And they better listen to him.

I don't believe our players listen to anyone. I have never seen any Cowboys team as shiftless or difficult to reach.
that's what this teams sorely lacks- the passion that some of the ex-players had, and still have, for the team.
yimyammer;2516930 said:
Did anyone see how pissed off Irvin was after last nights game (it was a clip on Dale Hansens sports special tonight)?

He was every bit as disgusted as I and many people who have posted in this forum and had theiir fan status questioned.

At least I know I'm in good company.

Here's my best effort to transcribe what he said (courtesy of TIVO):

He was pissed and sounded like he was about to cry

"That's it!!

That's it, that's the bottom line!!

You win this game, you win it for the fans so they can at least say, OK we won the last game at Texas Stadium.

Man, you can't man-up and do that????

Then don't even talk about going to the playoffs, don't even talk....

you can't go down and find something in your GUT??!!

To come up with something......a victory tonight????


COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!"

Irvin is nothing but a fan. He is a real fan, he is a player with a mind set of the players of the past. Not the garbage you get today where it's about the player rather than the team. In the past (pre-free agency) a *real* Dallas Cowboys would have NEVER played for the Commanders. They hated them with a passion. It was about pride in yourself and pride in your team. The players of today have no idea what that means. They even said it on the broadcast. Most of the players there didn't understand what Texas Stadium and all the Cowboy greats of old that were there actually meant. Most probably didn't even know who some of them were.
Knee-jerk reactions have many faces......Some have Knee-jerk Knee-jerk reactions as well. It does work both ways.;):)

Many say things they don't really mean in responding to anger, disappointment, fatigue, stress, or sorrow.

It's a down right shame people can't be perfect like me.:)
Real1st;2516932 said:
I don't blame him. I was disgusted as well.
Same I wanted a memorable game that would put us into the playoffs and maybe even get us on a winning streak to go to the super bowl but this game was horendous.
gmb85;2517548 said:
I think the OP was being sarcastic.:p:

"He was every bit as disgusted as I and many people who have posted in this forum and had theiir fan status questioned.

At least I know I'm in good company."

The above quote has no sarcasm in it, IMO!

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