Irvin isn't a real Cowboy fan...

Cbz40;2517690 said:
Knee-jerk reactions have many faces......Some have Knee-jerk Knee-jerk reactions as well. It does work both ways.;):)

Many say things they don't really mean in responding to anger, disappointment, fatigue, stress, or sorrow.

It's a down right shame people can't be perfect like me.:)

Maybe they should count to 10 or walk around the block before posting then.

It just makes them look silly...
5Countem5;2517771 said:
Maybe they should count to 10 or walk around the block before posting then.

It just makes them look silly...

Tell it to Mike
Well, I have to tell you that I think that was the most disgusted I have ever been with the Cowboys after being a fan for over 25 years. The embarrassnment of what that defense let occur was unforgiveable.
5Countem5;2517771 said:
Maybe they should count to 10 or walk around the block before posting then.

It just makes them look silly...

Never worked for me.....;):)

Me, I have a tendency to hold back...but when I let go....I could care less whether I look silly in your eyes or not.

Everyone is different....we all have our own ways of coping.

Maybe some should count to 10, walk around the block, kiss their wife, kick the dog......before questioning ones fandom.
Cbz40;2517799 said:
Maybe some should count to 10, walk around the block, kiss their wife, kick the dog......before questioning ones fandom.


When someone says they are giving up on the team and are done with them- that tells about all I need to know about them.
In the pre-game Michael said he knew there was a problem when the D held the Steelers on the 4th down goal line stand and the offense didn't come out and drive that ball 99 yards to seal the game.

He said he would have been in everyone's faces going on the field telling them that the D did their job and now it was up to every man on offense to simply "DO HIS JOB"!

When that didn't happen in the Steeler game, Michael understood that we lack the heart of a champion.
5Countem5;2517852 said:

When someone says they are giving up on the team and are done with them- that tells about all I need to know about them.

I don't get down on people that say things like that. I understand it's just frustration in the moment. Everyone needs to realize that we all have different personalities and different people deal with frustration in different ways. It doesn't make anyone a bad fan.

When you are hooked on the Cowboys, no matter how much they break your heart, you always come back for more.
CaptainAmerica;2517861 said:
In the pre-game Michael said he knew there was a problem when the D held the Steelers on the 4th down goal line stand and the offense didn't come out and drive that ball 99 yards to seal the game.

He said he would have been in everyone's faces going on the field telling them that the D did their job and now it was up to every man on offense to simply "DO HIS JOB"!

When that didn't happen in the Steeler game, Michael understood that we lack the heart of a champion.

Well then Michael needs to step up and talk to the team, period. He has the clout, he has the ability to get the opportunity to do it and they WILL listen to him. I truly believe that!
5Countem5;2517852 said:

When someone says they are giving up on the team and are done with them- that tells about all I need to know about them.

and what exactly does that tell you about them????? It simply tells me they are or were very PO'd because 99.9% of them are back on the board the next day....:laugh2:
Which in my opinion proves just how big of Cowboy fans they really are.

I can't believe there are so many members here that want everyone to be just like "me"...have the same opinions, quirks, and demeanor ....What a boring place CZ would be.;):D
If this team doesnt come out ready to bash some heads against philly after this embarrassment, then that would be the truly pathetic thing.
IMO the only salvation this team has is to bring a 6th Championship home to this stadium now. If not, this 2008 team here can go and take a flying leap.

And it's all the Defense IMO, too. That's 2 out of the last 3 weeks, against great defenses that our Offense had basically figured a way out to beat, only to watch our ***** ***** defense get screwed into the ground in the 4th quarter by a lackluster offense.

Same last December also. Our offense was doing what should have been enough. For some reason though, not our defense when the cards hit the table and we needed stops. They just like to mail it in for big games apparently. Play 3 quarters and quit.
Okay, I kind of get what Mike and a bunch of people are saying.

But for the most part, I'm really sick of this holier-than-thou attitude from the guys who played on the 90s teams. There seems to be this idea from a bunch of them that this team is just as good as those teams, but simply doesn't care, or doesn't try, or doesn't make any effort... And I think that's BS. If Troy Aikman had torn up a knee beyond repair in 92 or 93, does Mike think he'd have simply willed the team via his superior intestinal fortitude to win Super Bowls with Steve Beurlein or Jason Garrett? It wouldn't have happened. Same thing if Emmitt hadn't been on the team. Those teams were WAY more talented than these, and I wish those guys would realize it.

When the Peyton Manning Colts couldn't get over the hump for several years there, did they have guys like Mike Curtis from the old days calling them out as gutless and heartless? Just wondering.

It's like to see some evidence that this particular team is so gifted that it could win if it really wanted to, but it just doesn't want to. And please don't give me Pro Bowlers as evidence.
AKATheRake;2517299 said:
Micheal Irvin isn't a true Dallas Cowboy fan? Micheal Irvin is 1 of the biggest fans this team will ever have and he is 110% right in what he said. Along with Micheals wife and children the Dallas Cowboys are Irvin's family and his life. He is sticking up for the fans, the organizations legends and is the exact football leadership this team is missing.

Once again, Micheal Irvin is 110% right about Saturdays result and in my eyes is as much a real DC football fan as ever. I respect him more for stating the truth and saying something when the owner didn't even have the brass to express it right after the ceremony. You can tell when Micheal came out of the tunnel how ashamed he was about the result even though he was just about to be glorified for past team accomplishments. What a joke Saturday's result is.

You realize I was being sarcastic, right? I think Irvin is one of the best players and fans ever and I couldn't agree more with what he said and the emotions he was feeling.
Cbz40;2517486 said:
All of you holier than thou self proclaimed model Dallas Cowboy Fans........can kiss my holier than thou Grits.

There are more than just a few members of this board that have been through all the ups & downs regarding this team since it's conception........and guess what!!!!! We are all still here.....devout fans of this team.

If, in our opinion, we deem it necessary to call for the head, the benching, the castration, the public flogging of a coach, player, QB, water boy ........I believe we've earned the right to do so without being branded a bandwagon fan, cry baby, whiner, etc .

Some of you so called "setting the bench mark" fans can't carry our jocks either .....because we are Cowboy fans until the day we die as well.

Again, because it's worth repeating, KISS my (our) Grits.

Cbz40;2517690 said:
Knee-jerk reactions have many faces......Some have Knee-jerk Knee-jerk reactions as well. It does work both ways.;):)

Many say things they don't really mean in responding to anger, disappointment, fatigue, stress, or sorrow.

It's a down right shame people can't be perfect like me.:)


Good job, Old Man. You must have had your geritol this morning. :D
AKATheRake;2517305 said:
Yah, and that's not a real fan. That's someone who does not care about this team [sarcasm]. I believe he was almost brought to tears. That man has so many memories of that stadium and saw it go down to crap right in front of him. Training camp had more coverage and hype this year than a stadium we won 5 SB's in and have almost 40 years of history in. If anyone question's MI's dedication as a fan, I question your level of comprehension.

your sarcasm meter is broken
Daudr;2517365 said:
I'm confused. If he said what you posted, then I think he's as much of a fan as any of us. I'm saying the exact same thing. I am disgusted by what I saw. My stomach was literally in knots and I was nauseated for hours after that farce.

lol, we're on the same page, I was being sarcastic
Oh_Canada;2517583 said:
Is the title of this thread meant to be sarcastic?

No former Cowboy is as big a Cowboy fan as Irvin.

TOTALLY!! I thought that was obvious, u know what happens when u assume.......
Cbz40;2517486 said:
All of you holier than thou self proclaimed model Dallas Cowboy Fans........can kiss my holier than thou Grits.

There are more than just a few members of this board that have been through all the ups & downs regarding this team since it's conception........and guess what!!!!! We are all still here.....devout fans of this team.

If, in our opinion, we deem it necessary to call for the head, the benching, the castration, the public flogging of a coach, player, QB, water boy ........I believe we've earned the right to do so without being branded a bandwagon fan, cry baby, whiner, etc .

Some of you so called "setting the bench mark" fans can't carry our jocks either .....because we are Cowboy fans until the day we die as well.

Again, because it's worth repeating, KISS my (our) Grits.

landryscorner;2517496 said:
man this thread is garbage...please mods, just lock this monstrosity down.

Why is it a monstrosity? What Irvin said was outstanding!!
yimyammer;2518386 said:

My post was not aimed at you Sir.....I know sarcasm when I read it..thank you.:)

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