Irvin isn't a real Cowboy fan...

BehindEnemyLinez;2517741 said:
"He was every bit as disgusted as I and many people who have posted in this forum and had theiir fan status questioned.

At least I know I'm in good company."

The above quote has no sarcasm in it, IMO!

You're correct in regard to the quote above, but I was being sarcastic about calling into question Irvins fandome. I agree with everything he said and felt as disgusted as him.

I was making light of how people get attacked in these forums when they're critical of the Cowboys. So if one of the greatest players the Cowboys of all time says the same thing many of us (me included) says, he must not be a fan either according to those that think this way (this was sarcasm).

My point is that critsizing and being disgusting with the Cowboys in no way means your not a fan and if you think this way, then you have to conclude that Irvin is not a true Cowboy fan either.

Does everyone understand now?
CaptainAmerica;2517872 said:
I don't get down on people that say things like that. I understand it's just frustration in the moment. Everyone needs to realize that we all have different personalities and different people deal with frustration in different ways. It doesn't make anyone a bad fan.

When you are hooked on the Cowboys, no matter how much they break your heart, you always come back for more.

So true, no matter how much they frustrate me, I always come back, I have no choice, they have my heart.

If I could only find a woman I cared as much about (that of course would reciprocate)
irvin is one of the biggest cowboy fans. I will use this as an example, Did you remember seeing him last year at the bills game the guy was going insane. He loves the cowboys.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Don't get Pops (CBZ40) fired up or he will be like clint eastwood at the end of Unforgiven.
Cbz40;2517486 said:
All of you holier than thou self proclaimed model Dallas Cowboy Fans........can kiss my holier than thou Grits.

There are more than just a few members of this board that have been through all the ups & downs regarding this team since it's conception........and guess what!!!!! We are all still here.....devout fans of this team.

If, in our opinion, we deem it necessary to call for the head, the benching, the castration, the public flogging of a coach, player, QB, water boy ........I believe we've earned the right to do so without being branded a bandwagon fan, cry baby, whiner, etc .

Some of you so called "setting the bench mark" fans can't carry our jocks either .....because we are Cowboy fans until the day we die as well.

Again, because it's worth repeating, KISS my (our) Grits.

A good way to avoid this situation is to quit speaking out of your rear-end, saying crap about the team that you don't really mean...

Just a thought...
5Countem5;2518918 said:
A good way to avoid this situation is to quit speaking out of your rear-end, saying crap about the team that you don't really mean...

Just a thought...

I Sir reserve my right and will honor the rights of others to voice their opinion when ever they see fit to voice them......whether they are glad or mad. Sorry, people with opposing views from yours will not be censored.;)

That's my thought.
dadymat;2518851 said:
any videos on this yet?

I've been looking, but I can't find it on the net.

I have it on my DVR, but I don't have a video camera or a way to get it on the net. Any ideas?
So TO is getting bashed in this thread when he plays with more passion than anybody on the current Cowboys. UNBELIEVABLE. Why the *&^% do you think Irvin loves TO so much? It damn sure isn't because he sees his game in TO's because they play total opposite. Just wow. If i see one more time somebody other than TO scores and hes the first person in their face talking to them. Or Barber has a crazy run and TO runs to go pick him up and bump heads with him. People say TO is immature but alot of you need to look in the mirror. Bunch of Ed Werder/ Parcells types on this board.

But anyway Irvin is wrong. The team played hard, they just didn't win. It happens.
Cbz40;2519013 said:
I Sir reserve my right and will honor the rights of others to voice their opinion when ever they see fit to voice them......whether they are glad or mad. Sorry, people with opposing views from yours will not be censored.;)

That's my thought.

Even,as you admit, that you and them don't mean it? It's just emotional pollution?

OK, whatever. Rant away. My 7 year old does the same thing...
5Countem5;2519075 said:
Even,as you admit, that you and them don't mean it? It's just emotional pollution?

OK, whatever. Rant away. My 7 year old does the same thing...

:lmao2:I will.......have a good day.
Cbz40;2517486 said:
All of you holier than thou self proclaimed model Dallas Cowboy Fans........can kiss my holier than thou Grits.

There are more than just a few members of this board that have been through all the ups & downs regarding this team since it's conception........and guess what!!!!! We are all still here.....devout fans of this team.

If, in our opinion, we deem it necessary to call for the head, the benching, the castration, the public flogging of a coach, player, QB, water boy ........I believe we've earned the right to do so without being branded a bandwagon fan, cry baby, whiner, etc .

Some of you so called "setting the bench mark" fans can't carry our jocks either .....because we are Cowboy fans until the day we die as well.

Again, because it's worth repeating, KISS my (our) Grits.

Holy Moly. You go boy! All the years I have been reading or posting this by far is THE best post I have ever read. I wasn't even going to open this thread. I'm more than glad I did.:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
aikemirv;2517794 said:
Well, I have to tell you that I think that was the most disgusted I have ever been with the Cowboys after being a fan for over 25 years. The embarrassnment of what that defense let occur was unforgiveable.

I have to agree. I used to be a real hot-head about that type of stuff. Real immature tantrum **** that usually ended up with something broken (something I'm not proud of at all). I've grown up and don't do that anymore. However, if I still had those tendencies, the damage at my house on Saturday night would have been in the THOUSANDS of dollars. I have NEVER been so pissed off after a Cowboys game in my life. I've only been watching for 28 years, so I haven't witnessed EVERY Cowboys disappointment, but that one was the worst for me.

CaptainAmerica;2517872 said:
I don't get down on people that say things like that. I understand it's just frustration in the moment. Everyone needs to realize that we all have different personalities and different people deal with frustration in different ways. It doesn't make anyone a bad fan.

When you are hooked on the Cowboys, no matter how much they break your heart, you always come back for more.

I agree, CA. I have said it time and again: "The more I love this team, the more I hate them". Barring a tragedy to a friend or family, nothing in the world has the ability to break my heart like the Dallas Cowboys. That just plain sucks. I've tried to temper my enthusiasm for this team, (for my own well-being, if nothing else) but it just won't die.

Cbz40;2517486 said:
All of you holier than thou self proclaimed model Dallas Cowboy Fans........can kiss my holier than thou Grits.

There are more than just a few members of this board that have been through all the ups & downs regarding this team since it's conception........and guess what!!!!! We are all still here.....devout fans of this team.

If, in our opinion, we deem it necessary to call for the head, the benching, the castration, the public flogging of a coach, player, QB, water boy ........I believe we've earned the right to do so without being branded a bandwagon fan, cry baby, whiner, etc .

Some of you so called "setting the bench mark" fans can't carry our jocks either .....because we are Cowboy fans until the day we die as well.

Again, because it's worth repeating, KISS my (our) Grits.

Great post/rant, Pops.

You treat everyone on these boards with great respect ... have for many years.

It pisses me off when you don't get it in return.
Chief;2519120 said:
Great post/rant, Pops.

You treat everyone on these boards with great respect ... have for many years.

It pisses me off when you don't get it in return.

Chief...How in the heck are you my friend.....

I just get sick and tired of people trying to tell other posters how a "Real" Cowboy fan should act, speak, think etc.

The day I quit questioning my concerns about MY looking at good looking ladies will be the day that I die.;):)
Cbz40;2519171 said:
Chief...How in the heck are you my friend.....

I just get sick and tired of people trying to tell other posters how a "Real" Cowboy fan should act, speak, think etc.

The day I quit questioning my concerns about MY looking at good looking ladies will be the day that I die.;):)

Well to make things easier, can everyone can start posting something like an asterisk behind things you don't mean and not one when you do mean it- that way people like me will know when posters really have given up the team and when they are just ranting.

Right now, I just take people at their word. It's confusing.
5Countem5;2519186 said:
Well to make things easier, can everyone can start posting something like an asterisk behind things you don't mean and not one when you do mean it- that way people like me will know when posters really have given up the team and when they are just ranting.

Right now, I just take people at their word. It's confusing.

It's not confusing at all Sir.....on a discussion board there will be 5000 opinions...most of them different or with variations, and mostly being fueled by the emotions of the moment.

Now that isn't least it isn't for this old fan who rants like a 7 year old once every 6 months.( More often if needed).:D

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