Irvin to have 7am Wed press conference - Video in post 113

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Might have if he hadn’t called into the radio show and said what he said.
This is the one thing I wish Michael hadn't done. Once you are in this situation don't do anything without good professional advice. The drinking comment didn't come off well.

My first point was that you absolutely do come across as if you have an agenda.
You responded to that by stating that it only seemed that way to those who are Irvin fans who don't want to look behind the curtain.

That is 100% a strawman argument, or an example of gaslighting, as another put it.

Now you are even bringing an entirely different topic (strawman) into the mix.

Go ahead and spin things whichever way you need to make yourself feel better, but rest assured, the majority see right through it.

This applies to CC and DHB as well. Do you guys all Zoom while watching the View?
Hey, are you in that 4th window, refusing to reveal yourself?

I have been upfront about that clown well before this reared its head. I can’t stand him and he is the reason I do not watch any NFLN production or programming that has his mush mouth in it.

My first point was that you absolutely do come across as if you have an agenda.
You responded to that by stating that it only seemed that way to those who are Irvin fans who don't want to look behind the curtain.

That is 100% a strawman argument, or an example of gaslighting, as another put it.

Now you are even bringing an entirely different topic (strawman) into the mix.

Go ahead and spin things whichever way you need to make yourself feel better, but rest assured, the majority see right through it.

This applies to CC and DHB as well. Do you guys all Zoom while watching the View?
Hey, are you in that 4th window, refusing to reveal yourself?

I have been upfront about that clown well before this reared its head. I can’t stand him and he is the reason I do not watch any NFLN production or programming that has his mush mouth in it.
frankly no you have not been upfront; considering this attitude you should put in every post that you hate his guts.
This is the one thing I wish Michael hadn't done. Once you are in this situation don't do anything without good professional advice. The drinking comment didn't come off well.
Neither did the ”hiding out” comment.

Once that took place, the decision about what to do with him was easily made.
This is the one thing I wish Michael hadn't done. Once you are in this situation don't do anything without good professional advice. The drinking comment didn't come off well.
The issue is what was communicated to the NFL regardless. What did the Marriott manager tell them? Irvin didn't defame himself. The NFL had already planned to make an announcement that day and did.
I still don't get the raging debate here. From an attorneys stance a lot of this was done by the book on all sides. The thing that screwed things up was Irvin on the radio admitting to drinking and saying he doesn't remember talking to anyone.

From Marriott's standpoint, you hear your employee, you make a move to deescalate the situation and you investigate.
From Irvin's point of view he feels wronged and embarrassed so he hires attorneys to be aggressive and put the onus on the accuser and Marriott.

Again the issue here is if the video shows nothing, you still don't know what was said. You only know that Irvin admitted to being drunk and not knowing what he said. The accuser may be smiling but she also may be deescalating because she doesn't want trouble. Basically everyone is doing their due diligence and at some point all the cards will be played.

I literally will just wait and see what happens.
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I know, I mean he should make sure he only talks to fans out in the open, where witnesses are right there and cameras are recording..... somewhere like a hotellobby or bar.
hate to say it but despite your sarcasm there is certainly an element of truth to it. SO many people out there are looking for a reason to be a victim or to get their 15 mins of fame that celebrities are constantly being targeted. I think the issue on this one is that there was alcohol involved which always complicates.

If i were in his position, i would never be out without a security detail of some sort and would avoid interactions with fans in non formal environments.
so if they show video that shows him a good 3ft away from her, both have nothing but smiles appearing to have jovial conversation, have 2 witnesses that say nothing happened.... and yet you will still say... it was all garbage and a propaganda attempt by his lawyers to clean up his image ......... I mean cmon, it was Irvin, he obviously was near that woman and as a result he OBVIOUSLY said something inappropriate.....smh
This situation is about what was said. As I mentioned with the witnesses brought up, a person does not have to react in the moment to an offense, particularly when there's a power dynamic at play. Sometimes the only objective is to just get out of there as quickly as possible, including having a jovial and polite conversation, and think about what to do later. It might have even been why the encounter was as brief as it was. This is a point I've repeated over and over and never had addressed. Again, this case is about what was said per Mike himself, so the thing that will lend the most weight to any argument one way or the other is what was said. How something "looks" from a distance without what was said doesn't add as much as people claim it does.
frankly no you have not been upfront; considering this attitude you should put in every post that you hate his guts.
I don’t hate anyone’s guts but I have never liked him except on the field.

The only thing I have said he was guilty of was that really stupid call in and breaking his own story. I have no idea if what he said to the woman warranted the response from the hotel.

But I do feel the NFLN did the right thing once he broke his own story.
I still don't get the raging debate here. From an attorneys stance a lot of this was done by the book on all sides. The thing that screwed things up was Irvin on the radio admitting to drinking and saying he doesn't remember talking to anyone.

From Marriott's standpoint, you hear your employee, you make a move to deescalate the situation and you investigate.
From Irvin's point of view he feels wronged and embarrassed so he hires attorneys to be aggressive and put the onus on the accuser and Marriott.

Again the issue here is if the video shows nothing, you still don't know what was said. You only know that Irvin admitted to being drunk and not knowing what he said. The accuser may be smiling but she also may be deescalating because she doesn't want trouble. Basically everyone is doing their due diligence and at some point all the card will be played.
did he admit 2 being drunk? Guess I missed that. All I know is witnesses say he said nuthing wrong and was cordial. Due diligence? Right. Marriot is running for cover at every turn . Imagine being fired basically at our jobs for hurting someone's feelings. Think how many other paying gigs he lost after events and appearances. Thats a fact.
Funny how defensive you are getting. And you were called out by another poster for wanting to see Irvin burn.

You arent being objective. You are against ALL things cowboys. Even bad calls by officials. Personally. I think you work for the NFL and have an account here to gauge public perception.
I've asked you a question (two now) that you're not answering in any shape or form. Yet I'm defensive. Okay. Lol.
But many have stated that as fact with no evidence.
All I know is all hes been tryin to do is be transparent and getting all the evidence out there. One side is being transparent and the other has tried 2 conceal.
All I know is all hes been tryin to do is be transparent and getting all the evidence out there. One side is being transparent and the other has tried 2 conceal.
The Marriott lawyers are not doing anything different than all lawyers involved in civil suits, cooperating only when they have to and playing the game.

My first point was that you absolutely do come across as if you have an agenda.
You responded to that by stating that it only seemed that way to those who are Irvin fans who don't want to look behind the curtain.

That is 100% a strawman argument, or an example of gaslighting, as another put it.

Now you are even bringing an entirely different topic (strawman) into the mix.

Go ahead and spin things whichever way you need to make yourself feel better, but rest assured, the majority see right through it.

This applies to CC and DHB as well. Do you guys all Zoom while watching the View?
Lol. No, I responded with the same opinion I made before you were here and before this thread existed. But of course a pro-Irvin in this situation would have a problem with that. I say what I say and you people are free to not let me sit at the lunch table with you all you want for not liking what you hear. No problem standing on my own even if not popular.
I've asked you a question (two now) that you're not answering in any shape or form. Yet I'm defensive. Okay. Lol.
Ive answered your question. As usual if you dont like the answer you say it hasnt been answered.

Typical for a corporate person such as yourself. Are you based out of the NY NFL office?
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