That's the problem I think. You see those balls as on the WRs, a great many see it differently. I guarantee that if Dak were to sign for less money then expected, a lot of the people who have issue with him would not have issue. A lot of this stuff would not be of such great issue IMO. A lot of this is about the cap. A great many, IMO, see this as a situation that could be managed if you can just keep enough talent around him. Conversely, they see it as a situation that will only get worse if you can't keep that talent around him so the contract becomes front and center.
Now, many will say it's his money and he shouldn't be concerned about how the team pays other players but, the reality is that there really is only so much pie to go around and the more you pay one player, the less there is to pay others. If Dak had shown that he was the kind of QB who didn't need Pro Bowl type WR or RBs or OLs or TEs around him, if he didn't need a dominating Defense to help him win games, if he really could play to a level that circumvented any talent deficiencies, then it would be much different IMO. Even people who like Dak understand he has to have talent around him. The fear is that you don't have money for others and that is a valid concern. I don't think that it's fair to simply dismiss that concern and lump those who have these concerns as "Trolls" or "Haters" or whatever other term that is popular. Fiscal responsibility in this matter is important and I just think it's unfair to label those who land on this side of the fence, as such. I mean, these guys who say, "Pay The Man" at every opportunity are not accountable if Dak does get paid and fails. They won't have to deal with any fall out. Many of them will likely be among the loudest complainers of Dak and his contract if it becomes an anchor around the neck of the team. Meanwhile, those who are trying to be responsible, in terms of their views, get lumped into an unfair category IMO.
There is a monetary concern here. What's more, this is bad for the board IMO. I have no issue with different opinions but this pack mentality over people who have different views is not a good thing IMO. Not saying this is you, by any means, but I see this on the board more and more and it concerns me.
OK, I've gone way over time on this one, probably introduced too much into the conversation. Hope you have a great Saturday.