Is anyone still questioning if Dak can be The Guy?

until you can remove his fear, panic, "glitch", whatever the crap you want to call it when he's pressured it doesn't matter. He's never going to have the best offensive line to give him 5 seconds and perfect protection. How you fix his fear.
Yes. Not much consistency to go off of. Love the dude and am rooting for him. But still question
I’m just letting you know. That the idea that people don’t want to get rid of Dak to draft a QB has nothing to do with being afraid. It’s that simple. It’s a dumb thought if it was posted by somebody else too.

It has nothing to do with fear. Its because people think it’s a bad idea or not in the teams best interest.

You think it’s a good idea. That’s fine. That doesn’t make you “not afraid” or “not a coward”. Thinking it has anything to do with cowardice is just plain ridiculous.

You’re also posting on a public messageboard. I’m not “jumping in the middle” of anything. If you and Phil want to talk to each other about how much braver you both are than other people without other people commenting. I suggest you use the private message system.

I've seen you post a few times, both in 2017 and 2018, where you specifically stated "I'm about done with Dak"

You don't say this stuff about elite, franchise QBs. You simply have to defend your board name.
until you can remove his fear, panic, "glitch", whatever the crap you want to call it when he's pressured it doesn't matter. He's never going to have the best offensive line to give him 5 seconds and perfect protection.
Prescott has been a much more efficient passer when getting rid of it quickly.

(less than 2.5 seconds from snap to throw)
92 of 115 80% 930 yd 8.1 ypa 6 td 1 int 114.0

(2.5 seconds or more)
76 of 122 62.3% 1192 yd 9.8 ypa 6 td 6 int 90.6
If 33-35m a year is what it costs for a bus driver in this league, then so be it. Dude was a 4th rounder for a reason, I'm no longer expecting a 1st rounder upside or ceiling. It's when the people here try to compare him to real elite Qb's like Rodgers, Brady and Wilson, using obscure stats that don't translate into wins that sends the forum into a frenzy. Respect him for what he is and what he brings to the table, temper your expectations and stop making him out to be more than he is and you won't be as upset when he throws those passes behind his receivers or the ones where they have to be 7 feet tall to catch.
Brady 6th rounder. Wilson 3rd rounder. Just saying...
this is one of the dumbest posts I’ve ever read. Football is entertainment. Nobody is afraid of anything.

Arguing that something isn’t smart, Isn’t the same as being afraid of it. Wanting the Cowboys to draft a QB doesn’t make you “brave” or “less afraid” than anyone else. Insinuating such a thing is utterly ridiculous and frankly idiotic.

But I’m Not surprised you aren’t able to understand the clear distinction between being afraid of something and thinking something isn’t a wise decision or in the teams best interest.

if that were the case, anybody who likes Dak could call you and others cowards who are afraid of him getting extended and costing more salary cap dollars. That would also be a dumb argument. Not wanting that doesn’t make you a coward. It just makes you wrong.

if you want to swing for the fences and draft a QB high in the first round. That’s an ok opinion to have. But far from a sure thing and could even set the team back. Recognizing that isnt cowardice. It’s just the reality of the NFL.
It’s a dumb post to you because you’re a Dakaholic that will jump in front of the online bullet for Dak. If you’re seriously thinking afraid means afraid in the literal sense in this instance how stupid are you? Going obtuse to “win” an online discussion is sooo not worth it.

Potentially improving isn’t a wise decision because Dak is sooo awesome it’s damn near a 50/50 split on how good this guy truly is. Yep the wise decision is to definitely keep with Mr Average for forever and make excuses every year why it’s not his fault at all and blame everybody around him. I can see the logic in that. Not.

You Dakaholics could call me a coward because I don’t want to extend an average qb if that makes you feel better. It doesn’t matter to me because time will reveal most likely what I’ve said about this guy since college he’s average at best. His off field story or any of that stuff doesn’t mean jack expletive to me. I care about on the field and as a qb he’s average but I’m sure you have all the numbers to tell me I’m wrong and a quick google search will give me numbers and article to fight that madness with.

Dak is average average average average average average and more average. If you can only perform when you have top players around you you’re guess what? Average.
Peyton Manning’s first 3 playoff games.

1 passing TD
1 rushing TD
2 INT.

That’s totals for three combined games.

Daks played 3 playoff games too.

5 passing TD
2 rushing TD

Don’t forget Peyton had a hall of fame RB a hall of fame center and two Hall of fame WR most of his career.

that’s with two possible hall of fame defensive ends causing havoc on the defensive side too.
Here we go with the stats.
It’s a dumb post to you because you’re a Dakaholic that will jump in front of the online bullet for Dak. If you’re seriously thinking afraid means afraid in the literal sense in this instance how stupid are you? Going obtuse to “win” an online discussion is sooo not worth it.

Potentially improving isn’t a wise decision because Dak is sooo awesome it’s damn near a 50/50 split on how good this guy truly is. Yep the wise decision is to definitely keep with Mr Average for forever and make excuses every year why it’s not his fault at all and blame everybody around him. I can see the logic in that. Not.

You Dakaholics could call me a coward because I don’t want to extend an average qb if that makes you feel better. It doesn’t matter to me because time will reveal most likely what I’ve said about this guy since college he’s average at best. His off field story or any of that stuff doesn’t mean jack expletive to me. I care about on the field and as a qb he’s average but I’m sure you have all the numbers to tell me I’m wrong and a quick google search will give me numbers and article to fight that madness with.

Dak is average average average average average average and more average. If you can only perform when you have top players around you you’re guess what? Average.

Are you even a Dallas fan?

sure seems like you’re not.
It’s a dumb post to you because you’re a Dakaholic that will jump in front of the online bullet for Dak. If you’re seriously thinking afraid means afraid in the literal sense in this instance how stupid are you? Going obtuse to “win” an online discussion is sooo not worth it.

Potentially improving isn’t a wise decision because Dak is sooo awesome it’s damn near a 50/50 split on how good this guy truly is. Yep the wise decision is to definitely keep with Mr Average for forever and make excuses every year why it’s not his fault at all and blame everybody around him. I can see the logic in that. Not.

You Dakaholics could call me a coward because I don’t want to extend an average qb if that makes you feel better. It doesn’t matter to me because time will reveal most likely what I’ve said about this guy since college he’s average at best. His off field story or any of that stuff doesn’t mean jack expletive to me. I care about on the field and as a qb he’s average but I’m sure you have all the numbers to tell me I’m wrong and a quick google search will give me numbers and article to fight that madness with.

Dak is average average average average average average and more average. If you can only perform when you have top players around you you’re guess what? Average.

Another wrong post.

I’ve never called you a coward. The use of the word coward in a debate about football is just ridiculous. Nobody is losing sleep about whether the QB should be replaced or not.

and again, the use of the word afraid is dumb. Nobody is afraid of it. Thinking it’s a bad idea is not the same as being afraid.

and Dak isn’t average. You saying it over and over again doesn’t make it so.
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Again, Phil used “coward “ and I used it communicating with him. Have you posted a jerky post for him too? Why do you think I give a damn about your feelings about replacing Dak.? As I said , I was complementing Phil on a great post where he explained his feeling about some those that wanted to keep Dak. Apparently it don’t apply to you . That’s all well and good so you can move on.

And again I was telling you it was a dumb post and thinking it was a great post is also dumb because the post is just flat out wrong. Have a nice day.
Another wrong post.

I’ve never called you a coward. The use of the word coward in a debate about football is just ridiculous. Nobody is losing sleep about whether the QB should be replaced or not.

and again, the use of the word afraid is dumb. Nobody is afraid of it. Thinking it’s a bad idea is not the same as being afraid.

and Dak isn’t average. You saying it over and over again doesn’t make it so.
Your loving through Dak emotions have you looking stupid yet again. In that post you quoted show where I said you called me a coward.

The use of the word coward is fitting in context and like I said if you’re too stupid to understand context I can’t help you. I’ve already told you the word coward doesn’t mean literally you’re a coward smh. You and the super Pro Dak crew are losing something maybe your marbles if not sleep over mine and others pov of Smith Jr. If you don’t fit in the cowards list and just think it’s a bad idea why the hell you going so hard for it then? You must really be one of those “cowards” I’m referencing. You know I believe you to be such in regards to Dak in full disclosure. The only reason it’s a bad idea to you is because you want have a football role model anymore because it’s sure not on the field skills.

I know saying he’s average over and over doesn’t make it so but his average play on the field sure as hell does.
This isn't a bash-Dak thread. Nor is it an overly supportive thread.

Just a general inquiry to see if there is anyone still out there who believe Dak isn't such a liability that he can't be our starter and/or shouldn't be re-signed.

Prior to this season, for good reason, a lot of us questioned it; for sure. We all know what I'm talking about - no need to comb through the details.

To me, he's been very steady and consistent this year. We used to think he was the one who's holding the team back, or that he's just a game manager. But now, even in our losses, I don't think we're looking at Dak as the reason for the loss.

What say you? Anybody still not seen enough to be comfortable moving forward with him at $33-35 mil/yr?
The Jets definitely have questions.
God forbid we Judge players based on...

Stats can be misleading.
Second, I don't recall many, if any, saying Peyton Manning was inaccurate even in his early years. People have said that about Dak.
Third, few would put Dak in Peyton's rarified air or suggest he lift a team to the places where Peyton, Brady and Elway could and did . So it's ridiculous to quote stats that indicate they (Peyton and Dak) play the same, which is what your stats suggest. That's why the Brady-Dak stat comparisons are ridiculous.
Dak is no where near Brady, so trying to make some football equivalency using stats is basically laughable. Same with Peyton-Dak comparisons.
Its funny how many people here hate on Dak. You do not need an " Elite" Qb to win in the NFL . Dak is a good QB and easily has the skills to take home a Lombardi. So many people always stuck on what round a player is drafted at .... Anyone that has seen enough or knows football takes draft number with a grain of salt. Because NO one knows if a player can transition into the NFL with 100% assured.

Cowboys if the dont win this year screwed themselves bigtime as they wasted the best thing they had with Dak... the low cost of a 4th round draft pick. But Cowboys love to screw up contracts and ate so much dead cap in 2017 then again in 2018 " not as bad as 2017 " you could of loaded up on FAs to fill every dam hole on the roster with above-average starters.

In Daks defense , he is stuck with the scheme that the OC/HC come up with. Dak can only do so much ..... He cant help injuries, suspensions or other side of ball screwing up. All Qbs run into this problem ... example " everyones here fav " Wentz , his WRs lead the NFL in drops ... its almost a sick joke. Their season would be looking a ton different if was not for WRs dropping passes like they get paid to do so. MY point to all this is , Dak is a good QB , count your blessings you did not go into QB hell after Romo left. Cowboys for the most part have been very fortunate with the most important position in the game last 30 years
I think Dak at this point has elevated his game. He is a good but not great quarterback and realistically, its pretty hard to find those guys. Giving him up would be painful and it would not be easy to replace him. With a very good team around him, I think he could win titles.

Forgive me if I am a broken record because I have said this in multiple threads. The NFL overvalues qb's. I don't know why.

Just going over that list quickly, in the last 15 years, out of the 30 QB's:
16 of them were on their rookie contracts
7 of them were on the Tom Brady discount
2 were cheap journeymen (Hasselbeck, Warner)
5 were on full extensions making "fair market value" (Eli, Peytonx2, Ben, etc.)

As you can see, most of these QB's who get big extensions never sniff the super bowl. I submit that its because it forces their teams to compromise in other positions.

The question about giving Dak $35m per year is a tough one. Its likely a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.
Its funny how many people here hate on Dak. You do not need an " Elite" Qb to win in the NFL . Dak is a good QB and easily has the skills to take home a Lombardi. So many people always stuck on what round a player is drafted at .... Anyone that has seen enough or knows football takes draft number with a grain of salt. Because NO one knows if a player can transition into the NFL with 100% assured.

Cowboys if the dont win this year screwed themselves bigtime as they wasted the best thing they had with Dak... the low cost of a 4th round draft pick. But Cowboys love to screw up contracts and ate so much dead cap in 2017 then again in 2018 " not as bad as 2017 " you could of loaded up on FAs to fill every dam hole on the roster with above-average starters.

In Daks defense , he is stuck with the scheme that the OC/HC come up with. Dak can only do so much ..... He cant help injuries, suspensions or other side of ball screwing up. All Qbs run into this problem ... example " everyones here fav " Wentz , his WRs lead the NFL in drops ... its almost a sick joke. Their season would be looking a ton different if was not for WRs dropping passes like they get paid to do so. MY point to all this is , Dak is a good QB , count your blessings you did not go into QB hell after Romo left. Cowboys for the most part have been very fortunate with the most important position in the game last 30 years
Dak is a solid, functional quarterback. Yes.

Do you pay that $35 million a year?
Its funny how many people here hate on Dak. You do not need an " Elite" Qb to win in the NFL . Dak is a good QB and easily has the skills to take home a Lombardi. So many people always stuck on what round a player is drafted at .... Anyone that has seen enough or knows football takes draft number with a grain of salt. Because NO one knows if a player can transition into the NFL with 100% assured.

Cowboys if the dont win this year screwed themselves bigtime as they wasted the best thing they had with Dak... the low cost of a 4th round draft pick. But Cowboys love to screw up contracts and ate so much dead cap in 2017 then again in 2018 " not as bad as 2017 " you could of loaded up on FAs to fill every dam hole on the roster with above-average starters.

In Daks defense , he is stuck with the scheme that the OC/HC come up with. Dak can only do so much ..... He cant help injuries, suspensions or other side of ball screwing up. All Qbs run into this problem ... example " everyones here fav " Wentz , his WRs lead the NFL in drops ... its almost a sick joke. Their season would be looking a ton different if was not for WRs dropping passes like they get paid to do so. MY point to all this is , Dak is a good QB , count your blessings you did not go into QB hell after Romo left. Cowboys for the most part have been very fortunate with the most important position in the game last 30 years
For the most part you need an elite qb to win it all of a hell of a defense or both. Don’t believe me check the SB winners and get back to me. Y’all Dak groupies need to realize he isn’t the answer even though as long as he’s starting here I hope he proves me wrong.

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