Is Bledsoe a Hall Of Famer?

Nors said:
You did actually, you are backed in a corner - predictable.

Lets not talk the topic - wait - thats caving on you!
Oh brother.


I pity you man. No joke.

Trust me, as stupid as you say some things you don't want me to launch into "attack" mode. I never have with you. Not once. If I ever do I can't even imagine the hystrionics based on history with you.
Hostile said:
How do you fit your head through doors with that ego?
"Anti Nors agenda?" You can't be serious. Your manhood is not being challenged for crying out loud. Grow up.

We all know the HOF is a farce. It has been said in here by more than 1 person.

I could argue with you that baseball lets the best in. All of the Halls of Fame have controversy surrounding them. Get used to it or invest in Kleenex. I'd play the :violin: for you but I have no musical talent beyond turning on a stereo.

Apply the rules - eh? Prolly?

Its too much fun watching you wiggle and defend your Swann deserves Hall posts. Classic! Thanks - you made my night!!!!! :laugh2:
Hostile said:
Oh brother.


I pity you man. No joke.

Trust me, as stupid as you say some things you don't want me to launch into "attack" mode. I never have with you. Not once. If I ever do I can't even imagine the hystrionics based on history with you.

Call me stupid again - dude TOS - ????

Talk football - I'm back to hall topic and your hyprocracy - Swann an impact player and deserving in??????????? PITY ME FOR QUESTIONING THAT - THATS COOL.

That pity stuff is uncalled for - really. Topic not going well for you and you do this?
Hostile said:
A "Bubbooo?"

What in the blue hell is that?

Once again, I did not say Swann deserves to be in the HOF. Learn to read.

WRONG - You said he was an impact player in this thread and had no issue with him in, issue with Hayes out.
The negative perception of his performance in Buffalo dealt serious blow to any hopes for HOF. But as others have said, good performances here in Dallas for the next 2-3 years (including at least 1 pro bowl appearance) and at least 1 SB win might be enough to get him in; 2 SB wins and they couldn't keep him out. FYI: A comeback of the year award in 2005 would also be real nice.
Nors said:
Call me stupid again - dude TOS - ????

Talk football - I'm back to hall topic and your hyprocracy - Swann an impact player and deserving in??????????? PITY ME FOR QUESTIONING THAT - THATS COOL.

That pity stuff is uncalled for - really. Topic not going well for you and you do this?

DLCassidy said:
If Bledsoe can win a SB with Dallas, he's in. After all, Joe Theisman is in. :laugh2: If he can't he's out.

Joey T. is NOT a HOF inductee. And deservedly so.
Hos just PM'd me and said how he was going to justify how Swann was an impact player and deserved Hall.
Nors said:
Hos just PM'd me and said how he was going to justify how Swann was an impact player and deserved Hall.

Nors just PMd me and asked me what I was wearing. Ok ENOUGH is enough!

........... jeans! ;)
jay cee said:
Would you take Jeter over any other shortstop if he had been putting up those same stats with the Tigers? It's much easier to transcend stats when you have great players surrounding you.

That's why I have to agree with Nors on this one. I think media and fans put too much credence on team accomplishments when they rate players.

Jeter could probably stop playing now and make it into the HOF, but guys like Jeff Bagwell and Craig Biggio may not make it in unless they can get to 500 homeruns (Bagwell) and 3000 hits (Biggio).

Yep, if I saw him every day, I would.

My point is, there are things that stats just don't capture...

There are things that Jeter does during, it seems, like every game that don't show up in a stat sheet.

In addition, reeling off someone's QB rating as the primary reason for their deserving or not deserving to be in the HOF, doesn't work for me.
Nors said:
Stop trying to welch on your Swann post - you said it. Big, Big Lie - Swann - Sham he's in HOF.

Let's analyze what I said shall we, not what you claim I said. Oh, I realize you won't even read all of this much less try to comprehend it, but I'm really just doing this to humor those who already know how full of it you are.

Hostile said:
Swann and Namath had a bigger impact on the game.

I defy you to show me the word "deserving" or any sysnonym of it in that sentence. I defy you to show me the words "Hall of Fame" or any inference to it (the HOF) in that sentence.

You see Skippy, what you are claiming I said, wasn't said. There isn't even a semblence of it there. The only player I have referenced to in this entire thread as it pertains to the Hall of Fame is Drew Bledsoe. Not Lynn Swann. Not Joe Namath. When I talked about those players I said they "impacted" the game in a way Drew had not. I realize you must be thoroughly confused now, so let me be helpful.

First of all it was a complete sentence so it should be easily understood. I'm sure most did. It was in English so that should have helped. Let's break the sentence down point by point and see if it helps you out.

1. Co-subjects being (Lynn) Swann and (Joe) Namath. Subjects are what the sentence is about. Also called nouns. In this case they are "proper" nouns because they are people.

2. The verb or action for that statement is "had." This is the past participle of "have." It means to possess. You might understand it better as "own." As in, I "own" you in these debates because you take stances that you can't defend.

3. The word "a" is an indirect obect. It means something is indistinct.

4. "Bigger" is an adjective that has to do with a quanitfiable comparison. A synonym would be "greater" or "larger."

5. "Impact" seems to be the word that has you totally confused. In this case "impact" is the object of the sentence. I am using it to mean "influence." I'll clear this up for you.

6. "On the game" is a prepositional phrase that ends with the object being "game." In this case we are talking about the game of football. This is the second area where you are apparently really confused. I'll clear that up as well.

I just translated my sentence for you. I broke it down word for word and gave you meanings and purpose for the use of those words. I did it in plain and proper English with complete phrases. There is nothing hidden with the possible sole exception of what the sentence is a part of. So, let's get that out of the way so nothing is left to question. It is a comparison to the subject of the thread meaning Drew Bledsoe and his candidacy for the Hall of Fame.

So, in a nutshell I said that 2 players from a bygone era had more influence on the game of football than Drew Bledsoe.

Now, where you are really confused seems to be the relationship between the game of football and the Hall of Fame. You see, I said "on the game" meaning football. Football could go on without the Hall of Fame. There would be no Hall of Fame without the game. They aren't even co-dependant. If you need me to explain co-dependency to you, just ask. I'm good at Teddy Bear analogies.

In other words, in this statement that you are hung up on I have not even mentioned the Hall of Fame, so it is impossible for me to have said anyone "deserves" to be in it. There's no relation. You made the leap, I didn't push you over the cliff.

You with me so far? Probably not, but we need to go on.

"Influence" on the game. I am maintaining that Lynn Swann and Joe Namath had a bigger "influence" on the game. Remember, the game is not the Hall of Fame. Influence, how can we define influence? Actually it isn't hard at all.

Let's start with Joe Namath because he played the same position as the "control." Oh sorry, you probably need that defined too. The control is the constant in the equation. Bledsoe is the control because he is being compared (by you incidently) to both Namath and Swann.

What did Namath do for the game of football? The answer is Super Bowl III which changed the face of American football forever. Now, is this "influence?" Yes, this is influence. Bigger impact on the game? Yes, it is a pretty big impact on the game. It directly affected the AFL - NFL merger. If you do not realize how big that was then you really do not know what you are talking about. Without what Namath did in that game the merger never happens. If the merger doesnt happen the Super Bowl would eventually cease to exist. I think it is safe to say the Super Bowl has "influence."

Remember I drew a comparison where you felt I made a definitive statement about worthiness and that we are talking about 2 different subjects. Me, the game of football, and you, the Hall of Fame.

So, on one comparison I showed greater "impact" at an equal position.

Now let's get to Mr. Swann. How to show that a WR had a bigger impact or greater influence than a QB. Impossible you say? Au contraire mon frere. It can be done.

First of all, Mr. Swann has won 4 Super Bowl rings. Influence, impact? Oh, at least that. You see, in the real world this does matter to most. Is it the be all proof? Nope. But it is bigger impact, which is what I claimed.

But now, the coup de gras of this mock opera. The true way to judge impact or influence on the game. When legendary players who follow talk about how the players of the past impacted them.

Jerry Rice, the greatest WR of all time, on Lynn Swann.

Jerry Rice said:
Lynn Swann was an idol. It would amaze me how he could fly through the air and make those catches.

So, Lynn Swann impacted the life of the greatest WR to ever lace them up.
Uh, we call that "impact" in the real world.
As of right now....NO.

The question that keeps coming to my mind about Bledsoe is this, "Is Bledsoe a better HOF candidate than say Warren Moon?"

I ask this question, because I not so sure if Warren Moon will get inducted in the HOF.

Warren Moon is a 9 time Pro Bowler with a 58% average, 49,000+ yards passing, 291 TD's and another 22 rushing TD's in 208 games. He's top 5 in attempts, completions, yards and TD's, but he's only 3-7 in the postseason and no SB appearances.

Bledsoe is currently a 4 time Pro Bowler with a 57% average, 40,000+ yards passing, 224 TD's and 6 rushing TD's in 173 games. Currently is 7th in attempts and completions, 10th in yards and 18th in TD's. He's 4-3 in the postseason with 1 SB defeat.

I seriously doubt, that Bledsoe could equal Moon's numbers in the next 35 games. Bledsoe would have to have back to back seasons of 4,500+ yards and 32 TD's. Now, I didn't say that it was impossible for Bledsoe to reach those numbers, but if he did, he would merely reach Moon's stats for 208 games.

It says a lot about what Moon accomplished.
SkinsandTerps said:
Warren Moon is NOT in the HOF. And he has over 49,000 career passing yards.

Warren Moon needs to be in the HOF WAY BEFORE Bledsoe. Bledsoe isn't even in the same class of QB that Warren Moon was.

I think without a doubt, Bledsoe needs atleast 1 Lombardi to even be mentioned as a HOF'er.
Here is my take,

Bledsoe is perceived by many as washed up and beyond his prime. Parcells was out and returned to see if he could still revive a once perinneal Franchise with the greatest history of Playoff domination in the NFL.

Now Parcells is the NFL he carries with him a mitique almost godfatherly figure, I say if he and Bledsoe win teh TROPHY, Parcells gows down as the greatest Coach in modern NFL history, and Bledsoe becomes teh greatest comback player of all time. Bledsoe will carry the mistique of Parcells and will thus get in.

or not.
I don't think he's a HOFer, but then again, he IS a QB...stranger things have happened.
mickgreen58 said:
Let's see here

Drew Bledsoe arrived on the scene in 1993. Here are some of the QBs of his era and/or those that had their heydays around the time Bledsoe was having his:

Bret Favre (1992)
Peyton Manning (1999)
Randall Cunningham (1988)
Steve McNair (1995)
Troy Aikman (1989)
Jim Kelly (1988)
Warren Moon (1984)

-Zero Super Bowl Wins
-Very questionable as to whether he is a big game QB
-Rule changes in the NFL has greatly exagerated receiver, QB, and team numbers as a whole

Go take a look at the All-Time QB list for any quarterbacking stat and it is filled with guys that had great stats but were not Hall of Famers. He is a good quarterback but when you enter the Hall of Fame, to me, you are saying that he was one of the best of the best in his era and Drew Bledsoe is not one of the best QBs of the his era and the era I started watching Football.

The scariest and biggest indictment against Bledsoe is Tom Brady. Drew Bledsoe had a nice staff, a hall of fame coach etc etc and still never won a title. Of course when Bill the 2nd took over, Bledsoe goes down, his backup goes nuts and punches himself a ticket to the hall of fame.

Individuals can go to and and quote all the stats they want. But quarterbacks are not judged soley on their stats but the intangibles they brought to the table. It is all about what the guy brought to the table along with what he did and that is why a guy like Aikman, who doesnt even have Bledsoe's numbers is going to the Hall of Fame. He had the intangibles, he had ice water in his veins, he made plays, he won, he won, and did I mention he won. Bledsoe is a good quarterback, but tell me the intangibles he brought to the tables that put his team over the top? No way do I take Bledsoe over any of the Quarterbacks I mentioned, and I didnt even mention Elway dominating the scene when Bledsoe was having his heyday. 100 years from now, the quarterbacks I mentioned and some of the newer guys are all going to be lumped into an era and I just dont see people saying Bledsoe was one of the best of his era, but like others have mentioned, his story isnt finished being written yet.

Here is some FUZZY MATH for ya! Let's play name that Quarterback..

6th All Time in Passing Yards
8th All-Time in Passing Touchdowns
2 Time Pro Bowler
Over 44,000 Passing Yards

Among the league's all-time top 50
Pass attempts: 6x
Completions: 6x
Passing yards: 6x
Passing TDs: 8x

Its Vinny Testeverde. so I guess he can punch his ticket into Canton as well right? I would take Kurt Warner in his prime over Bledsoe. But as you said, Let's go 2005.

You make some valid points. It's not all about the numbers. But your comparisons leave something to be desired, IMHO. How many QBs played with a supporting cast as complete and talented as Aikman? Very few. And certainly not Bledsoe.

Wins are important, but it's all relative. Bledsoe has a winning career record (Vinny does not). Nothing at all wrong with that. He was the 1st overall pick who came in and started as a rookie for a team that had 2 wins the previous season. That team was built into a Super Bowl squad with him at the helm and as THE centerpiece (you'll note this was before Curtis Martin joined the Pats). He also had a Pro Bowl season after being traded to a team that had won 3 games the previous season (Buf).

You want to talk about intangibles (even though they can be difficult, if not impossible, to quantify) - How would you describe a coach known for his ball control offensive philosophy that leads the league in pass attempts? Doesn't that indicate supreme confidence in a position generally regarded as a "bus driver" by this same HOF coach?

Now let's talk about efficiency. Bledsoe’s thrown 181 INTs in 6,049 career attempts (before '05). That’s just one interception every 33.4 pass attempts. That’s pretty darn good by NFL standards. In fact, he’s better than Peyton Manning (1 interception every 32.3 pass attempts) and Dan Marino (1 every 33.2 attempts) in this category.

Is Bledsoe a lock for the HOF? No. But this topic certainly is worthy of discussion.
alpha said:
Is Bledsoe a lock for the HOF? No. But this topic certainly is worthy of discussion.
Nice summation. One guy is upset. Other than that a pretty good topic and balanced discussion. I read every post and some of them were very thought provoking. A good job all around.

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